PCD7.D776 loses contrast settings!

FAQ #100716

If alarms are activated on a PCD7.D776, it might happened that the screen loses its contrast over the operating time (it become darker and it is very difficult to see properly)!


This problem can be corrected through updating boot and firmware (PCD7.D776 Rev. 3) or by a hardware modification (PCD7.D776 Rev. 2). For updating the boot- and firmware version, please use the PCD8.D81W (VTWIN) version 5.18 (or newer) which can be optained from your local Saia-Burgess Controls AG sales office.

Procedure for resolving the problem on a PCD7.D776 Rev. 3

  • Update the boot loader by using PCD8.D81W; function "TOOL" --> "BOOT UPDATE" à automatic, use the code 371013.
  • Open the project, compile again and then re-download the project.

Procedure for resolving the problem on a PCD7.D776 Rev. 2
In this case the device needs to be returned to your local Saia-Burgess Controls AG sales office for applying a hardware modification.


Only in the programming tool version V 5.18 and newer, the new firmware and boot versions for the PCD7.D776 are included!



PCD7 / D7xx

Last update: 30.05.2015 23:58

First release: 24.05.2007 12:41

Views: 13919

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
