The touch screen of PCD7.D785 /788 / D787(ET) / D786 (ET) / D776 (ET) displays is blocked!
FAQ #100195
If the screen has not been touched for a long time, the screen of the display stays blocked. Only a powerup does reactive it!
In order to avoid this situation, it is necessary updating the boot with the programming tool PCD8.D81W.
Boot update procedure
- For PCD8.D81w (VTWIN) version 4.81 (but older than V5.12), please copy the attached firmware files into the directory Firmware of the PCD8.D81W! Since version of PCD8.D81W V 5.12 these new FWs are already included!
- In the PCD8.D81W software, choose the function "Tools" --> "Boot update" --> "Automatic"
- Enter the following code for the update
371013 - Put the terminal im transfer mode
- Leave all settings with default values: Baudrate 9600...
- For more details see in the software manual under Boot Update.
- After the update of the boot, the programme and the firmware have to be re-downloaded to the terminal!
If the displays PCD7.D785 / D788 are produced from june 2005 only the Firmware update is necessary (no boot update is needed)!
NEW: The new FW for PCD7.D785 / D788 is for all terminals (Rev. 4 or newer and Rev. 3 or older)
PCD7 / D7xx
Last update: 31.05.2015 02:58
First release: 20.07.2004 12:54
Views: 8521