Web-Panel with Micro-Browser, with Saia PCD® COSinus operating system
The SBC Micro-Browser panels (MB Panels) are based on the Saia PCD® COSinus operating system. The web pages displayed on these panels are created in the S-Web Editor which is part of the Saia PG5® Controls Suite.
WQVGA (480x272), TFT
WVGA (800x480), TFT
QVGA (320x240), STN
VGA (640x480), TFT
WVGA (800x480), TFT
VGA (640x480), TFT
12.1" -
SVGA (800x600), TFT
pWeb-Panel with Micro-Browser, with integrated programmable logic controller based on Saia PCD® COSinus operating system
On the pWeb Panels, in addition to the functions of the standard MB panel, a programmable logic controller is integrated.
Based on the COSinus operating system of the Saia PCD®, specific, complex control logic and local data processing logic can be implemented in one device. The priority here are the operating and visualisation functions that enable small control systems to be implemented. The control functions have a lower priority.
WQVGA (480x272), TFT
VGA (640x480), TFT
SVGA (800x600), TFT
VGA (640x480), TFT
Cyber secure touch Web-Panel with Linux operating system
The cyber secure touch Web-Panel with Linux operating system are delivered with an HTML5 Chromium Browser to access PCD Web-Server or any other HTML5 web-server. The HTML5 web pages displayed on these panels could be created with the S-Web Editor8 which is part of the PG5 Controls Suite and the QronoX ECS or with the Saia PCD Supervisor.
Resistive touchscreen -
4.3” TFT 15:9 - 64K, 480 × 272,
Linux 3.12, ARM Cortex-A8 - 1 GHz
Resistive touchscreenPCD7.D570CF
Capacitive touchscreen -
PCD7.D570RF: 7” TFT 15:9 - 64K, 800 × 480, WVGA,
Linux RT, ARM Cortex-A9 dual core - 800 MHzPCD7.D570CF: 7” TFT 15:9 - 16M, 800 × 480, WVGA,
Linux RT, ARM Cortex-A9 dual core - 800 MHz
Capacitive touchscreen -
10.1” TFT 16:10 - 16M, 1280 × 800, WXGA,
Linux RT, ARM Cortex-A9 dual core - 800 MHz
Capacitive touchscreen -
15.6” TFT - 16M, 1366 × 768, HD,
Linux RT, ARM Cortex-A9 quad core - 800 MHz
Capacitive touchscreen -
21.5” TFT - 16M, 1920 × 1080, full HD,
Linux RT, ARM Cortex-A9 quad core - 800 MHz
Web-Panel with Windows® operating system
The Web-Panel with Windows® operating system are delivered with an image including the SBC.Net WebConnect, a MicroBrowser (CE versions only) and additional useful tools. The web pages displayed on these panels are created in the S-Web Editor which is part of the PG5 Controls Suite.
WXGA 1280 x 800, TFT, Win CE, Atom
WXGA 1280 x 800, TFT, Win 7, Atom
WXGA 1280 x 800, TFT, Win CE, Atom
WXGA 1280 x 800, TFT, Win 7, Atom
WXGA 1280 x 800, TFT, Win 7, Celeron
WUXGA 1920 x 1080, TFT, Win 7, I7 quadcore
10.4" -
SVGA 800x600, TFT, Win CE, Geode LX
SVGA 800x600, TFT, Win CE, Atom
SVGA 800x600, TFT, Win eXP, Geode LX
SVGA 800x600, TFT, Win eXP, Atom
12.1" -
SVGA 800x600, TFT, Win CE, Geode LX
SVGA 800x600, TFT, Win XP, Geode LX
15.0" -
XGA 1024x768, TFT, Win CE, Geode LX
XGA 1024x768, TFT, Win CE, Atom
XGA 1024x768, TFT, Win XP, Geode LX
XGA 1024x768, TFT, Win XP, Atom

PCD7 / Dxxx Terminals
Micro Browser Monochrome Display contrast changes (FAQ #100718)
When updating the Micro Browser Firmware to version 10701, the contrast settings in the monochrome panels PCD7.D457BTCF and PCD7.D457BMCF have to be changed. You'll have to increase the contrast for several steps.
With the new Firmware version we had to change the contrast adjustment on the Hardware and Firmware side to avoid any whistle (noise) and waves appearances.
Please note: The tone and brightness of each MB-Panel display is an individual characteristic and can be slightly different from one display to the other. At some contrast settings or with some images, flickering or differences in the brightness levels may appear. -
On Microbrowser panels with harware version <$C it is not possible to store teq- and gif-files on the panel. (FAQ #100576)
If you are using a Microbrowser panel with HW-Version <$C you have to download all teq- and gif-files to the PCD.
PCD7.D7__ Ethernet Driver: error in commande function! (FAQ #100337)
When using the commande function which allows for example the writing of the hardware clock from PLC to Terminal PCD7.D7-- over Ethernet connection the 2 first words are swapped.
Normally the 1st word 0 contains the command the VT has to carry out and the 3 others word contain the parameters. This works well in S Bus driver but with Ether S Bus the two first words are swapped.
This means it is so with this error:
Word 0 is Parameter 1
Word 1 is commande
Word 2 is Parameter 2
Word 3 is Parameter 3
In order to solve that problem the attached file vtwindev.dbr has to be copied in the main directory PCD8.D81W software, this will replace the existing file.
Fkeys don't work on PCD7.D16_ with HMI editor! (FAQ #100175)
The FKeys flags available in HMI Editor (in Tag Internals) don't work on the PCD7.D16_.
Because those flags have a double functionality, they don't work for those small displays. It is necessary to use a bigger display as PCD7.D231 or PCD7.D232 in order to have this FKeys functionality!
S-Web Technology
On HTML5 Web-Projects, created with Web-Editor8, why it is not possible to transfer the user and password after a url jump as it was possible on Java/MB? (FAQ #102035)
On the Web-Editor8 it is possible to ‘transfer’ the user name and the password with the help of session containers, if a url jump to another PCD is executed.
This ‘transfer’ is used to avoid that the user has to enter again the user name/password on the other PCD/Web-Project and works very well on Java and on SBC MB panels.
But if the Web-Editor8 project is displayed as HTML5 web page then it’s no more possible to transfer the user name/password between different PCD’s and the user has to enter after each url jump his user name/password.
The restriction is not on the Web-Editor8 but on the HTML5 Web-Browser.
Although the HTML5 Web-Browser would have SessionStorage properties, the content of the SessionStorage is cleared in the Browser after each url jump.
Look like that the deleting was introduced to avoid security issues on the Web-BrowserThe single sign-on (SSO) authentication which would be suitable for this is not supported in the PCD.
Means that the only solution for HTML5 web pages is, that the user have to enter after each url jump his user name and password to access the web-pages stored on the PCD.
HDLog in WE8: slow navigation (FAQ #101965)
HDLog in WE8: why the navigation in WE8 View including a HDLog-Template is very slow?
You have a WE8 Project containing a view with a HDLog Template. If you display this Page with a Browser (IE/Firefox) the navigation is very slow. If you display this Page with the MB-App for windows or with a MB-Panel, the navigation works OK.
Open the Device Configurator and check the Parameter “HTTP 1.0 Downgrade Enabled”. This Parameter must be disabled. If this is not the Case, you have to set it to “No”.
What means the error "Out of memory heap 3" (FAQ #101962)
During Trend display on an MB Panel the following error message appears. "Out of memory heap 3"
The MB Panel memory is divived in different partition called "heaps". The size of each available heap has a default value which can be increased when needed
Acces to the MB Panel parameters by pressing a few seconds on the touch screen
Go to "System/Special/memory" here you see how much memory is used in each heap
By pressing "Setting" (at the page bottom) you access to the available Heap size where each one can be modified. Increase the Heap 3 to maximum 4096 (if needed).
Don't increased the size of the other Heap is not necessary. The maximum MB Panel memory size can't be exceeded!
Why I get Message Window"Do you want to run this application?" by starting a Webproject? (FAQ #101952)
After update to Java Version 8 Update 45 and with the IMaster Java Version 5.15.03 you get this new message window.
Until now we have not e new IMaster Version neither there is a possibility to hide this window.
But you can use our MB App for Windows and you will not get this Window. See Link for more information.
Why IMaster Java Applet no longer run with Chrome? (FAQ #101951)
Google released Chrome 42 and with it it disabled all NPAPI plugins by default. This means for us that the IMaster Java Applet will no longer run in Chrome by default.
Your Webproject look like this:
For now (until the end of 2015) the NPAPI can be re-enabled. To do so open chrome://flags/#enable-npapi in Chrome, click the ‘Enable’ link under ‘Enable NPAPI’ and restart your browser.
For more information please check the following
After a „Reload“, the displayed HDLog Trend is not focused on the right, most actual, time (FAQ #101945)
If one updates in the Browser his HDLog Trends using the “Reload” button, the new historic trends are well loaded. Nevertheless, the focus of the view is not automatically set to the right, most actual, time. One always needs to scroll to the right to see the most actual logs.
With a very small, but precise modification, you can modify the behavior of the “Reload” button. This way, you will force the focus of the displayed trend to the most actual values. No need to scroll to the right in the time-axis anymore.
Here is the description how to proceed.
WebEditor 5:
- Ungroup the used macro from the family “SBCHDLogTrendMacro”
- Select the button “Reload”
- Go into the tab “Actions Set Variables”
- Modify the content of the “Value” field to write the constant “REINIT2” into the specific Container
- Regroup the macro and make out a template of this macro. So you can re-use it in your next projectsWebEditor 8:
- Select the macro of the family “SBCHDLogTrendMacro”
- Select the “Reload” button through the “Document Outline” window
- In the “Actions” tab you can see which function is called by the button
- Select this function
- Modify the function to do a “Write” “Constant” “REINIT2” into the internal variable
- You can create a new template out of this macro to be able to re-use it in your next projects
Side effect of "REINIT2":
The command "REINIT2" deletes all in the Browser cached Trends. All the cached Trends of the instance/macro, where the command "REINIT2" is executed will be deleted. This means, that all the Trends of the macro are newly loaded. This results in longer loading times as usually expected.Please pay attention:
This solution works very well for the actual MicroBrowser Windows Applications (min. V138.2) and the MicroBrowser Panels. BUT, this mechanism doesn’t work with computer browsers that are using the Java Applet. The command “REINIT2” is simply ignored by the Applet v5.15.03. SBC will have to provide this feature in a next Applet version. -
Web-Editor8, why the content of the Container variable is not displayed on the web-browser or the MB-display? (FAQ #101925)
If on the Web-Editor8 a container variable is copied from the Web-Editor8 help file with copy paste in to the Web-editor8 painter, then it’s possible that not only the name of the variable is copied but also an invisible 'CR''LF' character.
