PG5 2.2 program Examples
In many cases an example explains more than an elaborate manual. The examples in this section of the support site are written with the aim to provide a fast and efficient way to show the functionality of a specific feature of the Saia PCD® systems. The examples are created with the experience made during workshops and shall respond to questions that come up in the daily support business. The documentation that comes with the example (have a look in the "Documentation" folder of the PG5 projects) indicates important points to be considered.
Structure of the examples
The general structure of the examples always contains the following key parts:
- a functional PG5 project
- the definition of the required hard- and software
- an explanation for a fast commissioning of the example
- an explanation of the specific parts of the program / project
Installation / Restoring an example
For the installation of the project on your PC, first download the ZIP file and then restore the project using the "Restore..." function of the PG5 Project Manager menu "Project".
Required experience in programming Saia PCD® systems
The mentioned level is an indication about the required experience in Saia PCD® Classic programming. This doesn't mean that a beginner couldn't realize an application indicated with the level: hard, it only means that the user needs to study some more background documentation.
The range of the levels is divided in the following stages: easy, medium and hard.

PG5 2.1
Are devices or software developed from Saia-Burgess Controls affected by the Domain Name System (DNS) vulnerabilities, published with the report name NAME:WRECK? (FAQ #102046)
Saia-Burgess Controls devices and software are not affected from Domain Name System (DNS) vulnerabilities published with the report name NAME:WRECK
Why the PG5 Update manager does not work, error message ‘An error occurred during the connection to the sever’ is displayed? (FAQ #102037)
In some cases, it’s possible that the PG5 Update manger is not able to connect to the server and on the PG5 Update manager the following information is displayed:
‘An error occurred during the connection to the sever’
A modification on the configuration file should fix the issue.
Error description:
In some cases, it’s possible that the PG5 Update manger is not able to connect to the server and on the PG5 Update manager the following information is displayed:
‘An error occurred during the connection to the sever’Solution:
To solve the issue perform the following steps.
Close the PG5 update manager.
Open with a text editor the file:
c:\Users\my_name\Documents\SBC\PG5 Update Manager\DataBase\FileLocation.xmlSearch at the end of the file the string:
'tuple namespace="UpdateWebServiceSoap" localname="Main" base="Absolute" uri="" /'
Remove the .dev syntax from the URL so that the string looks like this:
'tuple namespace="UpdateWebServiceSoap" localname="Main" base="Absolute" uri="" /'
Save the file and restart the PG5 Update manager.
If the error persists then please check:
That the correct FileLocation.xml file was modified.File which need to be modified is stored here:
c:\Users\my_name\Documents\SBC\PG5 Update Manager\DataBase\FileLocation.xmlYou don’t have to modify this file:
c:\Users\my_name\SBC\PG5 Update Manager\DataBase\FileLocation.xml2.
If the folder c:\Users\my_name\Documents does not exist on your PC,
then it could be, that you are using a mirror software like for example OneDrive to mirror the content of the ‘Document’ folder to the cloud.In this case search the location of the ‘Document’ folder used by the mirror software and there you should find the FileLocation.xml file
Example of possible paths:
C:\Users\my_name\OneDrive\Documents\SBC\PG5 Update Manager\DataBase\FileLocation.xml or C:\private$\home\my_name\Documents\SBC\PG5 Update Manager\DataBase\FileLocation.xmlYou can search for the file FileLocation.xml and modify the file which is stored on the path: …\....\Documents\SBC\PG5 Update Manager\DataBase\FileLocation.xml
E-mail forwarding service is currently not available (FAQ #102034)
Unfortunately, the e-mail forwarding service offered by SBC is currently not available.
For this reason, it is currently not possible to send e-mails from Saia PCD via
We are working to make the service available again as soon as possible.
In the meantime, please use other alerting channels if necessary.
We regret any inconvenience caused.
Update on 08.04.2020:
The e-mail forwarding service offered by SBC is available again.
Means that it’s again possible to send e-mails from Saia PCD via
Why the PG5 2.1, 2.2 or 2.3 update manger application is no more working and it’s not possible to download files from PG5 update manager server? (FAQ #102020)
Due of security reasons, we were forced to change the location of the PG5 Update manager server from:
the old PG5 Update manager server:
to a new PG5 Update manager server: https://update.saia-pcd.comDetail information:
The url to access the PG5 update manager server is hardcoded in the PG5 update manager application running on your PC and all PG5 update manager applications with versions < access the old server, where all version >= access the new server.
All available PG5 and Firmware updates for PG5 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 are now stored on the new server https://update.saia-pcd.comOn the old server there is ‘only’ an update of the PG5 update manager application.
Until the old server is running, then all access from PG5 update manager application (with version < of PG5 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 will point to the old PG5 update manager server and will allow the user to download the new PG5 update manager application.
