On PG5 2.3.192 projects, why the Web-Editor login macro does not work well if the web page is displayed on SBC Microbrowser Web-Panels or Windows Microbrowser App?

FAQ #102053

Due of an error on PG5 2.3.192, the Web-Editor login macro does not work well if the web page is displayed on SBC Microbrowser Web-Panels or Windows Microbrowser App.

The issue is fixed on PG5 2.3.193

If on the Web-Editor8 included in PG5 2.3.192, an ifCondition statement was used on the function editor, then the ifCondition was not behaving correctly and does not correctly execute the code on the condition.



Such ifConditions statements are used very often on our Web-Editor macros, for example on the login macro.

Issue happens only on Web-Editor project which were compiled with PG5 2.3.192 and if the web-pages are displayed on Microbrowser runtimes (SBC Microbrowser web-panels or Windows Microbrowser App)


There is no issue if the web-page is displayed as HTML5.


To solve the issue, use PG5 2.3.193 or a newer version of PG5.


S-Web Technology / Android- and iPhone Apps

Web Editor8

S-Web Technology / S-Monitoring

PG5 2.3

Last update: 05.10.2021 11:36

First release: 05.10.2021 11:36

Views: 2

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