In such a case, the container variable name does not correspond to the required name and the special action of this container variable is not performed.
Example with the container variable 'MB_InactivityCounter'
Copy form the Web-Editor8 file
Paste in the Web-Editor8 painter.
How to find out such variables?
Open the wvar file and check the ‘internal variables’ Tab.
The line of a variable which does have a at the end of the name is shown as a double size line.
Means that on the first line the name of the variable is shown and on the second line empty line is shown.
How to solve the problem?
On the wvar file do click with the right mouse key to the concerned variable and select rename.
On the next window put the cursor at the end of the variable name and press the Backspace button of your keyboard (the invisible will be deleted) and on the next step select all places where the variable should be replaced.
After the update the new and the old variable are shown in the wvar file and after clicking to the update button only the variable without is shown on the screen. -
Why after a update of the Microbrowser Android app to the version 2.0.0_4 the error message 'file not found' is shown? (FAQ #101918)
It could happen that the message 'File not found' is shown on the microbrowser app on your smartphone/handheld when trying to display the web-pages stored on the PCD.
Since the version 2.0.0_4 of the android microbrowser app, it's necessary to write the whole path in to the connection settings.
Please enter the whole path into the connect area like following example:
Why the error message ‘no such component found’ is shown on the web page? (FAQ #101917)
It’s possible, that during the development of the web page in the web-editor8, a copy/paste of a PCD variable name in to a edit field of the web-editor8, does insert at the end of the PCD variable name a (non visible) 'CR''LF' character.
This 'CR''LF' character leads then to situation that the value of the PCD variable is not displayed during runtime and in the field the text ‘no such component found’ is shown.
How to find out if this 'CR''LF' character is present in the variable?
Do open the *.tcr file (located in the bin folder of the web-editor8 project) with an external text editor.
Each PCD variable should be displayed in one line as following:
My_symbolic_var_name;PDP,,PCD_absolute_address,Format; ; ;Format displayed on web-browser; ; ;
For example:
The register 2538 does contain the actual time of the PCD in the format HH:MM and does have the name 'Actual_time'.
In the *.tcr file, this variable should be shown as:
Actual_time;PDP,,R2538,D; ; ;HH:MM; ; ;
If a variable is displayed like this (splitted in two lines) in the tcr file:
;PDP,,R2538,D; ; ;HH:MM; ; ;
Then there is a 'CR''LF' character at the end of the variable name.
Ho to solve the problem?
In web-editor8, on the concerned edit field do change the text type from PCD to INT (so the field content will be cleared) and change again back to the type PCD.
Browse or enter the variable name like Actual_time with the keyboard
(do not use copy and paste of the name)
Compile the project and do check the tcr file with an external text editor.
Now the variable should be displayed in one line.
Actual_time;PDP,,R2538,D; ; ;HH:MM; ; ;
Make attention also to not user the copy/paste function if you use the container offset option and you want to insert the internal variable name.
Actual_time+@COFF_my_offset@ -
After the update of Java to Java version 7, (update 6 or 7) a Java warning message is shown on my PC browser when accessing a web page stored on the PCD. (FAQ #101793)
Web pages stored on the PCD which where displayed without problems on the web-browser of the PC does show a Java warning message after the update of Java to the Java version 7, (update 6 or 7).
If you want to display a web page on the browser of the PC then the following warning is shown on the screen:Because there are a lot of the same warnings that appear, you have the impression that the click to Yes or No has no effect but in fact there is another identical message that will appear afterwards. There will be about 30 of these messages. This warning will appear independent of the version of the jar-file that is used in the project.
Solution for applications where the java applet IMasterSaia5_15_02.jar or IMasterXX7_5_15_02.jar is used:
Do download the IMasterSaia5_15_02.jar version 5.15.0229 (with date from the 16.09.2013) stored on our homepage, section PG5 2.0/S-Web editor and do replace the existing .jar files in your project directory and/or to the PCD with the new one.
Do copy also the two files in to the S-Web editor 5.15.02 directory so that this files are also used for new projects.
This java applet version 5.15.0229 or later does contain the new certificate.
How to detect the version of the IMasterSaia5_15_02.jar file?
Display the web-editor web page on the browser and do open the java console.
There the version of the java applet is shown as following:
For PG5 2.1.
Since the version $2.1.053 of PG5 2.1, the two jar files which does fix the problem are installed together with the S-Web Editor 5 and the S-Web Editor 8
Possible workaround for applictions where any version of the IMasterSaia/IMasterXX7 applet is used.
A workaround for this problem is do change the following settings in the Java Control Panel.
The Java Control Panel can be found under Settings -> Control panel of the Windows operating system.
On the folder 'Advanced' so select the option 'Security, Mixed code (sandboxed....)' to 'Enable - hide warning and run with protections'
Close the browser and re-open the browser.
The same workaround is also available for Mac Computers which have Java from Sun Microsystems installed. -
How to change the Favicon of a Web Project (FAQ #101782)
It is possible to change the favicon (icon in the tab of a browser) to your own wishes, in the following FAQ it is described how to proceed.
You can generate a favicon from your or your customers logo to be represented in the tab of the browser, as default a SBC web logo is displayed:
On the internet you can find tools to convert a picture (*.jpeg, *.png*.gif…) to a file called “favicon.ico”. This file is 16x16 pixel small, therefore it is recommended to use a simple logo. (
The favicon icon must have the file name favicon.ico and has to be added in the webserver, either on a flash memory (folder: /webpages) or in the *.wsp file (Webeditor 5). After this is added in the web server the tab of the browser should look different:
For Webeditor8 you must set up the following options:
If the Webeditor program has to be downloaded to the program memory of the PCD (into a dbx), this can be done with the following webbuilder options: -
WebEditor project with HDLog File to flash-memory: macro tries to load a wrong CSV-File (FAQ #101737)
In a WebEditor project we select to display a page that contains a SBCHDLogTrendMacro e.g. RemoteOffSavedTrdMinimal.
The trends are not displayed, but an error message appears that CSV-Files could not be loaded.
The Applet tries to load the csv-file Filename_D120118.csv, but in the Fupla HDLog File FBox you haven’t configured to create data files per day, but per week or per month. The letter "D" in the csv files stands for "D"aily log file. Other combinations are also possible, as the applet would try to load the file Filename_W01201.csv or Filename_M1202.csv. But, perhaps, it was not configured this way round in the FBox. "W" stands for weekly file and "M" for monthly file creation.
This happens if you change afterwards the setting of the parameter "create data" in the HDLog FBox but you have already placed the Macro from SBCHDLogTrendMacro before in the Webeditor project. It's the same behaviour in PG5 1.4 and PG5 2.0.
After changing the parameter "create data" e. g. from day to week, you must delete the Trend macro that belongs to this FBox in the WebEditor project and replace it. The WebEditor feature "Project/Reload HDLog Files ..." doesn't solve this situation. After rebuild /download of the project the problem is solved. -
Why does the Micro Browser stop working with Error "File not found xxxx.teq"? (FAQ #101724)
When displaying a certain teq view, the MicroBrowser (MB Panel, CE Panel, iPhone & iPad App) stops working and displays the error message "file not found xxxx.teq" where 'xxxx.teq' is the name of the teq view from which the jump was executed. This problem occurs due to an invalid 'PLC-ID' inside a Macro used on the concerned teq view when compiled with a Web Editor 5.15.0200.
All macros edited or created with a version between and including 5.14.30 and 5.15.0200 contain an invalid PLC-ID, this leads to either an error in the Message Box “Invalid PLC-ID” or to the fact that the MicroBrowser freezes when jumping to another page. When the MicroBrowser blocks, the message “file not found xxxx.teq” is indicated, where “xxxx.teq” is the name of the teq view from which the teq view jump was initiated.
Build the Web Editor project with a Web Editor 5.15.0221 or more recent, this eliminates the error.
The Web Editor 5.15.0221 is part of the PG5 2.0.220.
If it is not possible updating PG5 or the S-Web Editor, the option "Force Teq Files Saving as…" in the menu "Project Configurations" --> "Build Options" can be disabled in order to avoid the problem.
Other possible cause
The text PPO used for the password for ex. level1Pw, level2Pw, etc have no Format defined in the PPO list (Web-Editor 5) or der WVAR (Web-Editor 8) file.
They have to be defined with the Format "STRING"! -
File written to the file system by the PCD can’t be accessed with HTTP protocol (FAQ #101686)
You try to access a File on the Web-Server of the PCD with the HTTP protocol e.g. with an Internet Browser. The Web-Server responds with the Error message File not found. (HTTP 404 Not found)
The Web-Server can't find the file although it is visible with FTP access.
This happens because the file system has just been formatted with the Memory management FBox before.
After formatting the file system with the Memory Management FBox it is necessary to switch off / on the PCD (remove 24V). For PCD3.R600 flash memory modules there is also another solution the SD-card can be removed and reinserted. After this operation the file can again be accessed with HTTP protocol.
This inconvenience will remain on FW versions <= 1.16.xx but it will be corrected for future firmware versions. It won't be necessary anymore to switch off / on the PCD. -
What means the Error-6./alarm.exe?-6&sta failed? (FAQ #101674)
When displaying the alarm page on VGA Web Panel this error message appears in message window and the alarms aren't display!
In Web Editor project there are specific Macro according to the different Micro Browser Panel.
This errror above appeared in a project done with PG5 1.4.300 and Web Editor 5.14.30. An alarming macro for a QVGA MB Panel was placed (Q_MacroAlarmingDefOnlineMini_5_13_01.esm) but a VGA MB Panel was used!Solution
Replace the QVGA macro with a VGA macro for example:MacroAlarmingDefOnline_5_14_05.esm!