But it could be, that in the future the old PG5 update manager server is no more available and this fact could lead to the situation, that some PG5 2.1, 2.2 or 2.3 versions are no more able to access to the new PG5 update manager server because the PG5 update manager application on the PC was not updated to a PG5 update manager application with version >=
Error description:
In such a case the following error message would be displayed on your PG5 update manager
Can’t connect to the server.
Check your connection to the server.
Current Uri:
The server return an exception.
Try again later and if the error persists, contact SBC-Support.Solution:
To be again able to access with your PG5 update manager application of your PG5 2.1, 2.2 or PG5 2.3 to the PG5 update manager server it’s necessary to perform the following steps:
Open Control Panel, then Programs and Features
Select the PG5 Version (i.e PG5 Suite V2.2.230), then Press “Change Button”
Uninstall all update managers of PG5 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3.
Select “Modify” Option, then press “Next”3.
Uncheck “Update Manager” CheckBox, then press “Next” and Continue4.
Do the same for each installed PG5 Version >= PG5 2.15.
Install Standalone Version (or later) of Update Manager
The Setup “Setup PG5 Update Manager.exe” is stored on the support homepage as part of PG5 2.3: -
Shall I use PG5 2.3, PG5 2.2, 2.1, 2.0 or PG5 1.4 for my next project? (FAQ #102018)
Since February 2018 PG5 2.3 is available on the support site for download.
This FAQ features a short summary of the arguments for PG5 2.3 and shall help to decide whether to work with PG5 2.3, 2.2, 2.1, 2.0 or with PG5 1.4.Introduction
PG5 2.3. is based on PG5 2.2 and is a extension of PG5 2.1.
In PG5 2.0 major improvements have been made in the user interface, symbol management, symbol editing and device configuration.Due to the important innovations and the Microsoft .Net Framework as base of PG5 2.0, the upgrade step from PG5 1.4 to PG5 2.0 is substantially more important than for example, an update of PG5 1.3 to 1.4. Therefore it is strongly recommended to read the "What's new" document in the PG5 2.0/PG5 2.1/PG5 2.2/PG5.2 section on the support site carefully before starting to work with PG5 2.0/PG5 2.1/PG5 2.2/PG5 2.3.
In general, new features will only be implemented in PG5 2.3 but no longer in PG5 2.2, PG5 2.1, PG5 2.0 and PG5 1.4.
Shall I use PG5 2.3, PG5 2.2, PG5 2.1, PG5 2.0 or PG5 1.4 for my next project?
We recommend using PG5 2.3 for new projects in order to profit from new functionalities.
Since PG5 1.4 will be further available as it is, no reason exists to convert all existing projects immediately.
PG5 2.0 PG5 2.1 and PG5 2.2 projects can be used in PG5 2.3 (but it's not possible to re-use PG5 2.3 projects in PG5 2.2/2.1./2.0)
New features of PG5 2.3.113 (first official release)
The following short list gives an overview of the new features and improvements which have been realized in PG5 2.3:
Detailed information could be found on the support page, section PG5 2.3 New features or on the document "What's new on PG5 2.3 (available in English, German and French) also on the support home page:Fupla:
- Symbol Editor completely rewritten to allow a easier and faster Symbol handling
- Easier dragging from symbols to FUPLA from anywhere on the line
- Better performance
- New ways to create multiple symbols at once
- New multi-edit features
- Group Comments
- New Quick Search for symbols
- New Filter options
- Improved Symbol Error detection
- Undo / Redo for all symbol operations
- Symbol import conflict resolution window for more control when importing symbols
- Shows conflicts when importing symbols from Text (Excel etc.), or from files
- Conflicts can be detected based on names or adresses
- Symbols can be edited to resolve conflicts
- New adjust parameter window for speed up commisioning
- Combines the best out of the old and new adjust parameter window
- No open or close, information's are automatically displayed when you select a new FBox
- Directly edit Online Parameters (saves a lot of mouse clicks) while keeping the original source values
- History of changes can be displayed from the FBox
- Possibility to hide parameters like BACnet options
- New Template Import for speed up PLC programming
- Way faster import of templates
- New possibilities for Indexing (Absolute / Relative)
- One place to do Find & Replace for all tabs
Generation of HTML 5 compatible web pages
- Generation of HTML5 output from existing SBC Web Editor projects
- Projects are up to date with latest browser technology
- Possibility to generate from Web Editor8 Java, or HTML5 or Java and HTML5 compatible web pages
Device Configurator:
- New devices
The following devices have been integrated into the Device Configurator:- PCD7.LRL2-P5: Programmable Room Controller with 16 I/O's 2 x RS485
- PCD7.LRL4-P5: Programmable Room Controller with 24 I/O's 2 x RS485
- PCD7.LRL5-P5: Programmable Room Controller with 24 I/O's 2 x RS485
- PCD7.LRS4-P5: Programmable Room Controller with 14 I/O's 2 x RS485
- PCD7.LRS5-P5: Programmable Room Controller with 14 I/O's 2 x RS485
FBox libraries
- Standard Alarming FBoxes
- Alarming Improvements for Standard & DDC Suite FBoxes in that way, that no manual creation of files needed anymore
- New Alarm List Advanced FBox to provide all nessecary Informations to send out Alarms via Email, SMS etc.
