What is the reason for the Error 31: File.wsp: Syntax error?
FAQ #100431
If there is a missing PPO in a Web-Editor project, a build from PG5 will fail with the error 31.
During the build of the PG5 project a line as below will appear in the PG5 Project Manager's message window and the Build will fail.
Assembling: Web panel.wsc
Error 31: Web panel.wsc: Line 1915: Syntax error
1 errors, 0 warnings
The syntax error is generated by a PDP tag in the *.wsc file that doesn't contain a PCD ressource. The reason therefore most likely is found in the Web-Editor project: There could be a Painter with an empty PPO entry.
In order to solve this problem, open your Web-Editor Project and watch out for newly introuced painters. Systematically check the painters and verify that every pointer that modifies or depends on a PPO does also have a valid entry!
The situation that causes the error looks like the image below:
Local FAQ Deutschland / Project Manager
Web Editor5
Last update: 23.05.2015 07:29
First release: 01.09.2005 10:00
Views: 1858