Other reason
The name of the alarm Fbox contains a special character like "éöäü-....".-> version PG5 & WE8 does not accept special character either. If used please change and make a clean files in both (Fupla and WEB8)
On the Web-Editor 8 on the file variable.wvar the variable
needs to be defined as STRING -
Why are the Webserver password levels not working with firmware 1.14.xx or later? (FAQ #101613)
It has always been possible to configure password levels in the Settings tab of the Web Builder. This configuration has been moved from the Web Builder to the Device Configurator if when le firmware version "From 1.14.00 or more..." is selected in the Device Configurator!
The Webserver password levels (1 to 4, for no access over only readable to full access) configured in the Web Builder are no longer active after having updated the PG5 project and the PCD firmware to version 1.14.23 or more recent (and in the Device Configurator the option "Firmware from 1.14.xx or more recent" is selected).
Until FW 1.14.00 the password configuration was done over the Web Server Setting window:
Since the FW 1.14.00 the configuration of the web server passwords can also be done over the Device Configurator from PG5 2.0.150 or later with the following parameters:
As the configuration in the Device configurator has priority even if you have selected "Advanced parameters: NO" the configured passwords in Web Builder settings won't be working.
The configuration isn't loaded in the same place into the PCD memory as where the WebBuilder settings are loaded.
For new projects (on PCD1.M2, PCD2.M5 and PCD3 systems) we recommend to use the Device Configurator for the configuration of the webserver passwords. Therefore, configure the password over the Device configurator by choosing: "Advanced Parameter: Yes" (see screenshot above).
For "older" projects where the webserver passwords configuration has been done over the Web Builder settings the following possibilities exist:- move the configuration from the Web Builder to the Device configurator or
- change the Device Configurator to FW Version parameter to "Before FW 1.14.00" (even the PCD has a FW version >= 1.14.00)
How to disable borders and scrollbars when running the Microsoft Internet Explorer in Kiosk mode? (FAQ #101588)
FAQ #101004 describes how to launch the Microsoft IE in the kiosk mode. But without additional settings the scrollbars are always displayed on the browser.
By default, the Webpages are displayed in the browser with a small border all around the web page. This effect forces the web pages to be slightly bigger than the specified size of the S-Web application defined in the S-WebEditor. That's the reason why the scrollbars of the browser are automatically displayed to access the entire web page.
How to disable the scrollbars?
If you don't want these scrollbars you can disable the automatically added borders by manually including a line in your "Start.htm" file.
This line sets the margin to "0" and disables the scrollbars.
Open your "Start.htm" file in a text editor (e.g. Notepad) and manually add the line as shown in this attached screen capture: -
Are there known problems when accessing the PCD FTP server with FileZilla? (FAQ #101586)
Since the FTP server of the PCD has been developped, SBC suggested to use the freeware FTP Client Filezilla to access the PLC Filesystem.
Lately and with newest FileZilla versions we received several reports that there are difficulties with the FTP Client FileZilla (e.g. that the IMasterSaia.jar was not completely downloaded).
There were problems while downloading several files in parallel to the PLC Filesystem. And sometimes it wasn't even possible to download the IMaster.jar file, because there was infinite repetition of downloading from side of the FTP Client Filezilla. After a restart of the PC, FileZilla worked again properly.
Unfortunatley these phenomenons were often not reproducible in Murten and appear to be random. Therefore it is very difficult to pinpoint the reason for the problems.
As these problems are only concerning few installations we do not intend to "forbid" the usage of the the FTP Client FileZilla together with the PCD FTP Server. However, in case you are faced with the above mentioned problems we suggest to use another the FTP Client. One client with which we made very good experiences during the past yars is the one coming with the shareware "Total Commander" (shareware). "Total Commander" also exists as portable version.In some cases increasing the timeout in Filezilla to 60 seconds helps.
Update 03.07.2013
On FileZilla there is an option to limit the transfer speed.
Switching on this speed limitation does allow loading without problems files to the PCD.
To enable the speed limit, click on the tachometer symbol (on the bottom right corner of the FileZilla window)
On the next window do select the option "Enable speed limits" and do set the values to 100/20 KiB/s. -
Why doesn't the Web Builder from PG5 2.0 find the license? (FAQ #101585)
The following error appears when attempting to open the web builder in a windows XP 32bits System.
"No license found on this computer, will run in DEMO mode." after the installation of PG5.2.0
The following error appears when attempting to open the Web Builder from PG5 2.0 (on a Windows XP PC, 32bit):
“No license found on this computer, will run in DEMO mode. Limit is 2 HTML pages on the project”
The cause of this problem is that the library "SCRRUN.DLL" was not registered in Windows for some reason.
The SCRRUN.DLL can be registered by using the command "REGSVR32" from Microsoft Windows. "REGSVR32" (Microsoft© Register Server) is a command-line utility present in the Windows operating systems for registering and unregistering DLLs and ActiveX controls in the Windows Registry. The missing scrrun.dll is a Microsoft Script Runtime DLL Library.
Procedure for registering SCRRUN.DLL- Open a Command Prompt (Start Menu --> Run --> COMMAND) and press ENTER
- Change directory to the WINDOWSSYSTEM: For XP systems, this is normally the folder:
C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32 - Type the following command:
REGSVR32 SCRRUN.DLL and then press ENTER - You should see a successful confirmation message. If not, make sure you typed the command correctly (and that the command is executed in the correct directory).
What do parameters 'speed' and 'priority' mean which get displayed on the status page of the PCD? (FAQ #101513)
If you open the standard status page on a PCD there are some additional parameters shown which aren't obvious.
You can display the status page of a PCD with the URL
(address of PCD)/status.htm
Please find the necessary informations in the following text.
Time assigned to the Web Server task in milliseconds.
Range: 1..15
Default: 5
Requirements: PCD3Mxxxx, PCD2M5xxx, Firmware > 1.10.00
Priority of the TCP Web communiction driver in the Web Server.
Range: 1..12 (1 means highest, 12 lowest priority)
Default: 10 (standard port) and 5 (command port)
Requirements: PCD3Mxxxx, PCD2M5xxx, Firmware > 1.10.00 -
How long can I record data with the "HDLog to File FBox" (in csv format) using a 1 GB SD Card? (FAQ #101437)
The memory requirement of a "HDLog to File" FBox (log in csv format) is calculated as follows:
Possible records = 50% of memory capacity (in bytes) / required characters per record (in bytes). Further on the maximum amount of files per file system is to be considered (around 850 files per SD card).
Memory available on a 1 GByte SD card
1 GB SD Card (PCD3.R600 with PCD7.R-SD1024) has 1’073’741’824 bytes
Note: It is not recommended to fill the SD card completely; in general we recommend only using 50% of the available memory in case data is written (and deleted) regularly.
Further on the maxumum amount of files per SBC file system is 900 in total, and every directory counts as 20 files (because the folder "WEBPAGES" and "CONFIG" always exists, the maximum amount of files which can be created on a SD card is around 850 (860 to be precise).
Memory requirement of log files
The memory requirement of files created by the "HDLog to File" FBox (log in csv format) is calculated as follows:
Possible records = 50% of memory capacity (in bytes) / required characters per record (in bytes)
Examples- Writing 30 values to an SD card
In case 30 values are to be recorded:
Each value has an average number of six characters (exp. 123,4).
Each HD Log File FBox requires 30 characters for the date and timestamp.
So 30 record sets, subdivided into 3 FBoxes requires about 270 bytes per record (rounded about 300 bytes per record, including date and time stamps).
1 GB SD Card (PCD3.R600 with PCD7.R-SD1024) = 1’073’741’824 bytes
This results in about 3,500,000 entries. Due to the fact that you should not fill the SD card over 50% there remain effective 1'700'000 entries.
At a recording interval of 5 minutes the SD card has space for about 16 years, given one file per month is generated (--> 16 years * 12 files/year * 3 FBoxes = 576 files)Remark regarding this example
In case one file is generated per week, after around 5.5 years it won't be possible creating more files because of the maxumum number of files per file system has been reached (5.5 years * 52 files/year * 3 FBoxes = 858). - Writing 3 values to a PCD7.R550 memory card
In case 3 values are to be recorded:
Each value has an average number of six characters (exp. 123,4).
Each HD Log File FBox requires 30 characters for the date and timestamp.
So 3 record sets can be recorded with one FBox and requires 48 bytes per record (rounded about 50 bytes per record, including date and time stamps).
1 PCD7.R550 module = 4'000'000 bytes
This results in about 80'000 entries. Due to the fact that you should not fill the SD card over 50% there remain effective 40'000 entries.
At a recording interval of 1 minute the memory module has space for about 1 month (28 days)
- Writing 30 values to an SD card
How many web-clients can be connected at the same time to the S-Web Server over Ether-S-Bus? (FAQ #101431)
The first generation of PCDs with integrated S-Web server did not support http-direct (e.g. the PCD1.M125, PCD1.M135, PCD2.M150, PCD2.M170, PCD2.M480) . Therefore the access of the S-Web Server must be realized using the free software "S-WebConnect" which is to be installed on a PC (accessing the PCD using e.g. Ether-S-Bus). Alternatively, an MB Panel can also access the S-Web Server (e.g. using Ether-S-Bus).
However, it is important to know that only one S-Bus client can access the S-Web Server over Ether-S-Bus at the same time!
By desing the S-Web Server of a PCD can only be accessed by one S-Bus connection per physical port (Serial-S-Bus, Profi-S-Bus, Ether-S-Bus). As result it is possible to access the S-Web Server over Serial-S-Bus and in parallel over Ether-S-Bus, but it is only possible to have one Ether-S-Bus Master which connects the S-Web Server.
That means it is not possible to access the S-Web Server of a PCD at the same time with the S-WebConnect (Ether-S-Bus) and the MB panel (Ether-S-Bus) because in this case the S-Web Server is accessed 2 times trough the same physical port (Ethernet Port).
Work around
Here you can use the Web Connect as frontentd. The S-WebConnect will serialize the web requests and therefore avoid two parallel connections.- The WebConnect creates only 1 connection to the Eternet Port of the PCD (Ether-S-Bus to a PCD1.M135 for example)
--> there is no problem, because only one connection was created - With the MB panel, instead to accessing the WebServer of the PCD directly (with the Ether-S-Bus protocol), the MP panel can be accessed indirectly via the S-WebConnect.
