The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
PG5 2.0
PG5 Suite V2.0.220
Additional Documentation (Manuals, Workshops) can be found on the Controls Suite DVD
PG5 Suite for Windows XP, Vista, Windows7 and Windows8
This version allows to use the full functionality of PG5 2.0 for 90 days. | ||
Link to an overview of the new features of PG5 2.0 SP2. |
PG5 V2.0.220 installer for 32-bit Windows
PG5 V2.0.220 installer for 64-bit Windows
Full PG5 V2.0.220 package (complete DVD content)
Software | Full PG5 V2.0.220 package (complete DVD content) |
The links on the navigation page of the DVD available here until April 14 were not correct, see FAQ 101735
EN |
![]() |
![]() |
Download |
Installation Guide PG5
Manual | Installation Guide PG5 |
Procedure for updating the PG5 2.0 from an earlier version of PG5
| ||
One license per company is required to convert this demo package to a fully licensed installation (the amount of PCs on which PG5 is running in a company is not relevant). |
Known issues / patches
After a update of java to the version 1.7.0_51-b13 it's no more possible to display the web-pages created with the S-Web editor.
This error is in relation with the java applet version IMasterSaia5_15_02.jar or IMasterXX7_5_15_02.jar where the version is < 5.15.0229
To solve the problem the java applet 5.15.0229 or later have to be used
Information could be found on the FAQ 101878
The new java applet is available on the support page
PG5 2.0.220 must not be installed in parallel to another PG5 2.0 version, but it can be installed in parallel to PG5 1.4.
Patch 2 for PG5 2.0.220:
This patch does include the following main corrections:
Project Manager:
• Sometime it was no more possible to generate the documentation files.
• Restore functionality does not work when restoring device in a not opened or not existing project.
• On Fupla page navigator if a Fupla page is moved with mouse drag, then the page is overwritten
• When importing a graftec template in PG5 2.0.220 symbols are lost
• Error message 'disk full' or 'Out of memory' if language is changed to Hebrew
• Fupla crashes when clicking on Tab key in properties window/FBox reference
Device configurator:
• PCD1.M2120, the upload module was displayed as PCD3.W525
• Correclty download and upload configuration of PCD2.M120
Ethernet RIO:
• PCD goes in Halt when a data Transfer array is disabled
Web Editor 5:
• Update files: IMasterSaia5_15_02.jar, IMasterxx7_5_15_02.jar
• Crash if tried to open a BACNet file which is deleted in Device Folder
• For PCD3.Mxx60 and PCD1.M2xxx a donwnload of the program does not erase the whole program memory.
Lon on IP:
• Compiler error using wrong string for tags
• Change array size sets the modified state
• Using the profile will overwrite the old one in the target folder with the new one
Patch 2 for PG5 2.0.220
PG5 2.0 parts
S – Service Online Tools (Does not require a license)
The S - Service Online Tools are a subset of the PG5 installation. It is for customer and service personal that only need up- or downloading a built PG5 project to a PCD.
The S - Service Online Tools consist of:
Data Transfer (It is an application for saving and loading a PCD's data values (Register, Flag, Timer, Counter, Input/Output, Text and Data Block) to and from text files (.dt5))
Firmware Downloader (This utility allows you to download the firmware in all PCD’s that have firmware in flash. It also supports downloading the BACnet configuration.)
Online Configurator (It allows the connected PCD's hardware and communications to be configured online. It also has functions for displaying information from the PCD, uploading/downloading programs and data, controlling the device (Run/Stop/Restart), and even for downloading new firmware into the PCD.)
Online Debugger (It is a powerful online debugger for testing and configuring Saia PCD Instruction List programs. It is a 'stand-alone' application which does not need the PG5 Project Manager. If opened from Project Manager, it uses the online settings of the selected device.)
Note that all these tools are part of PG5 (included in the PG5 Controls Suite DVD). In case PG5 is already installed, the installation of the S - Service Online Tools won't have any effect.
To download this tool see below.
S – Web Editor (Does not require a license)
The S – Web Editor 5.15.0221 can e.g. be used for modifying the S-Energy Manager Web project.
Note that the S-Web Editor is part of PG5 (included in the PG5 Controls Suite DVD). In case PG5 is already installed, the installation of the S – Web Editor won't have any effect
To download the Editor see below.
S-Service Online Tools
S-Web Editor
Saia-Burgess Controls Java Applet 5_15_02 \ 5_15_03
Software | Saia-Burgess Controls Java Applet 5_15_02 \ 5_15_03 |
Latest version of the java applets
- IMasterXX7_5_15_02.jar
- IMasterSaia5_15_02.jar
- IMasterXX7_5_15_03.jar
- IMasterSaia5_15_03.jar
This java applets are valid until March 2022
Saia Java Applet 5_15_02, version 5.15.0232 |
![]() |
.zip | 0.71 MB | Download | |
Saia Java Applet 5_15_03, version 5.15.0322 |
![]() |
.zip | 0.72 MB | Download |
Good to know
With PG5 2.0 SP2 a new USB device driver is installed. If PG5 1.4.300 is installed on the same PC, its SCommDll needs to be updated using the according installer distributed together with the setup from PG5 2.0.220.
The main new features of the SP2 (PG5 2.0.220) are:
- New FBoxes for the new PCD7.L79xN
- New FBoxes for EnOcean devices from Sensortec
- the EIB/IP driver now allows modifying the IP address of the gateway in runtime
- the stations in the TCP/IP Settings table are now enabled by default
Together with PG5 the S-Web Editor has been updated to version 5.15.0221. This version includes the following updates (among others).