- New Alarm FBoxes with the possibility to use PCS, define Alarmtexts and Groups, Prio directly in the FBoxes
- Processes Alarm state changes from DDC Suite and Standard Alarm FBoxes and puts them into a queue for sending them out via Email, SMS
- Several options to filter for Group, Prio
- Alarm Format format can be adapted to customer needs
- DDC Suite System Alarm FBox
- Automatically detect Alarms in the referenced Systems (AHU01,AHU02 etc)
- Possibility to define Groups and Priorities
- Automated collective Alarm for complete systems without placing any additional FBox like OR
- Acknowledge Alarms per System
- New Enocean EEP Profile FBoxes
- With the new set of EEP FBoxes you can use every Enocean Device that is compliant to a EEP Profile
- No dedicated FBoxes for devices are needed in future
- Easy configuration for different type of devices inside of the FBoxes
DDC Suite
- News
- Support for BACnet Rev. 14. - projects can be easily upgraded
- Support for Alarming 2 with Groups & Priorities
- Fast and easy engineering with 38 predesigned templates for FUPLA, Web & Visi.Plus
- Templates for AHU incl. Humidification, Dehumidification, Air Quality etc.
- Automatic sending of Alarms via SMS, Email without engineering effort
And other improvements and bug fixes
New features of PG5 2.2.130
The following short list gives an overview of the new features and improvements which have been realized in PG5 2.2.130:
Detailed information could be found on the support page, section PG5 2.2 New features or on the document "What's new on PG5 2.2 (available in English, German and French) also on the support home page:Windows Start menu
- In the Windows Start menu, the Saia PG5 version 2.2.130 applications are accessible directly under the folder ‘PG5 Suite V2.2.130’ and no more under the folder ‘Saia Burgess Controls’.
This change has been made in order to be compatible with the Windows 10 start menu that’s accept only one level of folder.
Device configurator:
- PCD3.M3160: Power CPU with 512kByte program memory, 128MByte intflash, USB, Ethernet, 4 IO slots not expandable
- PCD3.M3360: Power CPU with 512kByte program memory, 128MByte intflash, USB, Ethernet, 4 IO slots, expandable up to 64 IO modules.
- PCD3.M5360: Power CPU with 2MByte program memory, 128MByte intflash, USB, Ethernet, RS-232, 4 IO slots, expandable up to 64 IO modules.
- Status indicators of unconnected FBox binary outputs in online mode.
- Probe format of binary connections is automatically defined.
- Double click for defining a new connection from an FBox input/ouput or a connector in selection mode.
- Several corrections in the online mode for indicating the correct states and values.
- Several corrections in the handling of adjust parameters.
- Possibility to connect register float to register input of an FBox.
- Various other corrections.
Web templates and Web Editor 8:
- New templates for the E-Line RIO modules.
- Various corrections in the web templates for user management and trending and also in the Web Editor 8.
Wiring Check Tool:
- Support for the 3 new PCD3 power CPU.
- Support for the PCD1.M2220-C15 E-Line CPU.
- Support for the programmable E-Line modules – PCD1.F2611-15, PCD1.G1100-C15, PCD1.G3600-C15, PCD1.G3601-C15, PCD1.W5300-C15.
- Various corrections.
New features of PG5 2.2.100 (first official release)
The following short list gives an overview of the new features and improvements which have been realized in PG5 2.2:
Detailed information could be found on the support page, section PG5 2.2 New features or on the document "What's new on PG5 2.2 (available in English, German and French) also on the support home page:
- Improvements of Fupla
- New internal structure
- Undo/Redo
- Page edition and graphical interface
- Find and replace - Web Editor 8.0
- Multipage templates
- Support of SVG pictures
- Rotation of pictures
- Run button
- New web-templates - BACnet Exlporer BACeye
- Wiring check tool
- Support of new devices like
- PCD1.M2220-C15: E-Line CPU with 2 slots for IO or communication modules.
- PCD2.M4160: CPU with 4 slots for IO or communication modules.
- PCD2.M4560 : CPU with 4 slots for IO or communication modules and connector for extension
And other improvements and bug fixes
New features of PG5 2.1.310
- Project Manager:
A warning is displayed when opening a project made with an older version of PG5.
- WebEditor 8:
Contains all the corrections done in the patch 1 for PG5 2.1.300, especially concerning the templates where the format, min and max value are now correctly added to the project.