For this example the following configuration is to be done in the MB panel configuration:- HTTP direct
- Remost host IP of the PC (where the WebConnect is installed)
- as html file to open, you have to write: WebConnect_Connection_Profil/File_Name.html (htm)
For more information please refer to the manual for the "Web Server Classic" (26/790).
- The WebConnect creates only 1 connection to the Eternet Port of the PCD (Ether-S-Bus to a PCD1.M135 for example)
Problem with the FBox HD Log to File if the dynamic space of registers is defined as <1000 or >=10 000 (FAQ #101429)
In case the dynamic space of registers is defined below 1000 or above 9999 the FBox HD Log to file cannot create the Logfiles correctly
If the dynamic space of registers is defined <1000 or >=10 000 the FBox HD Log to File is not able to create the Logfile correctly. The FBox is using interpreted text with $R commands. Due to a problem in the FBox this won't work for registers below 1000 since they only have 3 digits $Rxxx and the interpreted text needs 4 digits. Also in case the dynamic space is defined above 9999 the interpreted text won't work correctly, because the last digit is cut off by the firmware.
At the moment the dynamic space has to be defined >=1000 and <10 000 otherwise the FBox HD Log to File will not work correctly. The FBox library will be corrected for a dynamic space below 1000. To define the dynamic space above 10 000 a correction in the firmware will be necessary. As soon as a correction is available, this FAQ will be updated. -
Why is the same entry created several times by the "HDLog to File" FBox library? (FAQ #101421)
In some situations it is possible that the FBox "HDLog to File" is writing the same values several times (even if no change of value has been detected) to the *.csv file.
When viewing the file creatd by the "HDLog to File" FBox it can be observed that in some cases several lines have been created (despite of the fact that the values did not change or the cyclic writing has not been due).
In case a "Write to file" command has been executed (and thus the buffer has been written to the file) and no new values have been written to the buffer, browsing the trends on the S-Web project could lead to re-writing the same (last) value to the file.
The FBox library version listed below do avoid the re-writing of an already written entry to the *.csv file.- PG5 1.4.300: HDLog to file FBox library version 2.1.040
- PG5 2.0.110: HDLog to file FBox library version 2.6.150
Which GIF-file formats are supported by the SBC S-Web technologies and how can I generate such GIFs? (FAQ #101409)
There are different formats of GIF-files which need to be considered as not all formats/features are supported by SBC S-Web products.
In general there is a differentation between the GIF-file formats "87a" and "89a". The version "89a" includes all features from the version 87a but adds new features such as the possibility to provide animated graphics.
On all SBC products the format "87a" is fully supported while some features from the format "89a" are not supported on all devices (e.g. PCD7.D4xx).
Supported features on a MB Panel PCD7.D4xx- Transparent GIF, if within the GIF less than 256 separate colours are used.
- GIF interlaced and non-interlaced – The GIF is drawn however in one go after full reception.
Restrictions related to *.gif files on the MB Panel
- Due to hardware relations, the QVGA Panel will not be able to display transparent GIFs
- Only the VGA Panel supports transparent GIFs in which case on the transparent pixel either the background or the inner colour setting is shown if this is configured. This inner colour drawing is also drawn on the full painter area and shown on the transparent pixel in the GIF image part that is below the outline under a dotted/dashed outline.
- A 3D border is not used.
- No split canvas / background and image frame handling (single full frame). For the canvas size the frame size is taken.
- No multi frame / image GIF file support (no animated / sequenced GIF).
For sequenced GIF file the first frame is taken. This may only partly display the wanted image.
Note: The animated GIF macro from the S-Web Editor bases on a sequenced display of GIF files. The single gif files are not animated. - No full colour support of the used 24 bit colours out of the given colour table.
- On the VGA 16 Bit in a RGB 5-6-5 bit scheme is used, on the QVGA 8 Bit in a 3-3-2 Bit scheme is used.
- For the colour rounding a grey scale nearest value is taken.
- On the VGA the GIF uncompressing and this rounding can be checked using the screen dump feature
that dumps the used RGB16, 5-6-5 code pixel code in an uploadable uncompressed BMP16 file. - No GIF meta information support, no GIF coded text support.
When using a GIF-files in format "89a" (incl. animation) the following phenomenons can be observed:
- everything works fine in the Applet 5.14.27 displayed on a PC
display works, but no animation is done on a VGA MB Panel PCD7.D4xxV with firmware 1.12.11 and newer
- display doesn't work at all and only a rectangle with a red cross is displayed on a VGA MB Panel PCD7.D4xxV with firmware 1.12.11 and newer
Here are some possibilities how to generate or convert any type of picture into GIF format "87a"- "GIMP": use the free graphical editor "GIMP" and save any picture as *.gif. If necessary select "fit picture" to not save an animated GIF when you're prompted. Just to be sure to generate a GIF file of format "87a".
Get the most actual version of "GIMP" from the download website - "Imagemagick": use the portable version of the conversion tool "Imagemagick" and run a batch-file to convert a whole directory of GIF-files into "87a" formatted GIF files.
Download the portable version from
Copy the attached batch-file and the expanded zip file of "Imagemagick" into one directory. Also copy all *.gif files to be converted into the same directory.
Start the batch file with a doubleclick. The converted GIF-files will be stored in a new directory named "gif87".
Why is it not possible to compile the project if I add a curve in the HDLog to file macro? (FAQ #101375)
As soon as a curve is added to the HDLog to file macro it is not possible to compile the project anymore.
In Fupla the FBox HDLogFile was placed. In WebEditor the file is added under Project configuration and the according macro is added to a teq file. As soon as you add one trend-curve to the macro it is not possible anymore to compile the project. An errormessage similar to the message below appears:Error 2009: WEB_PG.obj: Unresolved external symbol: __stc_id_0000C_var_00___SG_COB_Daten
This problem happens, if in Fupla the option "Use predefined symbols" is not activated. Since the HDLog FBox has internal symbols it is necessary to activate this option, to have the proper functionality.Solution
Activate the option in Fupla under View/Options. In PG5 2.0 you have to activate the options:
Use predefined symbols: Yes
Delet internal: Yes
In PG5 1.4 you have to activate the options:
Use predefined Symbols
Delete internal symbols when the FBox removed
Then in the fupla you have to:
-right clic on the Fbox "HDLog" and choose "Add Predefined Symbols..."
-save the file
Then in the Web Editor you have to:
-remove the macro "HDLog"
-delete and select one more time the file *.HDF in the menu Project ->Configuration
-add the macro "HDLog" ,choose "Keep For All" -
Practical settings for the alarming macro in use with DDC Suite (FAQ #101342)
The alarm texts generated by DDC Suite are quit long and are in some cases not complete displayed with the default alarming macro. There's a description in FAQ #100711 how to modify the columns width. This FAQ contains an example which applies well to the screen dimensions of a VGA MB Panel PCD7.D4xxV.
Step-by-step example Web Editor 5
- In the Web-Editor 5 open the page with the alarming macro
- Double click the alarming macro, so that the window "GROUP" opens
- Select the tab "Cross Ref". In the cross reference list select entry "STRING "#sp;…."".
The start position of the individual columns are defined in this string in the order:
StateColour, ID, Alarm text, Time on, Time off, ACK/NAK, Counter. - Replace the default string by this string: "#sp;120,0,5,71,120,90,95\n" and don't forget to click 'update' to validate the changes.
Step-by-step example Web Editor 8
- In the Web-Editor 8 open the page with the alarming macro
- Rightmouse click in the alarming macro, choose "Cross Reference"
- Choose in the upper part for the "Filter by type" ALL
- Select in the Cross Ref Table the column with the Type "STRING "#sp;…."".
The start position of the individual columns are defined in this string in the order:
StateColour, ID, Alarm text, Time on, Time off, ACK/NAK, Counter. - Replace the default string by this string: "#sp;120,0,5,71,120,90,95\n"
- The numbers entered stand for the percentage of the total width of the alarm list where the according column starts. So the "ID" column starts at 0% of the whole width of the alarm list, and the "Alarm text" starts at 6% of the whole width fo the list etc.
The value 120 will disable the according column (in this example the "StateColour" and the "TimeOff").
As result, the alarm list will be drawn like the below attached screenshot:
Please note that the S-Web Editor 5.14.27 or later is required for this configuration (otherwise the "\n" will not work) -
How many HDLog trend variables can I log into one single CSV-file? (FAQ #101341)
You can extend the HDLog FBox to log a maximum of 10 trend variables. If you want to log more than 10 trends, you'll have to place several HDLog FBoxes.
The HDLog FBox you place has to get a unique reference name. Because the CSV-file, that contains the maximum of 10 trend variables, is combined to this unique name. If you want to log more than 10 trends, you'll have to place an additional HDLog FBox with another unique name referenced. Because these additional 10 trends are logged into a second CSV-file combined to the second unique name. This means, that in one single CSV-file you can log a maximum of 10 trends.
S-Web Editor recommendations for VGA MicroBrowser Panel projects (FAQ #101340)
There are some very useful recommandations / restrictions that should be respected when engineering an S-Web Editor project for VGA MicroBrowser Touch-Panels PCD7.D4xxV.
- The maximum size of a GIF-picture is 256 kB
- The maximum dimensions of a GIF-picture is 638 x 478 pixels
- It's recommended to use text fields that are around 20% larger than the text that is displayed in the S-Web Editor. For more details, please refer to the user's guide of the MB Panels on the support site.
- The maximum size of a displayed offline trend is 1024 kB
- A maximum of 512 painter objects can be displayed on one TEQ-view. Please note that also a simple line counts as an object. As reference: the "offline-trend" macro uses 40 objects
- According our experience, there can be displayed up to 320 registers or 500 flags on one single TEQ with reasonable speed
- One line in a TCR-file must not exceed 128 characters. This affects the choice of the size of a variable
- In a CSV-file, one line must not exceed 128 characters when programming in ASCII code, and 64 characters when programming in Unicode/UTF-16
Why does the S-Web Editor warn about deletion of unused HTML tags in csv-file? (FAQ #101338)
When you use HTML tags in csv-file with the S-Web Editor 5.14.27, unused tags in *.csv files are detected (and the S-Web Editor asks whether to delete these lines in order to increase the performance of the panel in runtime).