- the loading messages during applet initialization can now be configured
- under certain circumstances a Micro Browser could stop working if specific macros were present on the page, see FAQ 101724
The new java applet 5_15_02 from 05.02.2013 is newer then that one which is installed together with the installation of the Web-Editor 5.15.0221 from PG5 2.0.
This java applet does solves the problems which are described on the FAQ 101811, FAQ 101793 and FAQ 101878
For more detailed information and new features and corrections please refer to FAQ 101335 or the "What's new in PG5 2.0.220" document.
The main modifications of the version PG5 2.0.210 are listed in FAQ 101335.
The main new features of the SP2 (PG5 2.0.200) are:
- Support of smart Ethernet RIO PCD3.T665|T666.
- Device Configurator: New media mapping window for all I/O slots.
- New FBox classification according functionalities in Fupla.
- Fupla Unicode support for Russian computers
- Web-Editor Release 5.15.02
- Full support of 64 bit Windows systems.
For more detailed information and further new features please refer to the "What's new in PG5 2.0.150 document".
The main new features of the SP1 (PG5 2.0.150) are:
- S-Web and FTP Server and IP Enhancements can be configured in the Device Configurator, see FAQ 101464.
- Increased amount of available flags on a PCD3 or a PCD2.M5 to 14335 (instead of 8191), see FAQ 101447.
- Support of new hardware (PCD1.M2120, PCD3.Mxx60)
- Support of Windows Server 2008
For more detailed information and further new features please refer to the "What's new in PG5 2.0.150 document".
Supported operating systems are
- Microsoft Windows 7 (32 or 64 bit version)
- Microsoft Server 2008 (32 or 64 bit version)
- Microsoft Windows Vista (32 or 64 bit version)
- Microsoft Windows XP SP3 with Microsoft .Net Framework 2.0 installed
The Microsoft .Net Framework can be found in the above DVD Image in the folder "Windows\dotnetfx_2_0.exe"
Windows 95, 98, ME, NT and 2000 are no longer supported by PG5 2.0 or later.
A short list of the advantages of PG5 2.0 and when to work with which PG5 version can be found in FAQ 101282.
We recommend using a 2GHz Pentium (or equivalent) or a 1.6 GHz Dual Core processor with a minimum of 1GB RAM. The PG5 2.0 installation requires about 100MB of disk space.
Products not supported by PG5 2.0
The following products and protocols are not supported by PG5 2.0:
- PCD4 and PCD6
- S-Bus RIO (used with PCD1.T240)
- Profibus FMS
For existing projects which are running with these controllers or protocols we recommend using PG5 1.4.300.
PG5 2.0 / PG5
- Why it’s not possible to access over serial PGU or S-Bus to the PCD, error message ‘Error 99: Can’t open port comx’ is shown in the PG5 debugger? (FAQ #101977)
- In PG5, it’s possible to update the initial values of DB elements with the actual online values used on the PCD? (FAQ #101960)
- Why the S-Bus communication over TCP/IP between PCD’s doesn’t work anymore? (FAQ #101679)
- Information’s about TAPI modem settings on PG5. (FAQ #100891)
- Where to find the FAQ's regarding PG5 (FAQ #100006)
PCD7 / D7xx
- Until when are PCD7.D7xx devices repaired? (FAQ #101584)
- Where from can I get the article 4 507 4815 0? (FAQ #101536)
- New boot version for PCD7.D761(ET), PCD7.D763(ET), PCD7.D771(ET)! (FAQ #101499)
- Is PCD8.D81W supported by Windows 7? (FAQ #101459)
- Is it possible to convert a project from PCD7.D7xx to PCD7.D7xxET display? (FAQ #101434)
- The special FBox library PCD7_D7 is now available for PG5 2.0. (FAQ #101356)
- PCD7.D763 displays a black screen or is frozen, it has lost the calibration: use VTWIN 5.22 (link included) (FAQ #101196)
- Until when can a PCD7.D776 or a PCD7.D776ET be repaired? (FAQ #101158)
- Bad communication over TCP/IP between PCD7.D7xx displays and PCD controllers! (FAQ #101019)
- Why are there gaps in trend? (FAQ #100938)
- How can I recalibrate the touch area from a PCD7.D7xx panel? (FAQ #100868)
- PCD7.D761 displays a black screen, it has lost the calibration! (FAQ #100823)
- PCD7.D776 loses contrast settings! (FAQ #100716)
- URL Jump doesn't work with Microbrowser CE Terminal (FAQ #100617)
- Why has the VT Win project such a huge size? (FAQ #100543)
- USB to RS232 converter (FAQ #100512)
- How can the clock of a PCD7.D7xx be written by the PCD? (FAQ #100487)
- PCD7.D761 / D763 loses communication on Profi S-Bus! (FAQ #100477)
- Import of global Saia PG5® symbols into VTWIN (PCD8.D81W)! (FAQ #100421)
- Profi-S-Bus wiring of PCD7.D7xx (FAQ #100402)
- What connector and cable typ should be used? (FAQ #100369)
- Why are LED, F-Key and Buzzer variables not supported in Topology Bus Terminals? (FAQ #100361)
- PCD7.D776 got blocked through programme download! (FAQ #100290)
- Project download to PCDs with ethernet interface and to PCD7.D7xxET via ISDN router (FAQ #100251)
- The touch screen of PCD7.D785 /788 / D787(ET) / D786 (ET) / D776 (ET) displays is blocked! (FAQ #100195)
- PCD7.D7xx terminal works on PGU port of PCD2.M110 but not on PGU port of PCD2.M150! (FAQ #100188)
- PCD7.D7__ET: not possible to download the programme over Ethernet! (FAQ #100125)
- PCD7.D7xx terminals as DP Slave (FAQ #100124)
- Calibration of Touch Screen Terminal lost for PCD7.D78_ (FAQ #100122)