The object that serves as reference when doing align operations has a different selection outline color.
Several bug fixes to improved stability and correctness over the whole application.
- Fupla:
Improvements in the ‘Update FBoxes’ procedure:
for a lot of FBox, the automatic update was not possible and the message ‘Invalid structure, please review the structure and make enough place around the FBox’ was displayed.
For such cases, the function has been improved and the update will occurs automatically.
The function ‘Create FBox from Page’ correctly creates the FBox.
- Symbol Editor:
In some special cases, it was not possible to drag & drop symbols to the Fupla page. This issue has been corrected.
- BACnet Configurator / Compiler:
The function ‘Upload/Merge’ is now working correctly.
And other corrections.
New features of PG5 2.1.300
- Updated user interface, help, FBox libraries and documentation
The Saia PG5® Suite has been updated according the new company logo and the new product names.
New ‘SBC’ installation folder name and ‘SBC’ folder for the projects and libraries - WebEditor 8
New translation editor in order to easily handle multi-language web projects
Enhancements in the ‘Library’ window
Possibility to define default fore-/background view at project level - Device Configurator:
Support new IO modules
- PCD2/3.W380
- PCD2.G200
- PCD7.W600
- PCD7.R610 - Fupla
Define groups and separators in the Page Navigator view
Several enhancements to the ‘Page Import’ feature - Cross-reference
The ‘Cross-reference List’ window now shows the symbols used in the BACnet Configurator,
the Web Editor 8 and the symbols defined in the LON Configurator - Library Manager
Possible to copy only the actually used libraries into the Project folder - HTTP Downloader
Support of ‘Service Key’ and download over portal – HTTP reverse
And some other improvements and bug fixes
New features of PG5 2.1.210 (Patch 1 of PG5 2.1.200)
Projects done with the version 2.1.200 will be fully compatible with the version 2.1.210.
The following new features and modifications have been implemented in the patch 1 for PG5 2.1.200:- Project Manager
- RIO and device names can now begin with a digit
- In the TCP/IP setting table, device is not shown if Ether-S-Bus is disabled
- Device Configurator
- Corrections in Ethernet configuration for PCD3.M6860 and in media mapping for the PCD2/3.H222
- Web Editor 8
- New Templates DDC Suite 2.0 (Italian) and DDC Suite 2.5 (German / English)
- Update of Icon Gallery from version 2 to 3
- New string operations
- New IMaster SBC 5.15.02:
Since the latest Java update from Oracle ( a warning appeared (“missing permission”)
when a Web-Editor page is displayed in the browser.
With the new IMaster 5.15.0229 it is fixed.
This new IMaster is compatible with Web Editor 5 and the new Web Editor 8.
- Fixes issue where:
- 'Show View' in a WE5 project could wrongfully be imported as Jump Back action
- condition priority was incorrectly compiled
- Variable format, min and max values are now correctly added when inserting a template - Fupla
- Does not crash when clicking on DDC Suite BACnet FBoxes
- On low memory platforms, adding template does not remove existing Fupla pages
- Correct an issue concerning counter in ladder diagram
- For non NT-PCD's, Online values of connections between F-Boxes are set in a randomly way. FAQ101859 - Graftec
- External symbol declarations are correctly defined in Graftec files - Assembler
- Time types, for example ‘T#123s’, can now be ‘public’
- Predefined max number of flags is now 8191 for PCD2.M170 - HTTP Download
- Allow support for web server and user key protection mechanism - DDC Add-on
- Allow updating BACnet configuration without erasing the clients object
- Some adaptations regarding the scheduler object - PG5 Project Generator
- The PG5 project is now restored when the project update is cancelled by the user.
And some other improvements and bug fixes
New features of PG5 2.1.200
The following new features and modifications have been implemented in PG5 2.1.200:
Since PG5 2.1.200 the Device Configurator has been adapted following the protection rules for PCDs that are accessible over Internet.
To prevent unwanted access to PCD data and files, default settings and password specifications for the Web Server and the FTP Server have been modified.
The following IP-protocols are disabled by default on the deivce configurator of new PG5 projects:
- S-Bus over TCP/IP
- HTTP (Web-Server)
PG5 projects made with precedent version of PG5 2.1 are upward compatible with PG5 V2.1.200, but not back again
Once a project has been opened with PG5 V2.1.200, it is not possible to open it again with the previous versions.
As this new version contains no major changes regarding the project structure and files structure, including WebEditor8, we recommend upgrading PG5 2.1 to version 2.1.200.- PG5 Device Configurator
- The following IP-protocols are disabled by default on the deivce configurator of new PG5 projects:
- S-Bus over TCP/IP
- HTTP (Web-Server)
- The user has to turn on the appropriate IP protocols deliberately in the Device Configurator and possibly
activate the passwords for the access protection.
