Problems during the installation of the HMI Editor

FAQ #100199

The installation guide of PG5 describes how to install the HMI Editor properly, but in some cases the message "some system files are out of date..." appears repeatedly even if following the procedure of the installation guide.


Symptom: the message mentioned above does appear repeatedly even after letting the setup program of the HMI Editor replacing the necessary files and rebooting the computer
If the PC has WIN 2000 it needs SP4, in some cases WIN 2000 SP 3 caused this symptom too.


Cure: install or reinstall the latest service pack for your operating system, then run the setup program of the HMI Editor again
            If using WIN 2000 installed SP 4



Local FAQ Deutschland / HMI Editor

Last update: 22.05.2015 01:53

First release: 03.08.2004 14:28

Views: 1032

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