- PCD7.D7xx Terminal accessing PCD's via a Gateway station (FAQ #100003)
- No communication between a PCD7.D7xx terminal and one or several PCD's (FAQ #100002)
PG5 2.0 / Profibus FMS
PG5 2.0 / Profibus DP
- How to read the diagnostic information of a PCD3.W745 on a PCD3.T760? (FAQ #101697)
- Why does the PCD7.F7500 does not work on the PCD2.M5540? (FAQ #101655)
- What is the maximum of exchanged data over Profibus DP on a PCD? (FAQ #101642)
- What is the signification of the I/O words of a PCD2/3.W525 module? (FAQ #101552)
- Meaning of the LEDs on Profibus DP Master modules and CPUs (FAQ #101271)
- Does the DP/DP coupler 6ES7 from Siemens work with a PCD system? (FAQ #101253)
- On the Profibus-DP or Profi-S-IO master, what is the signification of the diagnostic flag SLAVE_ERR? (FAQ #101173)
- How to configure the Saia PCD® as DP Master, if the Slave is a Siemens CP 342-5? (FAQ #101124)
- DP/Belimo gateway display error message after program download to the PCD (FAQ #100976)
- On the Profibus-DP or Profi-S-I/O master it isn't possible to read or write registers with address > 4095 from the slave (FAQ #100927)
- Too strong limitation imposed by S-Net Configurator (FAQ #100717)
- Why is the communication between a SBC Master and a Siemens Slave not working (FAQ #100651)
- change baudrate with SNet configurator (FAQ #100514)
- Are the modules PCD3.W800, PCD3.A810 and PCD3.A860 supported by the PCD3.T760? (FAQ #100504)
- Negative values from PCD3.T760 are not interpreted correctly on the PCD (FAQ #100466)
- Can I use the same GSD File for PCD2.M170 as for PCD4.M170 (FAQ #100412)
- What connector and cable typ should be used? (FAQ #100369)
- Supported baudrates and protocols on a PCD2.M480 (FAQ #100355)
- Incompatibility of old FW and new Profibus DP configurator (FAQ #100319)
- What Profibus Analyzer should be bought? (FAQ #100298)
- Error PCD7.F750 " no Diagnostic refresh" (FAQ #100271)
- How to configure a PCD3.W745 on a PCD3.T760? (FAQ #100214)
- How to wire a Profibus DP network correctly to a PCD? (FAQ #100164)
- It's possible to add new groups in to the PG5 Profibus-DP configurator device list? (FAQ #100159)
- It's possible to use my old GSD data's in new PG5 projects? (FAQ #100157)
- RS-485 wiring information (FAQ #100152)
Local FAQ Deutschland / Fupla
- Why can't I store a Fupla file (and my PC claims that the disk is full)? (FAQ #101636)
- Why do I get the "Error 161: New macro name '_COMSTN2' is not part of library"? (FAQ #101446)
- How does the "disable" feature for Fupla pages work? (FAQ #101366)
- Why are the inputs 8100 and 8101 continously "high" in my fupla file? (FAQ #101363)
- Why do I get an error message "Internal symbols not defined" when building a PG5 project with HDLog file FBoxes? (FAQ #101263)
- Why is the Help of the analogue FBoxes not available? (FAQ #101261)
- How to calculate the power of a number with the FBox? (FAQ #101240)
- How to change the base of a logarithm (FAQ #101238)
- How does the transfer of the Clock work with the "Transmit Integer" FBox (FAQ #101199)
- Why do Fupla symbols disappear (e.g. from a DDC Suite FBox )? (FAQ #101095)
- Error list of the "Advanced Text Mail Initialisation" FBox (FAQ #100964)
- Why does the FBox "Send SMS Indirect" generate a warning during compilation? (FAQ #100889)
- Why is the ICC activity time 00:00 in the Modem Driver F-Box not supported? (FAQ #100830)
- Error on build of a Fupla file containing EIB FBoxes : "symbol not defined: _eib_group._RCV.FBUFFER"! (FAQ #100824)
- Changing language in Fupla FBox Selector provokes an error (FAQ #100812)
- Why are the alarms not displayed in the "Web Alarming" list? (FAQ #100749)
- Web Alarming doesn't work, the alarms don't appaer on the Web Server! (FAQ #100733)
- Where can I find the fupla libraries for Web Trending and Alarming ? (FAQ #100732)
- Installed F-Boxes are not available (FAQ #100723)
- Alarming: When OnLine in fupla, FBox 10 Alarm displays xxxx instead of the values! (FAQ #100694)
- Bug report concerning FBox library "Historic Data Logging" version 1.3.000 (FAQ #100688)
- Why do I get the warning "Parameter Name not used in macro _HdaInit"? (FAQ #100687)
- Can I disassemble a PG5 project for modifying it? (FAQ #100676)
- Analogue modules read wrong values while beeing online with PG5 (FAQ #100631)
- Why does the message "Error 395: sfupanl5.srx:Local and global symbols have the same name..." appear? (FAQ #100542)
- SFup analog error of PG5 V1.4.100 (FAQ #100540)
- How to calibrate HVC analog input Fbox? (FAQ #100538)
- Guidelines for programming S-Bus communication (FAQ #100537)
- How to create an Application Symbol (A-symbol)? (FAQ #100519)
- Error message Invalid value appears when entering a correct date in the F-Box Clock holidays (FAQ #100448)
- Why does it create errors on build when two PCD2.W745 F-Boxes are used in the same Fupla File? (FAQ #100441)
- What to do after an "Operand Error 320: Invalid FB parameter"? (FAQ #100433)
- Buffering of PCS1.Cxxx RTC (FAQ #100373)
- FUPLA SBUS communication (FAQ #100352)
- SFup error "macro _HEAINI6 is not part of library" when opening Fupla Editor (FAQ #100344)
- "SAIA_ASSERT failed" error on resize FBox in Fupla (FAQ #100335)