- The current FTP standard user "root" with the associated password is no longer enabled by default.
- A new service key which facilitate and secures the access for example of the Web editor 8 to the PCD.
The service key replaces the FTP username and FTP password and the web server password.
- IP filter which allows filtering of incoming IP packets
The filter allows to define which IP addresses are allowed to access the PCD or for which IP addresses
the access to the PCD should be forbidden.
- Easy definition of indexed symbols in Symbol view on the media mapping
- Export of Device Configurator information towards Excel Files
PCD3.Mxx60: Media Mapping for Interrupt Input - WebEditor 8
- Role-based user management and access control with with a simple user identification template
- Download of Web-Editor 8 projects to password protected PCD
- Find usages of functions, conditions PCD and internal variables in the whole project
- Renaming variables in the whole project
- Easy editing of elements without touching the mouse
- Displaying HDLog trends as discrete (binary) curbe
- New actions and bit comparison. - Project Manager
- The Backup and Restore features have been improved for better handling of project containing
Smart RIO networks, backup/restore of Common Files, and to backup selected devices instead of the entire project
- Project Generator
- Predefined Templates
- Import of On-board module I/O symbols and multiple Media Mappings - Fupla
- Update all FBoxes in one Fupla File
- In the ‘Page Navigator’ view, it is possible to assign a color for the each page
- FBox ID
In the new DDC suite 2.5 suite, the BACnet configuration is generated from the FBox in using a unique
FBox ID as link between the FBox and the generated BACnet object
- FBox libraries
- IP-Filter FBoxen allowing access to the IP filtering functions at runtime
- Free generation of building ID keys in FBoxes for BACnet and alarming
- ‘Summer time’ which indicates winter or summer time
- Parameter settings for DALI devices
- Corrections on several F-Boxes
New features of PG5 Patch 1
The following new features and modifications have been implemented in the patch 1 for PG5 2.1.100:- Web Editor 8.0
- Help is now available in German and French
- Images used in foreground, background or embedded views are now correctly shown.
- Changing download options no longer forces rebuild
- Changing bar graph grow direction from horizontal to vertical or vice versa also flips width & height
- Over 40 other stability, usability improvements and bug fixes. - Fupla
- The 'Replace' function replaces now all adjust texts.
- Pressing the 'Ctrl' + Space key in a connector for editing symbol show correctly the window for choosing existing symbols.
- Template libraries done with older version are correctly restored. - LON IP
- The generated configuration is now correctly handled by the PCD. - HTTP Download
- It is now possible to download the program into the ‘INTFLASH’. - Ethernet RIO
- Support for COSinus version 1.20. This will allow the use Ni 1000 L&S sensor on PCD3.T665/6. - DDC Add-on
- The alarm texts are also generated for the Web Editor 8 - Project Generator
- Add standard templates for an easy import from the 'PCD Konfigurator' tools. - And some other improvements and bug fixes
New features of PG5 2.1.100 (first official release)
The following short list gives an overview of the new features and improvements which have been realized in PG5 2.1:
Detailed information could be found on the support page, section PG5 2.1 New features or on the document "What's new on PG5 2.1 (available in English, German and Frech) also on the support home page :
- Update Manager
- Web Editor 8.0
- Project Generator - Excel-Import
- Improvements of Fupla
- Cyclical transmission of S-Bus telegrams
- HTTP file transfer library
- Display the history of Adjust window
- S-Monitoring library
- IP address to text conversion FBox - Improvements on the Device Configurator
- Support for Ni 1000 L&S temperature sensor
- Monitoring and logging of meter data - Support of new devices like
- PCD7.D457VT5F: 5.7’’ programmable panel
- PCD7.D410VT5F: 10’’ programmable panel
- PCD7.D412DT5F: 12’’ programmable panel
- PCD3.M6860: controller with 2 Ethernet interfaces
- PCD1.M0160E0: e-controller
- PCD1.M2110R1 room controller
- PCD1.M2160: PCD1 controller
- BACnet MSTP module PCD2.F2150 and PCD3.F215
- LON TP/FT-10 module PCD2.F2400 and PCD3.F240 - Flag and register extension to 16384 flags and 16384 registers (requires firmware 1.20.25 or later)
- Download backup file via HTTP
- Download in Run for PCD1.Mxxx0 and PCD3 +
- MIB File Generator for SNMP
- New User licensing and developer registration
New features of PG5 2.0.220
The following new features have been implemented in PG5 2.0.220:- New FBoxes for the new PCD7.L79xN
- New FBoxes for EnOcean devices from Sensortec
- The EIB/IP driver now allows modifying the IP address of the gateway in runtime
- S-Web Editor has been updated to version 5.15.0221
New features of PG5 2.0.210
The following new features have been implemented in PG5 2.0.210:- Support of the PCD1.M2160
New features of PG5 2.0 Service Pack 2 (PG5 2.0.200)
The following new features have been implemented in PG5 2.0 SP2:- Support of smart Ethernet RIO PCD3.T665|T666
- Device Configurator: New media mapping window for all I/O slots
- New FBox classification according functionalities in Fupla
- Fupla Unicode support for Russian computers