In normal use you don't even remark this feature, because it's done in background when you delete a macro, for example.
Remark when using indexing
However, if you add on your own some HTML tags (i.e. when indexing variables with an expression like e.g. ...@Index_PPO@), the S-Web Editor detects that there are HTML tags that don't belong to any macro. It therefore asks you whether you want to remove these tags with the message:
'WARNING found HTML tags in csv files that are no more used in actual project. Do you want editor to delete those HTML tags?'
--> If you work with the above mentionned indexed variables, remember to click 'No'!
In the next service pack of the S-Web Editor (Version 5.14.30) this warning will have an option to hide.
This version is available in Service Pack 1 for PG5 2.0 (PG5 2.0.150). For PG5 1.4 the S-Web Editor version 5.14.30 can be downloaded from the support site. -
How can I prevent the Java Applet to be re-loaded when displaying my WebEditor created web pages? (FAQ #101288)
The new WebServer 2 implemented in the PCD3 and PCD2.M5xxx supports caching and therefore the loading of the Java Applet can be avoided when reloading web pages. From firmware version 1.10.16 on you can profit of the caching possibility of the Java Virtual Machine.
How to activate caching?
To activate caching on the Java Virtual Machine you select on your local computer 'Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> Java'. In the tab 'General', click on 'Settings' and under 'Temporary Internet Files' check the box for 'remain temporary internet files on the computer'.
Please note that in case an older firmware than 1.10.16 is loaded on the PCD, it might be that values of the web project are not refreshed correctly (see FAQ 100708). -
Why do I get an error message "Internal symbols not defined" when building a PG5 project with HDLog file FBoxes? (FAQ #101263)
When building a project with HDLog FBoxes the build fails with the message "Down.wsc Line xxxx Symbol not defined_stc_id_0016_var_00" or similar can be caused by an incorrect setting in the Fupla options.
After having used the FBoxes from the family "Historical Data Logging" in a Fupla program for the use with a Macro for HD Log from file in the Web Editor the build fails. The error message indicates that symbols are not defined.
The HD Log FBoxes is creating automtically internal symbols for the use in the Webeditor macros. These symbols should be created automatically when adding the FBox to a project. If this is not the case the symbols are missing on build time and therefore lead to the error mentioned above.
you have to activate some options in the Fupla: Under View/Options:- Use predefined Symbols
If this is unchecked the FBox symbols are not created when adding the FBox. Make sure this optoin is checked! - Delete the internal symbols when the FBox removed
If this is unchecked the internal symbols stay in the symbol list, even if the FBox is removed from the project. It is recommended to have this option checked, too.
If the FBox is already part of the project you can add the internal symbols to the symbol list with right click on the FBox and choosing "Add predefined symbols". - Use predefined Symbols
Why is it not possible to compile a PG5 project containing a Web-Builder file on a PC with Chinese Windows? (FAQ #101250)
When trying to compile an S-Web Editor project on a PC running a Chinese Windows the error message "DBX initialization data too big" is displayed and the build fails.
When trying to compile an S-Web Editor project on a PC running a Chinese Windows the error message "DBX initialization data too big" is displayed and the build fails.
Due to a restriction of older versions of the S-Web builder it wasn't possible to compile a PG5 project containing an S-Web Builder project on a PC running a Chinese version of Microsoft Windows.
Since the version 2.0.100 of the S-Web builder it is possible to compile PG5 projects which contains a Web-Builder file on a PC with Chinese Windows.
Please note that the version Web Builder version 2.0.100 does not support "non ASCII characters" like for example Chinese characters on the *.htm/html or *.tcr files.
This means that it isn't allowed to define:- a PPO name in the S-Web Editor which does contain a "non ASCII character" or
- a "PDP,,"-syntax wich contains a "non ASCII character" within an htm/html file
Where can I get the S-Web Builder version 2.0.100?
Please contact your local Saia-Burgess Controls AG representative. -
Why is the webpage not displayed? Class not found exception (FAQ #101230)
Webpage doesn't get displayed at all when selecting an incorrect "base ppo name" in the trend macro.
When trying to open the webproject the java applet is not loaded and the error message in the Java console is:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: IMasterSaia5_xx_yy.class.
Possible Reasons:
Wrong "Base PPO Name" selected.
You have to enter the symbol name of the "Data DB" output of the "HD Init" F-Box. -
It’s possible to protect my web pages stored on the PCD, so that they can’t be copied? (FAQ #101229)
In order to prevent that someone do copy the web pages which are stored on the file system (memory module) of the PCD, it’s possible to convert the content of the web-pages in a DB of the PCD with the use of the web-builder tool.
For S-Web editor project’s we do recommend to convert the *.teq files in the web-builder.
How to load a web application from a PCD/PCS (without Ethernet port) to a remote PC with the use of a CE web-panel? (FAQ #101215)
Using an indirect connection of the web-connect software on the CE web-panel (PCD7.D5xxx) it’s possible that a remote PC is able to load the web-pages stored on the PCD/PCS.
On application the PCD/PCS is connected over serial line to a CE web-panel and the end user wants to display the web-pages stored on the PCD/PCS on the CE web-panel and on a remote PC.Solution
With the help of the web-connect SW on the CE web-panel it's possible that the any PC on the TCP/IP network is able to establish an indirect TCP/IP connection to the web application stored on the PCD/PCS and to display the web application on the browser of the remote PC.Open the web-browser on the remote PC and type the IP address of the CE web-panel, the connection name defined on the web-connect software and the name of the startpage in the navigation bar of the browser.
Example: address of the panel
pcs=web-conncect connection name
start.htm=name of the start page
Instead of a CE web-panel there can as well be an ordinary PC, connected over the web-connect software to the PCD / PCS. The procedure is the same.
It is not possible to use a Microbrowser QVGA panel for this kind of connection.
The Microbrowser VGA panel doesn't support this functionality at the moment; but it's planned for the future. -
Why is the webpage not displayed? Class not found exception. Strange characters are displayed on top of the webpage. (FAQ #101200)
When using text PPOs they have to be defined as STRING in the PPO list. Otherwise this can cause strange errors.
When opening the Web Application some strange characters are displayed on top of the page followed by a warning button inside the java applet.The error message in the Java console is:
"java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: IMasterSaia5_14_00.class"
or similar.Reason
Text PPO have to be declared as STRING in the PPO list. If there is no definition it won't work.Solution
Define all text PPO as STRING in the PPO list.
What is the "WebServer2" on Saia PCD® COSinus systems? (FAQ #101191)
The WebServer2 is a re-implementation of the previous WebServer on Saia PCD® COSinus systems and of course compatibel to the previous version.
The first implementation of a Web Server on PCD systems has been realized around the year 2000. With growing experience additional features and higher performance have been requested. In order to fullfil this requirement, the WebServer has been re-implemented (with the result of the WebServer2).
What is new in the WebServer2?
In general the WebServer2 is functionally compatible to the previous implementation. In addition the following new features are supported:- HTTP 1.1 support
- HTTP caching is supported. As result the in FAQ 100708 is no longer to be applied; It is recommended to enable the caching for the JVM (option "keep temprary files on PC") when working with the WebServer2.
Remark: If the caching is not enabled, you will not profit from the supported caching; it will then work as it has before with the previous WebServer. - Better performance
- Parallel acces to files is properly supported (acces is no longer interrupted if another client loads the IMaster applet)
- Multiple Web clients can access the Web Server on the same physical interface with (Ether-S-Bus or Profi-S-Bus)
- Easier understandable error messages
- When texts are entered, the length of the text is specified (and no longer filled up with space characters)
- The WebServer2 does provide more information on the default page and has a nicer look. By viewing this page it is easy figuring out whether the WebServer2 is running on a PCDView of previous WebServerView of WebServer2
Firmware (FW) supporting the WebServer2
The table below indicates the first firmware versions supporting the WebServer2. Systems not listed in this table do not feature the WebServer2.PCD system pilot FW version production FW version PCD2.M480 1.09.38*)-PCD2.M5xx0 1.09.38*)1.10.16PCD3 1.09.38*)1.10.16*) Please note that in the first pilot firmware not all features have been supported.
The only incompatibe difference between the previous WebServer and the WebServer2 concerns users that use the "HTML forms":- The previous Web Server used:
%%TAG% - The WebServer2 expects (the "value" is no longer automatically added by the Web Server):
An example for the HTML forms on the WebServer2 can be found in the attached document.
Has the Web Server Time Allocation any influence? (FAQ #101179)
This Time Allocation has only an influence on the old systems PCD2.M1x0. For all new NT systems like PCD3.Mxxx and PCD2.M5xxx it has no influence.
Web Server Time Allocation:
In the Webbuilder under Settings it is possible to choose the "Web Server Time Allocation". You can choose between "Low", "Medium" and High" Priority. This will change the priority of the Webproject. With high priority the Webproject is treated more often. Otherwise the program on the CPU will be slower.
This setting has only an influence on the old systems PCD2.M1x0. For the new NT systems like PCD3 and PCD2.M5xxx it doesn't has any influence. -
How to hide the address bar on the IE7 or to put IE7 in to full screen mode? (FAQ #101148)
In some cases the address bar of the Windows Internet Explorer (IE7) is not desired and shall be removed.
To hide the address bar on the Windows Internet Explorer or to put IE7 into fullscreen mode just execute the following steps:
- Open "Run..." from the Windows start menu
- Type: "gpedit.msc"
- On the new displayed window "Group policy" browse to the menu:
User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Internet Explorer\
There are many options here which you can enable. - If you enable 'enforce full screen mode' then that will hide and disable everything except the status bar.
Why the webpage is not displayed on the web-browser of the PC? Error message "Class not found" is displayed (but working fine on MB-webpanel) (FAQ #101142)
The error message is shown, if the browser on the PC does need a java applet and the java applet is not loaded.
Web-Pages which are created with the S-Web editor does need a java applet.
On the webpanel (Microbrowser) the webpage is visible and works fine, because the java applet is integeated in to the firmware of the webpanel.
But if the webpage is displayed on the browser of the PC, then the browser needs to load the specifc java applet to be able to display the webpage correctly.
If the browser is not able to load the Java applet then the follwoing error message is displayed on the Java console:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: IMasterSaia5_xx_yy.class.
The reason for this behavior is, that the browser on the PC is not able to find the IMasterSaia.jar file.