- Unresolved externals _HEAVAC... on build of Heavac project (FAQ #100333)
- How to make systems symbols with HVC Fbox internal variables? (FAQ #100250)
- After download CPU goes in Halt: checksum fail! (FAQ #100249)
- Why is it a bad programming practice to generally declare symbols as globals? (FAQ #100245)
- What's the difference between the communication mode MC4 and MC5? (FAQ #100202)
- SASI error of S-BUS master IP FBox (FAQ #100184)
- Read and write FBox Adjust Parameters (FAQ #100165)
- Why are the Heavac Dialog FBoxes not present in PG5 1.4, 2.0 or 2.1? (FAQ #100150)
- What is the difference between the media types "Constant" and "K Constant"? (FAQ #100123)
- Disappeared Windows of PG5 Project Editor and Fupla Editor (FAQ #100115)
- Fbox Write/Read EEprom and the instruction SYSRD/SYSWR must not be used in XOB 0! (FAQ #100066)
- Global symbols not added when adding Fupla or IL File to a CPU (FAQ #100007)
Local FAQ Deutschland / Graftec
Local FAQ Deutschland / Network configurator
- What is the signification of the PG5 assembling message "Error 1096: DBX initialization data too big"? (FAQ #101511)
- How to configure a Profi-S-I/O network with a PCD3.M2 as master? (FAQ #101367)
- DP/Belimo gateway display error message after program download to the PCD (FAQ #100976)
- The error message: "Configuration too large appears" if a Saia PCD® Slave is added to a network (FAQ #100911)
- Too strong limitation imposed by S-Net Configurator (FAQ #100717)
- Are the modules PCD3.W800, PCD3.A810 and PCD3.A860 supported by the PCD3.T760? (FAQ #100504)
- Is it possible to be Profibus DP Master and Profi S-I/O slave on a PCD2.M480 at the same time (FAQ #100497)
- Negative values from PCD3.T760 are not interpreted correctly on the PCD (FAQ #100466)
- Incompatibility of old FW and new Profibus DP configurator (FAQ #100319)
- Problems when trying to import a *.gsd file into DP Network Configurator (FAQ #100295)
- How to configure a PCD3.W745 on a PCD3.T760? (FAQ #100214)
- It's possible to use my old GSD data's in new PG5 projects? (FAQ #100157)
Local FAQ Deutschland / HMI Editor
- Does the display of a PCS1.Cxxx or a PCD7.D23x support Cyrillic? (FAQ #101730)
- Why is there still 1 alarm in Buffer after the flag S.HMI.ALACLEAR has been activated? (FAQ #101439)
- Why on the PG5 HMI Editor the play menu is shown shifted? (FAQ #101089)
- Why does my PCD7.D23x jump back to the root menu while I'm working on it? (FAQ #100829)
- HMI Editor 1.4.2xx: Not possible to leave the root menu! (FAQ #100826)
- How can I acknowledge HMI alarms over the user program? (FAQ #100819)
- Why does the Error 42: Symbol not defined:_SHMI appears on build (FAQ #100807)
- Why is there an "Error 31: Syntax error, in macro" on build? (FAQ #100806)
- HMI Editor Text loss in Standby Menu (FAQ #100797)
- The PCD7.D23x displays nothing when icons are used in HMI Editor Lib 1.4 210! (FAQ #100734)
- When Display PCD7.D2xx/D170 is not connected in multipoint topology the application using an HMI file doesn't run properly! (FAQ #100701)
- Is it possible to read out the "Alarm Buffer" of the HMI-Editor? (FAQ #100696)
- Why is the message "index out of bounds" displayed when opening the HMI-editor (FAQ #100673)
- "HMI: Wrong library version: xxxxxx" with a DDC Suite project (FAQ #100660)
- Why is the error message Error 42:...Symbol not defined:_SHMI._INT.LED displayed on build (FAQ #100650)
- Why does the scroll bar and some menu lines in HMI get lost? (FAQ #100573)
- How to use the root variable of the HMI Editor? (FAQ #100484)
- Why appears the message "Ram Text not in Ram" on the Screen instead of the menu line? (FAQ #100481)
- Why does a part of the HMI Internals Tree get lost? (FAQ #100459)
- Why does the error "Missing FB parameters" shows up when builidng a Project with HMI Trend objects? (FAQ #100427)
- Why does the HMI editor create warnings? (FAQ #100425)
- Why does the backlight of a PCD7.D23x not work correctly in BUS Mode? (FAQ #100408)
- Why does the General Acknowleg Flag not disappear, even if no more alarms are pending? (FAQ #100407)
- If the cycle time is very long the D23x-terminal is not able to execute the program properly. (FAQ #100372)
- How to display more than 5 digits using HMI Editor! (FAQ #100368)
- Do not use '<' and '>' in HMI menus or objects! (FAQ #100363)
- Why are LED, F-Key and Buzzer variables not supported in Topology Bus Terminals? (FAQ #100361)
- HMI Editor and PCD3.M_ or PCD2.M480: Wrong characters are display instead of value with Format #####! (FAQ #100360)
- Error message: Wrong library version: xxxxx Must be xxxxx or higher (FAQ #100351)
- Functions in alarm buffer are not working correctly (FAQ #100346)
- Error message on build: HMI: Wrong library version: 13000. Must be 13042 or higher (FAQ #100246)
- Why can the status not be changed? (FAQ #100242)
- Problems during the installation of the HMI Editor (FAQ #100199)
- Error messages on build (FAQ #100196)
- RS 485 connections to terminals using the HMI Editor (FAQ #100136)
- Alarm acknowledgement can't be protected by Password! (FAQ #100114)
- Not possible to set again the date 00.00 in HVC Clck_x Fbox once it has been changed (FAQ #100024)
- Wrong values are set when changing a value on the terminal (FAQ #100018)