- Web-Editor Release 5.15.02
- Full support of 64 bit Windows systems
New features of PG5 2.0 Service Pack 1 (PG5 2.0.150)
The following new features have been implemented in PG5 2.0 SP1:- Support of up to 14335 flags for PCD3 and PCD2.M5 (requires firmware 1.14.23 or later), see FAQ 101447
- The FTP Server, S-Web Server as well as IP Enhancements (DHCP, DNS, SNTP) can now be configured directly in the Device Configurator (requires firmware 1.14.23 or later), see FAQ 101464
- Support of new hardware (PCD1.M2120, PCD3.Mxx60 and Bluetooth modules (PCD2/3.F160 and PCD2.F2/3.F2xx equipped with a F160)
- Improved German help texts in the Device Configurator
New features of PG5 2.0.110 (first official release)
The following short list gives an overview of the new features and improvements which have been realized in PG5 2.0:- Improved user interface with Desktop docking and Multi Document Interface
- Hardware configuration with Device Configurator
- New Symbol handling and Excel-like Symbol Editor
- New FBox properties window for fast editing
- IL Editor with FB and CSF selector analogue to the FBox Selecor in Fupla
- Graftec supports templates
- Library Manager for organizing the libraries used in the project
- Watch window with trending functionality
The new features in detail
- Improved user interface
o Desktop Docking functionality in order to have a framework
behaviour between the Project Manager and the different
editors (Fupla, Graftec, S-Edit).
o Thanks the docking window function, the position of the
components (Symbol Editor, FBox Selector) can be positioned
according the user preferences.
o Ability to open several source files at the same time (MDI,
multi-document interface).
o Use of standard components in the different editors in order
to make the handling easier and effective.
- Hardware configuration
The Device Configurator, already available in the last service pack of PG5 1.4 is now fully integrated into the PG5 2.0. This configurator gives an overview of the IO, communication and memory slot according to the specific device. Thanks the new IO handling functionality (process image) implemented in the PCD3 and PCD2.M5xx0 firmware, digital and analogue values can be directly mapped in the PCD media, without using FBoxes or FBs.
Additionally, the Device Configurator features a label creator and calculates the current consumption of the configured modules.
- Symbol handling and symbol editor
The symbol handling has been totally re-designed, including the symbol editor. The symbols are stored in the source code files to make file copying easier. The symbol editor has been improved with features similar to Excel, the possibility to defined more information associated with the symbols, tags, and improved sorting and filtering functions.
- Fupla Editor
The user interface of the Fupla Editor has been improved with a new FBox selector with filter function, new FBox properties and adjust parameter windows. The Fupla Editor also includes the new symbol editor window. It is also possible to open more than one Fupla file in the same instance. It is also possible to copy and paste adjusts parameters from one FBox to another similar FBox.
- IL Editor
The IL Editor contains a new selector window where the installed FB and CSF libraries are shown. With a simple drag and drop, the user can add the FB or CSF calls, including information about the required parameters into his code.
The following new PCD3- and PCD2.M5 features are supported:
o "temporary data" (TEQU) has been introduced in order to reduce the number of resources used inside FBs or macros.
o Support for IEEE and IEEE double arithmetics
- Graftec Editor
Graftec templates can be created in order to re-use code in an easy way and to improve the development time. The new smart cursor functionality speeds up the diagram design. The interaction between Graftec and the IL and Fupla editors has been improved, including the debugging.
- Library Manager
The new Library Manager gives an overview of the installed FBox, FB and CSF libraries and offers the possibility to copy library into the project in order to have a backup file that includes the libraries.
- Watch Window
Trend functionality has been added in the Watch Window. The user can visualize digital or analogue values and check online the behaviour of the controlled system.
Restrictions of PG5 2.0 and PG5 2.1
Not all hardware and communication features are supported by PG5 2.0/PG5 2.1.
For installations containing the following products, PG5 1.4.300 will be available in future.- PCD4 and PCD6 CPUs
- Profibus FMS
- Serial-S-Bus RIO Configurator (e.g. for PCD1.T240)
- Symbol Editor completely rewritten to allow a easier and faster Symbol handling
PG5 2.1 and 2.2 with E-Line S-Bus communication library < 1.2.110, why the S-Bus communication on the master PCD stops either after a certain time? (FAQ #102009)
Due to an error on the E-Line S-Bus communication library < 1.2.110, the S-Bus communication stops after a certain time, if the communication mode ‘on Event’ or ‘on Sampling time n’ has been selected on the S-Bus communication FBoxes
Problem description:
If on the S-Bus FBox ‘SEND’ or ‘RCV’ the communication mode ‘on Event’ or ‘on Sampling time n’ was selected then after the update of the PG5 E-Line S-Bus communication library < 1.2.110, the S-Bus communication of the ‘SEND’ or ‘RCV’ FBox stops after a certain time and no S-Bus data’s are exchanged to the S-Bus slaves.
