Error in S-WebEditor 5.15.02 when using the new online alarming macros

FAQ #101654

In the new WebEditor 5.15.02, included with the PG5 2.0 Service Pack 2, there is a bug when using the new alarming macros, resulting in "Unresolved external symbol" on next build.


In the new WebEditor 5.15.02, included with the PG5 2.0.200 there is a bug when using the Alarming macros. After having inserted the macro "MacroAlarmingDefOnline_5_14_05" or the "MacroAlarmingDefOnline_5_15_02" two PPOs are generated automatically: maxPPO2 and minPPO2.
On the next build these symbols which should not be added to the PPO list result in following error message: "Unresolved external symbol"


Due to an error in the macros the minimal and maximal values of the macro are added as PPO.

Please install PG5 or a later version of PG5 2.0.

Workaround (if the update of PG5 is not possible)
A workaround to work with the new Web Editor until a new version is available is the following:

  1. Change the PPO Listname format to "DEC", then you can remove the Min and Max values of this PPO.
  2. Click Ok, and open again the PPO window, now these two PPOs have disappeared.
  3. Change again the format of the Listname PPO to String , then you can compile the project  without having this error.


Web Editor5

PG5 2.0

Last update: 25.05.2015 15:14

First release: 10.08.2011 13:04

Views: 11763

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