- Cursor of PCD7.D23x is shown as "ü" (FAQ #100015)
- Symbol import (FAQ #100008)
Local FAQ Deutschland / Symbol Editor
- Why are the values of some resources overwritten by the HMI Editor? (FAQ #101629)
- How are the "Dynamic media addresses" (e.g. register addresses) handled by PG5? (FAQ #101533)
- Can I create an array inside of an array of symbols? (FAQ #101460)
- How can I (re-)address symbols with static addresses? (FAQ #100794)
- Bug report concerning Watch Window in PG5 SP1.4.130 (FAQ #100686)
- PG5 V1.4.100 first edition doesn't handle global symbols correctly (FAQ #100541)
- How to create an Application Symbol (A-symbol)? (FAQ #100519)
- Behaviour of Symbol Editor when importing already existing resources (FAQ #100424)
- PG5 symbol naming conventions and the scope of symbol types (FAQ #100375)
- Why is it a bad programming practice to generally declare symbols as globals? (FAQ #100245)
- Error Message 41; Multi-defined symbol after viewing/editing IL code (FAQ #100212)
- Error Message "Multi defined symbol" for no reason? (FAQ #100171)
- What is the difference between the media types "Constant" and "K Constant"? (FAQ #100123)
- Global symbols not added when adding Fupla or IL File to a CPU (FAQ #100007)
Local FAQ Deutschland / Project Manager
- What is the signification of the history entry "Resisters Fail"? (FAQ #101722)
- What is the signification of the error: "Failed to copy to/from Flash..." (FAQ #101502)
- Why can't I delete or rename any program file from a PG5 add-on tool? (FAQ #100880)
- When downloading a programme in a PCS1, a warning displays "user program will write into Text/DB segement this will fail because PCD contains Flash Eprom..." (FAQ #100827)
- Not possible to go on line a 2nd time over a PGU connection (on the port 0 D-Sub connector)! (FAQ #100761)
- Dwnload All Failed: error reading file when *im5 file from PG5 1.2 download to PG 5 1.4! (FAQ #100692)
- Bug report concerning FBox library "Historic Data Logging" version 1.3.000 (FAQ #100688)
- Why do I get the warning "Parameter Name not used in macro _HdaInit"? (FAQ #100687)
- PG5 1.4.130: Application Directory not configured! (FAQ #100659)
- How can I configure a PCD to receive its IP address using DHCP? (FAQ #100643)
- I forgot the password for my PCD/PCS! How can I access it again? (FAQ #100639)
- PG5 blocked by the virus protection software "Antivir" (FAQ #100619)
- PG5 build error "Too many FB parameters" even if the FB parameters are correct (FAQ #100559)
- What to do after an "Operand Error 320: Invalid FB parameter"? (FAQ #100433)
- What is the reason for the Error 31: File.wsp: Syntax error? (FAQ #100431)
- Test Station / CPU (FAQ #100353)
- After download CPU goes in Halt: checksum fail! (FAQ #100249)
- Can I change the address of the unique program identifier? (FAQ #100229)
- Auto-allocation/dynamic space overflow for type... (FAQ #100178)
- Corrupted Flash user memory makes writing HW settings or program impossible (FAQ #100146)
- Disappeared Windows of PG5 Project Editor and Fupla Editor (FAQ #100115)
- PCD7.T120 converter RS 232 - RS 485 doesn't work with PG5 and visualisation! (FAQ #100099)
- After each build the project manager is asking for still another build (FAQ #100009)
S-Web Technology
- On HTML5 Web-Projects, created with Web-Editor8, why it is not possible to transfer the user and password after a url jump as it was possible on Java/MB? (FAQ #102035)
- HDLog in WE8: slow navigation (FAQ #101965)
- What means the error "Out of memory heap 3" (FAQ #101962)
- Why I get Message Window"Do you want to run this application?" by starting a Webproject? (FAQ #101952)
- Why IMaster Java Applet no longer run with Chrome? (FAQ #101951)
- After a „Reload“, the displayed HDLog Trend is not focused on the right, most actual, time (FAQ #101945)
- Web-Editor8, why the content of the Container variable is not displayed on the web-browser or the MB-display? (FAQ #101925)
- Why after a update of the Microbrowser Android app to the version 2.0.0_4 the error message 'file not found' is shown? (FAQ #101918)
- Why the error message ‘no such component found’ is shown on the web page? (FAQ #101917)
- After the update of Java to Java version 7, (update 6 or 7) a Java warning message is shown on my PC browser when accessing a web page stored on the PCD. (FAQ #101793)
- How to change the Favicon of a Web Project (FAQ #101782)
- WebEditor project with HDLog File to flash-memory: macro tries to load a wrong CSV-File (FAQ #101737)
- Why does the Micro Browser stop working with Error "File not found xxxx.teq"? (FAQ #101724)
- File written to the file system by the PCD can’t be accessed with HTTP protocol (FAQ #101686)
- What means the Error-6./alarm.exe?-6&sta failed? (FAQ #101674)
- Why are the Webserver password levels not working with firmware 1.14.xx or later? (FAQ #101613)
- How to disable borders and scrollbars when running the Microsoft Internet Explorer in Kiosk mode? (FAQ #101588)
- Are there known problems when accessing the PCD FTP server with FileZilla? (FAQ #101586)
- Why doesn't the Web Builder from PG5 2.0 find the license? (FAQ #101585)
- What do parameters 'speed' and 'priority' mean which get displayed on the status page of the PCD? (FAQ #101513)
