Why does the error message "more than 383 elements in DB" appear?

FAQ #101312

When compiling a project in PG5 the error message: "more than 383 elements in DB" appears. How can this problem be solved? And where does it comes from?


It is not possible to compile the project. The error message "more than 383 elements in DB" appears on build of the project in PG5.

DBs in the extension memory do have more than 383 elements (these DBs do have address 4000 and above). All other DBs (address 0 to 3999) only can have up to 383 elements. The alarming and trending FBoxes need DBs with more than 383 elements (RAM DBs located in the extension memory).

This error message can appear if there is no extension memory configured or if there is no extension memory available (on a PCD2.M150 per example).
For the PCD3 and PCD2.M5 the solution is to configure the "Hardware Settings" with default values and download the hardware configuration with memory allocation. Afterwards open the "Software Settings" and set the values to default.

On "non-Saia PCD® COSinus" CPUs like the PCD2.M150 you will need extension memory otherwise it would not be possible using the alarming FBoxes since those require  DBs with more than 383 elements.



PG5 1.x

Web Editor5

PG5 2.0

Last update: 27.05.2015 21:34

First release: 15.10.2009 07:01

Views: 3813

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