What is the signification of the error: "Failed to copy to/from Flash..."

FAQ #101502

In case a backup from/to the flash card (e.g. a PCD7.R500) can not be executed (due to the reasons listed below) this following message is displayed by PG5: "Failed to copy to/from Flash. Check Flash memory or card is fitted?"


Possible reason
It is most probably due to the fact that the flash memory doesn't contain a user programme or the contained configuration isn't compatible with the PCD.
For example the configuration might contain an IP Adress but the PCD doesn't have an Ethernet port!

Possible solution 

  • use the flash memory on the suitable PCD
  • or try to download a new user programme / configuration from the PCD
    -> flash card (Project Manager menu "Online" --> "Flash Memory" --> "Copy program to flash"
  • or delete the content of the  Flash memory using the press Run/Halt button beside the USB connector. Therefore press longer than 1 minute (until the Red/Green LED is flashing at 2 hz) at power up as described in the manual 26/789 chap. 3.19.1


Local FAQ Deutschland / Project Manager

PCD3 / Rxxx

PCD2 / Rxxx

PG5 2.0 / Project Manager

Last update: 28.05.2015 03:22

First release: 30.08.2010 15:11

Views: 15854

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