- How long can I record data with the "HDLog to File FBox" (in csv format) using a 1 GB SD Card? (FAQ #101437)
- How many web-clients can be connected at the same time to the S-Web Server over Ether-S-Bus? (FAQ #101431)
- Problem with the FBox HD Log to File if the dynamic space of registers is defined as <1000 or >=10 000 (FAQ #101429)
- Why is the same entry created several times by the "HDLog to File" FBox library? (FAQ #101421)
- Which GIF-file formats are supported by the SBC S-Web technologies and how can I generate such GIFs? (FAQ #101409)
- Why is it not possible to compile the project if I add a curve in the HDLog to file macro? (FAQ #101375)
- Practical settings for the alarming macro in use with DDC Suite (FAQ #101342)
- How many HDLog trend variables can I log into one single CSV-file? (FAQ #101341)
- S-Web Editor recommendations for VGA MicroBrowser Panel projects (FAQ #101340)
- Why does the S-Web Editor warn about deletion of unused HTML tags in csv-file? (FAQ #101338)
- How can I prevent the Java Applet to be re-loaded when displaying my WebEditor created web pages? (FAQ #101288)
- Why do I get an error message "Internal symbols not defined" when building a PG5 project with HDLog file FBoxes? (FAQ #101263)
- Why is it not possible to compile a PG5 project containing a Web-Builder file on a PC with Chinese Windows? (FAQ #101250)
- Why is the webpage not displayed? Class not found exception (FAQ #101230)
- It’s possible to protect my web pages stored on the PCD, so that they can’t be copied? (FAQ #101229)
- How to load a web application from a PCD/PCS (without Ethernet port) to a remote PC with the use of a CE web-panel? (FAQ #101215)
- Why is the webpage not displayed? Class not found exception. Strange characters are displayed on top of the webpage. (FAQ #101200)
- What is the "WebServer2" on Saia PCD® COSinus systems? (FAQ #101191)
- Has the Web Server Time Allocation any influence? (FAQ #101179)
- How to hide the address bar on the IE7 or to put IE7 in to full screen mode? (FAQ #101148)
- Why the webpage is not displayed on the web-browser of the PC? Error message "Class not found" is displayed (but working fine on MB-webpanel) (FAQ #101142)
- Why my Web-Application is no more reacting after clicking on "Save Logs to file" button? (FAQ #101035)
- Why do the values on an eXP Web Panel freeze? (FAQ #100975)
- Why is the message: "Failed to get data on alarm.exe" displayed on the alarming page? (FAQ #100963)
- Why are the alarm texts not displayed? (FAQ #100934)
- Is it possible to store the web pages on a Web Panel? (FAQ #100931)
- Can I store files locally on a MB Panel (in order to increase communication performance)? (FAQ #100924)
- Does the Web-Editor allow to access array variables of PG5 symbolic names? (FAQ #100915)
- Is it possible to use symbolic names of PG5 resources on the Web-Editor if container offset is used? (FAQ #100914)
- How to use registers with addresses > 9999 on a web project? (FAQ #100913)
- Is it possible to know on the PCD if the Web-Application on a Web-Panel is running? (FAQ #100909)
- Why is the web-Server on the PCD is accessible over two different socket ports? (FAQ #100900)
- How to set the index of the Alarmlist FBox? (FAQ #100876)
- How to uninstall the Webserver password page? (FAQ #100873)
- Negative values with decimal point are not displayed correctly on the CE panel (FAQ #100842)
- S-Web Editor 5.13.00 dependencies (FAQ #100810)
- Why are the Webpages not always displayed? How to adjust the timeout of the WebServer? (FAQ #100808)
- Is it possible to run another application (Internet Explorer) from the Microbrowser on a CE panel? (FAQ #100768)
- Installed F-Boxes are not available (FAQ #100723)
- Applet malfunction after installing Sun Java Platform Edition 6 (Version 1.6) (FAQ #100708)
- Internet Explorer 7 does not support FTP connection (FAQ #100703)
- Alarming: When OnLine in fupla, FBox 10 Alarm displays xxxx instead of the values! (FAQ #100694)
- The PCD goes in HALT with a BUS ERROR if many accesses to the WebServer are executed (FAQ #100658)
- Why is the Internet Browser frozen after a few hours (FAQ #100648)
- Why is the message "syntax error" / "syntax error in tag" displayed instead of a value (FAQ #100632)
- Why are negativ values not displayed correctly? (FAQ #100630)
- URL Jump doesn't work with Microbrowser CE Terminal (FAQ #100617)
- What file names are allowed in the Web-Editor (FAQ #100552)
- Why is the message: "cannot create page content yet" appears from time to time (FAQ #100527)
- If I want to display Web pages on a PCD Web Panel CE, what is the difference between the use of Internet Explorer and the Micro Browser? (FAQ #100506)
- How to use the display of the MicroBrowser on the PCD Web Panel CE in full screen mode? (FAQ #100505)
- How to store a web page content which was uploaded from the PCD in to a Excel sheet? (FAQ #100476)
- Why does the error message "Can't generate ...web.itq length is 0" appers when generating a file with the Webbuilder? (FAQ #100429)
- PCD2.M170 or PCS1: WEB Server works only if a WEB project is downloaded in the PCD! (FAQ #100380)
- Why does the web page show "No component selected" instead of the media value? (FAQ #100379)