Add the IMasterSaia.jar file to the PCD either by selecting the file in the web-builder or by copying the file over FTP to the flash card of the PCD.
In case Webconnect is used for the connection it can as well be placed in the Webpages folder on the PC.
Why my Web-Application is no more reacting after clicking on "Save Logs to file" button? (FAQ #101035)
If on a web-page with trending or alarming after clicking the button "Save Logs to file" the Web-Application is no more reacting then it’s possible the Java security settings are the reason of this trouble.
The Web application running on a PC (e.g. in the Internet Explorer) does no longer work after the button "Save Logs to file" has been clicked.Reason
In this case it is very likely that the security settings of the browser does not allow the Java virtual machine (VM) to access the file system.Solution
Please refer to the chapter "Java Security Settings (For Microsoft VM)" in the attached extract of the manual of the S-Web Editor. Alternatively, you can also refer to the on line help of the S-Web Editor (refer to chapter "Java Security Settings (vor Microsoft VM)") -
Why do the values on an eXP Web Panel freeze? (FAQ #100975)
During the use of the Internet Explorer on a Panel eXP, it can happen that the values of the PCD are not refreshed during several minutes.
The values of PCD medias (PPOs) shown on a eXP Web Panel (PCD7.D6xxx) are freezed from time to time for a couple of minutes. If during this time a page is changed, no values are shown at all. This phenomenon can be observed when using the Web Editor 5.13.00. This can happen after several hours of service.
This freeze of the values is caused by a problem in the Java Applet IMasterSaia5_13_00.jar distributed together with the Web Editor 5.13.00.
To solve this problem, please load the new Applet 5.13.00 (attached to this FAQ) into your web project. -
Why is the message: "Failed to get data on alarm.exe" displayed on the alarming page? (FAQ #100963)
This error message appears if the used firmware on the CPU does not support the "active and non ACK" filter for the S-Web alarming functionality (e.g. a PCD2.M150 with firmware 0D3).
Instead of the alarm list of the S-Web alarming macro, the message "Failed to get data on alarm.exe" is displayed on the alarming page.
The reason is that the macro tries receiving the alarms filtered by the "active and not acknowledged" state of the alarms. This does only work if this feature is implemented in the according firmware.
Please update the firmware (FW) of your PCD system to the firmware supporting the according feature (see table below).System minimal FW PCS1.Cxxx 0E3PCD1.M1x5 0E3PCD2.M150 0E3PCD2/4.M170 0E3PCD2.M480 1.08.21*)PCD2.M5xx0 1.08.19PCD3.Mxxx0 1.08.23*)
*) On PCD3 and PCD2.M480 systems the "active and not acknowledged" filter has already been implemented in previous versions, but has been improved this indicated version. -
Why are the alarm texts not displayed? (FAQ #100934)
The alarm appears correctly but the alarm text is missing.
Possible Reasons:
- The name (name and reference) of the Fbox Alarming is too long. It can be maximum 20 chars.
- The alarm texts should be in a .csv file but the file was not created
- The csv file was created but the alarm texts where not adapted correctly. The formatting has to be as in the example below:
A.Alarm.ThisAlarmList.MyName_1;First Alarm
A.Alarm.ThisAlarmList.MyName_2;Second Alarm
A.Alarm.ThisAlarmList.MyName_3;Third Alarm
The first part should not be modified. The part after the ; is your alarm text and can be adapted as you like - In Project/Project configuration/Project-Applet advanced the option HTML Parameters in csv file is not activated or it is activated but the csv file containing the alarm list is not chosen in the field "csv file".
Is it possible to store the web pages on a Web Panel? (FAQ #100931)
Yes, it is possible to store the web pages (.teq, .htm, .html, IMaster.jar, .gif etc.) on the panel instead on the CPU itself.
In general it is possible storing data (pictures, files) directly on the Web Panel. The only file which always needs to be stored on the PCD is the file with the extension tcr. Depending on the panel, specific techniques and storage folders are available:
Micorbrowser Panel PCD7.D4xxx (MB Panels)
Data can be stored on the onboard Flash memory "M1_Flash" (in the folder M1_FLASH/WEBPAGES). This data is to be downloaded over an FTP connection (further information can be found in the manual SBC FTP Server and SBC Flash File System, 26/855).
Quickguide:- Configure an IP address on the panel.
- Open an FTP client (active FTP mode) and connect to the MB Panel
Username: root
Password: rootpasswd - Download the files to the folder "M1_FLASH/WEBPAGES"
- If the same files are present also on the PCD, specify "Search files first local".
The MB Panel will search these files independently on the configured communication type to the PCD (http direct, Serial-S-Bus etc.)
CE Panel PCD7.D5xxx / eXP Panel PCD7.D6xx
On a CE- or eXP panel data can only be stored locally if the WebConnect software is used. In this case, data can be stored on the storage card in the Webpage folder (the folder location can be configured in WebConnect). Hint: whenever possible, use the http direct protocol, where WebConnect 2.0 and later can act as proxy. -
Can I store files locally on a MB Panel (in order to increase communication performance)? (FAQ #100924)
Yes, it is possile storing files directly on the flash File System of an MB Panel. By doing so, the page will be displayed faster because these files do not need to be transferred over the communication interface.
Can I store any file of the Web Project on the MB Panel?
In fact, all the files of the Web-Editor project can be saved locally on the panel except the *.tcr file. This file contains the definition of the global variables of the PCD (PPO variables) and must remain in the user program of the PCD (added to the project by using the Web Builder). All the other files can be stored on the local Flash Card of the WebPanel.
How to store the files to the MB Panel?
The files can be transferred via an FTP connection (user: "root", password "rootpasswd") to the "M1_FLASH" directory of the MB Panel file system. For further information regarding accessing the file system of the MB Panel, please refer to the manual 26/855 (Manual File System) which can be found on the support site ( in the product section for the PCD3.
The directory "INTFLASH" shouldn't be accessed by the user and no data should be saved in this directory. -
Does the Web-Editor allow to access array variables of PG5 symbolic names? (FAQ #100915)
Yes, if you use version 2.0.31 of the Web-Builder or later you can access to variables like Ressource_name_of_PG5[2].
Is it possible to use symbolic names of PG5 resources on the Web-Editor if container offset is used? (FAQ #100914)
With the old Web-Builder it was not possible to use symbolic PG5 resource names if on the Web-Builder the container offset where used.
On the old Web-Builder you have to use the following syntax:
Since the version 2.0.31 of the Web-Builder it is possible to use the symbolic name of the PG5 like
How to use registers with addresses > 9999 on a web project? (FAQ #100913)
The old version of the Web-Builder supports only registers with addresses < than 10000 (4 digit values).
Register addresses > than 9999 are supported since the version 2.0.31 of the Web-Builder.
Is it possible to know on the PCD if the Web-Application on a Web-Panel is running? (FAQ #100909)
Yes it is possible to use a kind of life sign on the XP, CE and MB Web-Panel (created with the S-Web-Editor) and to read this life sign on the PCD.
This allows to know if the connection between the PCD and Web-Panel is ok and if the Web-Application on the Web-Panel is running.
To insert the life sign you have to use the container variable @BLINKCO on the S-Web-Editor.
During runtime this container toggles each refresh period between 1 and 0 on the XP, CE or MB Web-Panel.
To transmit the container @BLINKCO to the PCD, you have to copy the container to a PCD variable and you have to check on the PCD application programm, that the PCD variable does toggling cyclically.
To copy the container @BLINKCO to a PCD variable use the macro “EventP_wrCo2ppo_onRepaint_.tlb” of the S-Web-Editor.
You can place the macro on a background page and use the same background page on all your Web-Pages.
To avoid that the life sing is not toggling during the time that the Web-Pages “MsgBox.teq”, “ALPHAPAD.TEQ” or “KEYPAD.TEQ” are shown on the screen, you have to insert the macro “EventP_wrCo2ppo_onRepaint_.tlb” also on this pages.
Please note that you have to insert the macro directly on this three pages.
It’s not allowed to use a background or foreground page on this three pages.
If several Web-Panels does display the same Web-Application of the same PCD then on the PCD the life sing will be overwritten from all Web-Panels and it’s not possible to detect if one Web-Panel is no more working. -
Why is the web-Server on the PCD is accessible over two different socket ports? (FAQ #100900)
The use of two ports allows the user to make a prioritization of the web-requests.
If http-direct is used, then the Web-Server on the PCD3 and PCD2.M5 CPU’s is accessible over two different socket ports. The default ports are socket port 80 and 81.
It's possible to change the port number with the use the Device Configurator of PG5 2.0 (SP1 or later). To change the port number see the FAQ 101464.
Working principle
The use of two ports allows the user to make a prioritization of the web-requests.
If for example there are 4 devices (A, B, C and D) which do access the S-Web server of the PCD then the user could force the device A, B and C to access the port 80 of the PCD and the device D does access the port 81 of the PCD.
In such a case the requests of the devices A, B and C are queued in the Web-Server socket queue 80 and the request of the device D is queued in the Web-Server socket queue 81. The web server on the PCD does treat both ports evenly.
In the example above the requests of the device D are treated about every 3rd cycle. The requests of the device A, B or C are treated about every 7th cycle. -
How to set the index of the Alarmlist FBox? (FAQ #100876)
The index of the Alarmlist FBox does always start with 1 (and not with 0). If more than one Alarmlist FBox is in use, the index has to be adjusted in the following way:
The first FBox is an Alarm 10 F-Box and has the Index 1
The second FBox has in this case Index 1+10 = 11
If the second FBox is an Alarm 20 FBox, the third FBox has Index 1+10+20=31 -
How to uninstall the Webserver password page? (FAQ #100873)
Once the used password page has been activated, the password page cannot be deactivated any more until next reboot.
In order to deactivate the Web server password page, switch off the PCD (with power off/on). Note that a new program download and/or a CPU coldstart does is not sufficient for resetting the password page.
Negative values with decimal point are not displayed correctly on the CE panel (FAQ #100842)
If a negative value (for instance -0.7) should be displayed on the CE panel, there is just -.7 visible. The zero is missing. A new microbrowser version is solving the issue.