This problem occurs on all possible communication channels like RS485 or Ethernet.The communication works well, if on the above mentioned FBoxes the communication mode was set to ‘On each cycle’ or ‘on data change’.
Detail information about the behavior:
Communication stops after a certain time:
The communication stops after 24 days after a power on of the PCD because the PCD internal millisecond systemcounter which is used for the event transmission has reached his maximum value and will be reseted to the value 0. Due of an error on the FBox library, this situation leads then to the communication failure.
Either configure the communication mode in the ‘old’ FBox to ‘On each cycle’ or ‘on data change’ or use the E-Line S-Bus communication library 1.2.110 or newer.
The error is fixed in the FBox library 1.2.110, means the ‘event’ or ‘on sampling time’ communication runs well. -
PG5 2.1 and PG5 2.2 with S-Bus communication library 2.7.370, why the S-Bus communication on the master PCD stops either after a certain time or after the download of the program? (FAQ #102008)
Due to an error on the communication library 2.7.370, the S-Bus communication stops after a certain time or after the download of the program, if the communication mode ‘on Event’ or ‘on Sampling time n’ has been selected on the S-Bus communication FBoxes
Problem description:
If on the S-Bus FBox ‘SASI S-Bus Master’, ‘SASI S-Bus extended’, ‘SEND’ or ‘RCV’ the communication mode ‘on Event’ or ‘on Sampling time n’ was selected then after the update of the PG5 communication library to the version 2.7.370, the S-Bus communication of the ‘SEND’ or ‘RCV’ FBox stops after a certain time or after the download of the new compiled program and no S-Bus data’s are exchanged anymore to the S-Bus slaves.
This problem occurs on all possible communication channels like RS485 or Ethernet.
The communication works well, if on the above mentioned FBoxes the communication mode was set to ‘On each cycle’ or ‘on data change’.
Detail information about the behavior:
Communication stops after a certain time:
The communication stops after 24 days after a power on of the PCD because the PCD internal millisecond systemcounter which is used for the event transmission has reached his maximum value and will be reseted to the value 0. Due of an error on the FBox library, this situation leads then to the communication failure.
Communication stops after the download of the new compiled program:
The library 2.7.370 internally uses a register which was not used before.
Depending of the value stored in the past in this register it’s possible that the S-Bus communication runs well or stops after the download of the program.
Either configure the communication mode in the ‘old’ FBox to ‘On each cycle’ or ‘on data change’ or use the S-Bus communication FBox library 2.7.380 or newer.
The error is fixed in the FBox library 2.7.380, means the ‘event’ or ‘on sampling time’ communication runs well. -
Why it’s not possible to access over serial PGU or S-Bus to the PCD, error message ‘Error 99: Can’t open port comx’ is shown in the PG5 debugger? (FAQ #101977)
We have received the information that on an application it was not possible to access with PG5 version 2.1.420 over serial line (RS232) in PGU or S-Bus mode to the PCD and the message: Error 99: Can’t open port comx was shown in the debugger.
The reason why it was not possible to access the PCD was the fact, that the com port was used from another application at the same time.The application which have used the same serial port was the software SoMachine from Schneider Electric.
To be able to go online in this situation, it’s necessary to stop the software SoMachine from Schneider Electric. -
It’s possible to suppress the PCD Alarms on BACnet? (FAQ #101975)
Yes, it’s possible to suppress alarm notifications on BACnet by controlling the communication.
This is an official BACnet mechanism and available with BACnet firmware from 1.24.41 (or newer) and since PG5 2.1.420.To suppress the alarms it’s necessary to modify the BACnet communication mode of the device as described below.
In general, the communication of the BACnet device is controlled. There are 3 options:
- (0) Standard communication (default).
All requests will be answered and device will also send COV, Alarm or Event-notifications if necessary - (1) No communication.
The device will not answer to any request and does not send any COV, Alarm or Event-notifications. - (2) Reduced communication. The device will answer all requests, but does not send any COV, Alarm or Event-notifications.
This mode is usually selected if device is under maintenance and alarm notifications should be suppressed.
To control the communication mode as described above, 1 additional register must be defined and set to the corresponding value. A 2nd register can be used to get the current communication status.
In the example below, a “ComState” and “ComDisable” register has been defined. The “ComDisable” has to be controlled by application, e,g. via a maintenance switch at the cabinet or a software switch.
The “ComStatus” will show the actual communication status and is a read only.
