PG5 2.0 / 2.1 library manager, what does the message ‚Missing dependency’ means?

FAQ #101922

It’s possible, that after the installation of a PG5 library the warning ‚Missing dependency’ is shown in the library manager.

This message does appear if the new installed library does has a reference to a other library or to a special version of a library and this library or library version is not installed in PG5.


On the library manager the message is shown as:

On the message window of the PG5 project manager there will be a message which does indicate which library is missed and which version of the library is required.

The message could be like this:

Library Messages:
Warning 421: <$LibsDir>\App\Belimo.SAIALin: Library 'Belimo MP-Bus Library': Missing dependency: 'S-Fup Base Library;_SAIA_SFUPBASE;002007001,002007999;Saia-Burgess Controls AG'
Warning 421: <$LibsDir>\App\Heavac.saialin: Library 'Heavac library (HLK)': Missing dependency: 'S-Fup Base Library;_SAIA_SFUPBASE;002007001,002007999;Saia-Burgess Controls AG'

In this case it’s necessary to update the F-Box as shown in the message text.

The message text does indicate the needed F-Box Family and the version number.
In this case the F-Box library “S-Fus Base” has to be updated with a version between 2.7.001 and 2.7.999

The text SFUPBASE does indicate the F-Box library
The number after the library name does indicate the minimum required version of the library.
The number after the library name does indicate the maximum required version of the library.
The version indication is done in 3 digit format 002007001 -> 002.007.001 or 2.7.001



PG5 2.0 / FBox Libraries

/ Fupla

Last update: 21.05.2015 23:22

First release: 16.09.2014 14:50

Views: 98

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