- What tools/technology should be used to create pages for the SBC-S-Web concept? (FAQ #100020)
Software (except PG5) / SCOMM
- Are SBC devices affected by the zero-day vulnerabilities ‘Ripple20’, related to the low-level TCP/IP software library developed by Treck, Inc.? (FAQ #102036)
- Can PG5 access more than 32 serial communication ports (ComPorts)? (FAQ #101339)
- Information’s about TAPI modem settings on PG5. (FAQ #100891)
- Memory leak from SCOMM on Windows XP (FAQ #100875)
- SCommDll fails with strange status on multi core CPUs (FAQ #100674)
- ScommDll doesn't work because of firewall software (FAQ #100323)
- How to set up the SComm to connect a PCD over a server? (FAQ #100248)
- Compatibility of the S-Bus OPC-Server with PG5 1.2 and PG5 1.3 (FAQ #100240)
- Driver not available for user when OPC server was started by OPC client (FAQ #100238)
- Is a driver for SBC S-Bus available? (FAQ #100179)
S-Web Technology / ADSL
- Why are the horizontal and vertical lines in web pages created with PG5 2.3.175 and displayed in HTML5 Runtime or TEQ Runtime not displayed horizontally/vertically, but 'skewed' with an offset of one pixel? (FAQ #102055)
- How to set up DynDNS on a router? (FAQ #101197)
- How to know the IP Address of a device addressed with an URL? (FAQ #101064)
- How to connect a PCD behind an (A)DSL router? (FAQ #101007)
- How I have to configure my ADSL router? (FAQ #100454)
- How can I know the TCP/IP address of a public e-mail server? (FAQ #100453)
- Experiences with ADSL Routers (FAQ #100203)
Local FAQ Deutschland / Add on Tools
PG5 2.0 / FBox Builder
- Disappeared Windows of FBox Builder (FAQ #101781)
- It is not possible to Import a Fupla page (fxp-file) in the FBox Builder of PG5 2.0.220 (FAQ #101767)
- What does the error "invalid Library UID" in the FBox Builder mean? (FAQ #101607)
- Why does the "Syntax Check on build" of the FBox Builder lead to errors? (FAQ #101359)
- What is is a "dynamic parameter" in the FBox Builder? (FAQ #101202)
- Why can't I create an FBox with internal floating point constant? (FAQ #101190)
- How can I obtain an officially registered macro prefix for my self-written FBoxes? (FAQ #101044)
- My FBox Builder does not start... (FAQ #100726)
- How to place a macro parameter into a text? (FAQ #100672)
- How to open the Instruction List Help from the FBox Builder? (FAQ #100629)
- How to modify the amount of "Recently used projects" of the FBox Builder? (FAQ #100602)
- Why doesn't my FBox with "hidden" adjust parameters work correctly? (FAQ #100525)
- How does an FBox create Application Symbols (A-symbols)? (FAQ #100518)
- Reloading FBox definitions in the Fupla FBox selector (FAQ #100383)
- PG5 symbol naming conventions and the scope of symbol types (FAQ #100375)
- "Warning 102: File C:\Program doesn not exist..." on opening included files (FAQ #100365)
- Configuring your preferred editor as Add-On Tool of SFB (FAQ #100364)
- Where to define sub-macros (macros called within FBox macros)? (FAQ #100312)
- How to get rid of the message "Parameter not used in Macro..."? (FAQ #100258)
- Import of Fupla export pages containing Ladders is now supported (FAQ #100241)
- Points to be considered for an import of HVC FBoxes into new FBoxes (FAQ #100239)
- Author, Installer notification and Distributor of created package has wrong entries (FAQ #100231)
Local FAQ Deutschland / Installation
- Why can't I store a Fupla file (and my PC claims that the disk is full)? (FAQ #101636)
- Why do I get the "Error 161: New macro name '_COMSTN2' is not part of library"? (FAQ #101446)
- Why can't I install a new patch for PG5 1.4.300? (FAQ #101306)
- Problems on installation of PG5 1.4.300 (FAQ #100940)
- "Internal Failure" by PG5 V1.x uninstall (FAQ #100330)
Local FAQ Deutschland / Device Configurator
- Why the connection to the PCD over SOCKET is not working if DHCP is enabled in the device configurator? (FAQ #101872)
- Why does PG5 1.4 show the error message "downloader not found" on HW settings download? (FAQ #101721)
- Why is it not possible to choose minimal and maximal value in the device configurator for the PCD3 compact? (FAQ #101311)
- Why can't I add an extension module to my PCD3 compact? (FAQ #101303)
- The device configurator does not work in PG5 1.4 or the project manager PG5 2.0 does not open at all. (FAQ #101274)
- Why is it not possible to configure the memory allocation of the PCD manually in PG5 2.0? (FAQ #101236)
PG5 2.0
- Are devices or software developed from Saia-Burgess Controls affected by the Domain Name System (DNS) vulnerabilities, published with the report name NAME:WRECK? (FAQ #102046)
- Why the PG5 Update manager does not work, error message ‘An error occurred during the connection to the sever’ is displayed? (FAQ #102037)
- E-mail forwarding service is currently not available (FAQ #102034)
- CallSMS FBox with Error 535 (FAQ #101972)
- How I can send an email with variable attachment? (FAQ #101966)
- In PG5, it’s possible to update the initial values of DB elements with the actual online values used on the PCD? (FAQ #101960)
- Problem with displaying Helpfiles in Win7 (FAQ #101855)
- Not possible to adapt the destination IP-Address when using 'Download over HTTP/FTP' on PG5 2.1 (FAQ #101839)