This was a problem in the Microbrowser distributed with the image $
Install the new Microbrowser or newer. Ask the support team for the latest version. Replace the Microbrowser.exe and in the Windows folder mfcce400.dll -
S-Web Editor 5.13.00 dependencies (FAQ #100810)
Since the first version of the Web Editor has been released there has been many functionalities added. In parallel, new functionality has been added in PCD firmware, Micro Browser Panels (MB Panels PCD7.D4xxx), CE Panels (PCD7.D5xxx) as well as on eXP Panels (PCD7.D6xxx). This FAQ contains a function matrix that gives further information regarding the added functionalities and dependencies.
The various features of pages created with the Web Editor do require functionalities of the PCD firmware as well as of the panels/PC systems used. Depending on the panel or PC, these functionality needs to be implemented in:- The PCD firmware itself. The PCD firmware can be downloaded from the according product section on the support site.
- The firmware (of an MB Panels if used). The MB Panel firmware can be downloaded from the product section PCD7.D4xx from the support site.
- The image (if a CE- or eXP panel is used). The according image can be downloaded from the product section PCD7.D5xxxx (CE) or PCD7.D6xxx (eXP) from the support site.
- In the IMasterSaiaxxx.jar (for the usage of a web browser running on a PC). The IMasterSaiaxxx.jar is distributed together with the Web Editor and will be copied into the PG5 project by the Web Editor. The Web Editor itself can be downloaded from the Application overview page "S-Web" on the support site.
Supported features by panels and the Web Editor
The table below shows the first version of the Web Editor supporting various features. Additionally, the required version of the panel operating system is shown, too.Web-Editor functions Web Editor MB Panels QVGA
(FW version)Web-Editor
(MB version)eXP Panels (IMaster.jar ) PC/Laptop
(IMaster.jar)New PG5 Symbol selector with group support 5.13.00 - - - - New Macro format incl. gif & PPO min/max & unit 5.13.00 - - - - Validation of user entered values for date & time for PPOs 5.13.00 1.07.00 5.13.00 5.13.00 New Alarming macros for 3.5" MB Panel with F-key operation 5.13.00 1.08.01 - - - New filter "Active or NAK" in Macro DefOnline Alarming 5.13.00 1.07.00 5.13.00 5.13.00 Alarming & Trending Date/Time display format configurable 5.13.00 1.07.00 5.13.00 5.13.00 Browser resp. applet loads only 1 page 5.10.00 5.10.00 Alarming (with extension for ACK by user program) 5.07.00 1.07.00 5.07.00 5.07.00 Support of Unicode character set (only for the display of texts in the browser by the use of "HTML tags") 5.07.00 V1004 intern. JVM required intern. JVM required Multi line painter 5.07.00 V228 V1.5.072 5.07.00 5.07.00 Web-Editor zooming 5.07.00 5.07.00 5.07.00 Hide & disable group 5.07.00 V228 V1.5.072 5.07.00 5.07.00 Support of Web-Editor version 5.07.00 (without usage of trending, alarming and Unicode characters) - V228 V1.5.072 5.07.00 5.07.00 Trending 5.03.00 1.07.00 5.03.00 5.03.00 Autom. page change 5.03.00 5.03.00 5.03.00 Password 4 levels 5.03.00 5.03.00 5.03.00 TableControl 5.03.00 5.03.00 5.03.00 ComboBox 5.03.00 5.03.00 5.03.00 Unicode with cyrillic Windows 5.13.00 1.08.02 5.13.00 5.13.00 HTML support (e.g. frameset for navigation) - No No Support for SD-card (backup and restore; clone and restore from clone) -1.08.01---
The version of the Micro Browser for CE panels is distributed with the following images for the CE panels:- For PCD7D.5xxxTMxxx (CELERON): version $
- For PCD7D.5xxxTXxxx (XScale): version $
Supported features by PCD firmware
The table below shows the first version of the PCD systems supporting various features.Web-Editor functions PCD3.Mxx0 PCD2.M480 PCD2.M170 PCD2.M150 PCD1.M135 PCS1.Cxxx PCD3.Mxx7 Trending 020
Alarming (ACK possibility by user program)039
New filter "Active or NAK" in Macro DefOnline Alarming 1.06.38
Nbr. of data points > 1500 (max. 1500 data points/page) 020
Nbr. of pages > 32 020
The versions mentioned above are the first versions that support the according feature. As the versions all are backward compatible, it is recommended using the last version rather than downgrading a system to the version indicated above.
The first name of this FAQ was "Which functionality is supported in which Web Editor, Micro Browser and firmware version?" -
Why are the Webpages not always displayed? How to adjust the timeout of the WebServer? (FAQ #100808)
When connecting over a network (VPN), the default timeout can be to small. It is possible to change this timeout by adding an configuration file.
The WebServer is accessible over the local network and works well. But when connecting over e.g. a VPN or over the internet, the pages are not displayed (or only some times). The error message Applet IMasterSaia not inited can appear.
This can happen due to the timeout of the WebServer. By default the http connection is reset by the PCD after a timeout of 1 second with firmware older than 1.14.xx (with firmware 1.14.xx and later, the default timeout is 3 seconds). In some cases the "old" timeout of 1 second is not long enough while 3 seconds shoud be ok in all cases.
Solution- Firmware 1.14.23 with PG5 2.0.150 (SP1) with or later
Starting with firmware 1.14.23 and PG5 2.0.150 (Service Pack 1) it is possible to configure the S-Web Server directly with the Device Configurator and this configuration can be downloaded over S-Bus (download configuration in the Device Configurator):
Before this is possible, please configure the firmware version to "From 1.14.00 or more recent" in the properties of the PCD type (see screenshot below).
A change of the configuration is active right after the download of this configuration (given no http connection is already open; the parameters of open connections are not changed on the fly). - Firmware older than 1.14.xx
The timeout can be configured in the Web server configuration file on the PCD. The name of the file must be: "WEBSocketConfig.txt" and it has to be placed either in the M2_Flash/Config folder or it has to be downloaded with the WebBuilder.
The file has to be present at boot time, this means that you have to restart (power off /on) the PCD for that the configuration is interpreted. An example file is attached to this FAQ. When placing this file the timeout will be 10 seconds.
- As soon as PG5 2.0.150 or later is used and the configuration of the device is set to "Firmware 1.14.xx or newer", the configuration will be downloaded via the Device Configurator. This configuration has a higher priority than the WebSocketConfig.txt.
- In case you already have configure the PCD in the old way (with the WebSocketconfig.txt) and you would like to keep it that way even after a firmware upgrade, please select "Before the version 1.14.00" and download this configuration; this will cause the Device Configurator to delete its configuration files even if the firmware used on the PCD is newer than 1.14.00:
- Firmware 1.14.23 with PG5 2.0.150 (SP1) with or later
Is it possible to run another application (Internet Explorer) from the Microbrowser on a CE panel? (FAQ #100768)
Since the Micorbrowser does not support every function of the Internet Explorer it can be necessary to open the Internet Explorer for some specific operations.
The Microbrowser cannot handle everything that the Internet Explorer does.Reason
Since the Microbrowser was reduced to a minimal browser to make it faster, it is not possible to add all option that other browsers have.Solution
It is possible to call another tool which is installed on the panel per example the Internet Explorer. This can be done with the container variable MB_StartProzess. As value the tool to open and the URL has to be entered (iexplore; with image 2.0.xx it is isample ). -
Installed F-Boxes are not available (FAQ #100723)
New F-Boxes per example for the trending / alarming where installed in PG5. After the installation the F-Boxes are still not available in Fupla.
New F-Boxes where installed. The installation seemed to be successful, otherwise the F-Boxes are still not available.Reason
Check if the F-Boxes are really installed (p. ex. C:\Program Files\SAIA-Burgess\PG5 1_4\Libs\Usr). If they are present there, check in the Software-Settings of your CPU under Directory if "Use Library Override Directoryes" is activated.Solution
If the files are not present, copy / install them again
If the "Use Library Override Directoryes" is activated, deactivate it or copy the files to the corresponding path. -
Applet malfunction after installing Sun Java Platform Edition 6 (Version 1.6) (FAQ #100708)
After installing or upgrading the Sun Java Virtual Machine Version 6 (resp. 1.6) the SBC Java applet for S-Web applications (IMasterSaia*.jar) does not update PPO values anymore. To fix this refreshing problem, either use a recent firmwae or disable the file caching for java files.
At the beginning of April 2007, Sun Microsystems started to distribute it's updated Java Virtual Machine, now called Java Platform Standard Edition 6 which is in fact version 1.6.0. After this version is installed, the Java applet used with S-Web application does not work properly anymore. While setting PPO values via Buttons or Edit Boxes still work, the actual PPO values are not updated/refreshed.
This problem is caused by the fact that version 6 / 1.6 activates the file caching for java files, which was normally deactivated in former Java versions. To solve the PPO update problem within the SBC applet, the file caching for java files has to be disabled again!
There are two possible solution in this case:- Recommended solution
Use a recent firmware version, later than 1.10.16 for PCD3 or PCD2.M5xxx. This firmware version contains the new Web Server 2 which supports the caching mechanism used by the Java Virtual Machine. - In case it is not possible updating the firmware of the PCD, disable the caching of files in the Java Virtual Machine. Therefore go to the control panel and open the settings for "Java". At the bottom of the "General" tab, click on the Button "Settings..." within the "Temporary Internet file" group. Now the dialog "Settings for temporary files" should be openend (see screenshot below).
Disable the the file caching by untick the checkbox and clear the file cache by clicking the "Delete files..." button. Close all opened dialogs with "OK" and restart your Web-Browser. Now, the SBC applet and your S-Web application should work properly again (but the whole applet will be reloaded every time when opening the web page).
- Recommended solution
Internet Explorer 7 does not support FTP connection (FAQ #100703)
With Internet Explorer 6 it was possible to access the PCD3 FTP server. IE7 does not support this anymore
The FTP server can only be accesed with per example: "ftp://root@". Otherwise when browsing to another folder the connection is always borken because the root@ get lost. It is necessary to add the root@ for each folder changing.Reason
Microsoft does not support the FTP functionality with the IE7.Solution
Use another FTP client: Fillzilla (Freeware), Total commander or go back to -
Alarming: When OnLine in fupla, FBox 10 Alarm displays xxxx instead of the values! (FAQ #100694)
When the input Clear of the FBox 10 Alarm get high this FBox and the Alarm SWeb Init FBox show no values and it doesn't work properly! It also can happen that the PG5 closes and PCD get in a strange state.
Install the corrected Alarming library 103001in attachment!
The PCD goes in HALT with a BUS ERROR if many accesses to the WebServer are executed (FAQ #100658)
After a few houres or days the PCD3 goes in HALT with a BUS ERROR.
The PCD3 goes in HALT with a BUS ERROR after a few hours or days. After a power off / on it works again for a whileReason
This can happen if many accesses to the WebServer are executet and a firmware <030 or <$2A is in use.Solution
Update the firmware to 030 or $2A -
Why is the Internet Browser frozen after a few hours (FAQ #100648)
The page is properly displayed but the values are not refreshed anymore.
After a few hours the Internet Browser is not refreshing the page anymore. The only solution is to restart the Browser.Reason
If the debug option is activated in Web Editor, Project/Project configuration this will fill up the Java consol and after a few houres it is not possible to handle it anymore and the Browser will freeze. This debug option is not activated by default. It can be helpful at the beginning of a project but in runtime it should be switched off again.Solution
Switch off the debug option.§ix100456§
Why is the message "syntax error" / "syntax error in tag" displayed instead of a value (FAQ #100632)
The page is properly displayed but instead of the values from the PCD a syntax error is indicated.
Everything works fine, only the values from the PCD are not displayed. It appears a syntax error instead.Reason
This can happen if the file .tcr is not loaded on the CPU. The two files .tcr and .itc should not be copied to the flash memory card or in the C:\Webpages folder. They have to be implemented in a WebServer Project (.wsp) and downloaded to the CPU. If they are on the flash card or in the Webpages folder this can cause the problem desibed above.Solution
Create a WebServer Project (.wsp) -file in your PG5 project, if it is not already existing. Add the .tcr and .itq file and "Generate" the file. Make a rebuild all and download the project to the CPU. Note that the WebServer Project (.wsp) has to be linked in the project, while the WebEditor Project (.prj) don't has to be linked. -
Why are negativ values not displayed correctly? (FAQ #100630)
Negativ values are not displayed correctly in a Web Application
Negativ values are displayed as 1.-44 instead of -1.44. The format is not correctReason
There are two different problems. On problem was in the microbrowser version for CE-panels and the otherone was in the Java-Applet of the Web-Editor (IMaster.jar).Solution
The problem is fixed for the Microbrowser CE panels in the version V1.5.076b7 which is now installed on the delivered panels.
The problem with the IMaster.jar is fixed in the WebEditor version 5_10.If you need a new Microbrowser or WebEditor Version contact the support team
URL Jump doesn't work with Microbrowser CE Terminal (FAQ #100617)
Web Editor 5.07 Project with Microbrowser V1.5.07.074
URL Jump doesen't work!
Web projects built with WebEditor 5.07 need the Microbrowser Version V 1.5.076b7.
Contact PCD Support
What file names are allowed in the Web-Editor (FAQ #100552)
The maximal lenght of all file names in a Webproject is 18 characters (without extention). Special characters and spacees are not supported.
It is possible to define file names with more than 18 characters and special characters or spaces. Unfortunately these cases are not catched by the WebEditor. However, the Web Editor project will not work properly if a file (*.teq, *.gif etc.) has a name that is more than 18 characters. It might be that the file is not downloaded at all and is therefore missing in your project (the 18 characters do not include dot and extention).
If a *.teq file has a file name longer than 18 characters it is possible that the PPO values are not read from the PCD ("no message" is shown instead). It is also possible that only a part of the PPO values is shown.Examples
- Thisismygif.gif (11 charakters=ok)
- Thisteqistoolong132.teq (19 charakters=too long)
- New Gif.gif (Space is used= not allowed!)
- Hällö.teq (Special character used=not allowed!)
All files in the Web project should be defined according to this rules including the Webproject itself.
Why is the message: "cannot create page content yet" appears from time to time (FAQ #100527)
This is related to a firmware problem in the PCD3 FW 018. Update to the next official version.
If I want to display Web pages on a PCD Web Panel CE, what is the difference between the use of Internet Explorer and the Micro Browser? (FAQ #100506)
On a PCD Web Panel CE it's possible to display the Web application with two different tools, either the Internet Explorer or the Micro Browser.
The main difference between the use of the Internet Explorer and the Micro Browser are:
Internet Explorer:
If you use the Internet Explorer then you are able to display all kind of Web-Pages on the PCD Web Panel CE.
But since the Internet Explorer uses Java as add on tool, the start up of the web-application is quite slowly and also the reaction time during runtime is not very fast.If you use the SBC S-Web Editor then either you have to store the java applet file “IMasterSaia_x.jar” directly on the PCD PLC memory or you have to copy this file on the Flash card of the PCD Web Panel CE on the folder “Storage Card/WebPages/”.
Micro Browser:
The Micro Browser can only be used if the Web-application was created with the S-Web editor.
Since the Micro Browser is dedicated specially to the use of Web applications created with the S-Web editor, only a restricted set of java instructions are supported.
This reduced set of java instructions leads to a much faster start up of the Web application.Also one big difference between the Micro Browser and the Internet Explorer is the fact, that the Micro Browser is a native code and there fore the reaction time during runtime of the Wep application is much faster in comparison with the Internet Explorer (The Internet Explorer does interpret Java)
If you use the Micro Browser it’s not necessary that you store the java applet file “IMasterSaia_x.jar” on the PCD PLC.
Also you have the possibility to display the Web-Application in full screen mode.
If you have developed your Web application with the use of our S-Web editor then we do recommend to use the Micro Browser.
How to use the display of the MicroBrowser on the PCD Web Panel CE in full screen mode? (FAQ #100505)
It's possible to display the MicroBrowser page on the PCD Web Panel CE in full screen mode.
That mean that now scroll bar on the right side and on the bottom of the display is visible
If you want to display the content of the MicroBrowser page in full screen mode then you have to open the file:
which is located on the flash card of the PCD7.D5xx terminal on the folder:
"Storage Card/Micro-Browser/"
with a text editor and you have to modify the entry: <kiosk>0</kiosk>
<kiosk>0</kiosk> = full screen mode is not actiavated
<kiosk>1</kiosk> = full screen mode is actiaved, this is the first version of full screen mode. Not all functions are supported
<kiosk>2</kiosk> = full screen mode is actiaved, this is the new corrected version of full screen mode.
<kiosk>3</kiosk> = full screen mode is actiaved, this is a special full screen mode. It is not possible to get to the windows desktop of the panel without a keyboard connected.If you are creating a new project we recommend to use the kiosk 2 mode. Otherwise if you have created a projekt with kiosk 1 and you are happy with it, there is no need to change.
How to store a web page content which was uploaded from the PCD in to a Excel sheet? (FAQ #100476)
Excel ofers a powerfull function to store the content of Web-Pages (tables) which where stored in the PCD in to Excel sheets
To store a Web-Page content like the example below in a Excel sheet you have to perform the following steps:
Open Excel. Select menu point "Data, Import External Data, New Web-Query".
On the address field, browse to your Web-Page which is stored on the PCD.
Select the page and the table which you want to store in to Excel.§ix100305§
Define the Excel cell where you want to store the table
Why does the error message "Can't generate ...web.itq length is 0" appers when generating a file with the Webbuilder? (FAQ #100429)
This error appears if the itq file is empty.
The following message appears when generating a Webbuilder Project:
The itq file is emptySolution
Generate the Webbuilder Project without itq file or open the corresponding Web-Editor project, click on the icon ID=, o.k / yes. Save the file. Now the Webbuilder Project will no more show this error message. -
PCD2.M170 or PCS1: WEB Server works only if a WEB project is downloaded in the PCD! (FAQ #100380)
If you try to connect to the the WEB Server of a PCD2.M170, PCD2.M150 (pilot FW) or a PCS1 and no WEB Server project has been downloaded, the following error is displayed: "Error 4 -Invalid page indentifier in the PCD answer".
On the "older" system it is necessary to download a Web Server project (even if it is empty) into the PCD in order to be able to access to the default SBC WEB Pages!
On the Saia PCD® COSinus systems (PCD3, PCD2.M5 and PCD2.M480) this problem doesn't occur!
Why does the web page show "No component selected" instead of the media value? (FAQ #100379)
The web page is properly displayed but instead of the variable value the text "No component selected" appears.
The webpage is properly displayed but instead of the variable value the text "No component selected" appears. Probably some modifications have been done on the web pages in the Web Editor and it has been compiled and downloaded. The graphical modification are updated but the the variable value don't apear!
The message "No component selected" indicates a wrong or missing tag definition for the value to be displayed. One common reason for this message is that only a part of a Web Editor project has been updated.
Solution:Make a "Save all" in the Web Editor before compiling the PG5 project and download the project! Don't forget updating also the files which are stored on a Flash module (WEBPAGES folder) and/or in the folder "WebPages" from WebConnect.
What tools/technology should be used to create pages for the SBC-S-Web concept? (FAQ #100020)
All PCD systems developed since the year 2000 contain a Web Server for diagnostic purpose and allow to download customized pages. This is very useful for maintenance purpose and for simple visualizations.
Web Technology is an endless topic, so it is important to start at the right end.
S-Web Editor
In general we recommend using the PG5 Add-On tool "S-Web Editor" for the creation of web projects for the visualisation of the PCD medias (Registers, Flags etc.). The S-Web Editor is distributed on the PG5 Controls Suite CD and can also be downloaded from the support page ( As you can see below, the S-Web Editor is a WYSIWYG Editor:
CGI interface
In case the Web Server shall be accessed from e.g. a Visual Basic application, the PCD resources can also be read and written via CGI calls. In this case, the SBC.Net Suite offers specific libraries which provide the interface from your application to the Web Server of the PCD. The SBC.Net Suite is based on the Microsoft .Net Framework. Please contact your local Saia-Burgess Controls AG Sales office for more information.
Writing your own html code
Of course it is also possible to write your own *.htm/*.hmtl pages containing tags for displaying PCD resources, but the engineering effort is significantly higher if this way is chosen. Please refer to the Web Server manual for more information (the support given by Saia Burgess and its representatives will be limited to the content of this manual).