- Why is there an offset to the current PCD time in the Trending timestamp of a Web project if the FW 1.20.nn is used? (FAQ #101834)
- Why can't I re-open the Device Configurator on PG5 2.0.220? (FAQ #101786)
- Why the exchange of ‘data transfer array’ between the PCD3.T66x smart RIO’s and the smart automation manager does no more work after installing the patch 1 of PG5 2.0.220? (FAQ #101785)
- Disappeared Windows of FBox Builder (FAQ #101781)
- It is not possible to Import a Fupla page (fxp-file) in the FBox Builder of PG5 2.0.220 (FAQ #101767)
- How to find the MAC address of a PCD with Ethernet connection (FAQ #101759)
- Why is the message "The program needs to be rebuilt and download" is displayed after updating PG5 to 2.0.220? (FAQ #101741)
- Why are floats not detected when importing symbols from PG5 2.0.210? (FAQ #101709)
- Why did some FBox disappear on installation of PG5 2.0.210? (FAQ #101696)
- Why can't I copy an Ethernet RIO within the Saia PG5® RIO Network Configurator? (FAQ #101678)
- Why I get the error message "NAK response" during a program download (with PG5 SP2)? (FAQ #101656)
- Error in S-WebEditor 5.15.02 when using the new online alarming macros (FAQ #101654)
- Which MB Panel firmware does support the "Alarming 2" features of the S-WebEditor 5.15.02? (FAQ #101648)
- Why is the "select" button missing in the "Macro Find/Replace" dialog? (FAQ #101643)
- Why has the PCD lost the program while updating the firmware to 1.16.xx? (FAQ #101625)
- The PCD1.M2 does not run when using 2 PCD2.W525. (FAQ #101620)
- Can I speed up PG5 2.0 by using an SSD drive? (FAQ #101583)
- Why does the operation "Copy user program to Flash" fail? (FAQ #101570)
- Which hardware revision of the PCD2.M5_ is needed for firmware 1.14.23? (FAQ #101490)
- Can I have more than 16 COBs? (FAQ #101467)
- Some windows in PG5 2.0 are not visible anymore. How to get them back? (FAQ #101456)
- How to extend the amount of available Flags on a PCD? (FAQ #101447)
- Why is it not possible to create / open Profibus DP files in PG5 2.0? (FAQ #101435)
- Why does PG5 2.0 only accept comments with less than 80 characters? (FAQ #101368)
- Why is the FBox library not visible in the Library Manager after its installation? (FAQ #101344)
- Can PG5 access more than 32 serial communication ports (ComPorts)? (FAQ #101339)
- Overview over the shortcuts of PG5 2.0 (FAQ #101337)
- What is the latest version of PG5 2.0? --> PG5 2.0.220 (FAQ #101335)
- Incompatibility between PG5 2.0 and "AVG Antivirus" on Windows 7 (FAQ #101329)
- Why does the error message "more than 383 elements in DB" appear? (FAQ #101312)
- BACnet Configurator PG5 2.0.110: Cannot find SymDlg52.dll (FAQ #101291)
- Shall I use PG5 2.3, PG5 2.2, 2.1, 2.0 or PG5 1.4 for my next project? (FAQ #101282)
- Why is the Run and Stop button inactiv if I am online in Fupla? (FAQ #101205)
- USB - RS 485 converter (FAQ #101165)
- Is PG5 2.0 or PG5 2.1 compatible with Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8? (FAQ #101128)
- USB to RS232 converter (FAQ #100512)
- Why does the error message "Unresolved Externals" appear on build with RIO configuration (FAQ #100451)
- Which PG5 version is compatible with what operating system? (FAQ #100405)
- The pre-defined symbol __PCD_UID__ (unique program identifier) (FAQ #100332)
- Error LED of PCD is lit! How to find the problem? (FAQ #100269)
- No Online Connection possible - Driver not available or SCommDrv error (FAQ #100213)
- Not all History entries can be found in the Online Help of PG5 (FAQ #100173)
PG5 2.0 / Fupla
- Why the Modbus communication over Ethernet between a Saia PCD and a Siemens S7-314C-2 does not work correctly? (FAQ #101973)
- How I can send an email with variable attachment? (FAQ #101966)
- In PG5, it’s possible to update the initial values of DB elements with the actual online values used on the PCD? (FAQ #101960)
- On the FBox "Init ABS" for DDC suite, the mode "Downtime" doesn't work! (FAQ #101773)
- On PG5 2.0.220 the Fupla page content is overwritten when dragging it with the Mouse. (FAQ #101764)
- Why the S-Bus communication over TCP/IP between PCD’s doesn’t work anymore? (FAQ #101679)
- Why are the static symbols missing during a Fupla page import (in PG5 2.0 SP2)? (FAQ #101647)
- Why can't I import a Fupla *.fxp-file in PG5 2.0.200 (SP2)? (FAQ #101639)
- Different behaviour of the binary FBoxes "set high"/"set low" in PG5 2.0.150 (FAQ #101489)
- Why is the "SASI S-Bus Master" FBox red when communicating with S-Energy Meters? (FAQ #101469)
- Why doesn't the VGA Panel correctly display the alarm-texts I have defined in the PCD (containing umlauts)? (FAQ #101433)
- Why is Fupla from PG5 2.0.110 not working? (FAQ #101428)
- "SAIA_ASSERT failed..." message error appears on a Rebuid All Files (FAQ #101412)
- How to mark FBoxes which can be updated? (FAQ #101369)
- How does the "disable" feature for Fupla pages work? (FAQ #101366)
- Why are the inputs 8100 and 8101 continously "high" in my fupla file? (FAQ #101363)
- How to configure PG5 2.0 to show the "old" Adjust Parameter window? (FAQ #101348)
- Why can't I build a CAN Fupla in PG5 after it has been imported from PG5 1.4? (FAQ #101347)
- Overview over the shortcuts of PG5 2.0 (FAQ #101337)