Finally those 2 register have to be mapped within BACnet Configurator into Device object, property “Communication Status” and “Communication Disable”:
Good to know: DDC Suite 2.7 has implemented this mechanism into BACnet Device FBox for easier use.
If this two new items are used with a BACnet FW < 1.24.41 then BACnet does not start
- (0) Standard communication (default).
CallSMS FBox with Error 535 (FAQ #101972)
If we try to send an SMS message with a GSM modem and the FBox SendSms. The CallSMS FBox is in Error with the Error code 535.
Probably a wrong SMS Service Center Number is configured.
It can be a typing Error or the SMS Service Center doesn't fit to the SIM card because it was exchanged with the card from another provider.
Use the correct number. The number for SMS Server must normally be divided in at least 2 parts. Tf number 1 / Tf number 2. Each part of the number can have 8 digits. Keep attention that if you do copy / paste from numbers that are available e.g. in the FBox-help that all numbers are correctly copied. Keep attention to use the protocol “GSM Text” in the protocol option of the Call SMS FBox.
How to display information that can be found in Programinfo.txt in a Web project? (FAQ #101971)
The individual texts (e.g. Devicename) can be displayed in a Webeditorproject as String, if they were saved before as String with the user program (e.g. with Fupla).
Example of Declaration of the Devicename for Displaying in Webeditor. The Symbol for the Text has to be declared as public.
Don’t forget to declare the variable as string in Webeditor!
Pre-defined System Strings
These strings are pre-defined for use in IL programs:
Registered user name of Saia PG5® package
Name of the user who is logged onto the PC.
Version number of PG5, e.g. "2.0.100"
The name of the project
The name of the device (program name)
The PCD type, e.g. "PCD3.M5540"
Program version for the Device Properties dialog box, e.g. "1.0"
The unique program ID
The name of the source file.
Language selected for applications, "en", "fr", "de", "it" etc.
Language selected for libraries, "en", "fr", "de", "it" etc.
(this information can be found with Instruction List Help -> Index -> Strings)
Why on the project manager of PG5 2.1.430 adding Files to the project with the option ‘Add Files’ does crash the project manager? (FAQ #101970)
Due of an error in PG5 2.1.430 the function ‘Add Files’ on the project manager, Program Files menu does crash the project manager as soon as a selected external file should be added to the project.
Either do not use the function ‘Add Files’ to add other files to the project but,
copy/paste the files in to the project
extract the file Spm52.exe from the attached zip file and do copy/paste the file to the PG5 installation directory.
c:\Program Files\SBC\PG5 V2.1.430\New Spm52.exe has the version 2.1.430.4 old Spm52.exe which cause the problem is the version 2.1.430.0
On PG5 2.1.430 why on a Graftec program the symbol Editor does no more work after a drag and drop of a PG5 resource from the symbol editor in to the Graftec step/transition? (FAQ #101968)
Due of an error in PG5 2.1.430 the symbol editor in Graftec does stop to work and does show the following error message:
Do unzip the attached file and copy/overwrite the attached file ‘SRMDB52.dll’ to the PG5 installation folder:
c:\Program Files\SBC\PG5 V2.1.430\ SRMDB52.dllNew SRMDB52.dll has the version 2.1.430.1
old SRMDB52.dll which cause the problem is the version 2.1.430.0 -
How I can send an email with variable attachment? (FAQ #101966)
You want to change the file name of the attachment. Because you log every day trends and save them daily in a new .csv file. The actually date is coded in the file name. Now you want to send an email every day with the actually file. See the PG5 example below.
In the attached example the data’s will be stored daily. If you store the data’s weekly or monthly you have to adapt the program especially the file name in the log file inside of the SendMail FBox.
Additionally in the example is the function implemented that you can give directly the SMTP server name and the IP Address is not needed. The advantage is if your provider change the IP address you do not need to adapt the program see FAQ 101850 for more information about this topic.
Why, on PG5 2.1.420 after a build the information “Licensed to: NOT REGISTERED” is shown on the message window? (FAQ #101964)
Due of an error on PG5 2.1.420 the message “Licensed to: NOT REGISTERED” is shown on the message window after a build of the application program.
The message is for informational purposes only and has no bad side effect
The error is fixed in PG5 2.1.430.
Why, on PG5 2.1.420 the S-Bus settings on a PCS1 are removed after a program download to the PCS1? (FAQ #101963)
Due of an error on PG5 2.1.420, a download of the application program to the PCS1 does delete the S-Bus configuration which was loaded previously with the PG5 device configurator
The error is fixed in PG5 2.1.430.
HMI Editor in PG5 2.1.420 build error "Unexpected text.” (FAQ #101961)
When building a PG5 2.1.420 project containing a HMI Editor file the following build error appears:
Error 1080: DISPLAY_230_ DE.hsr: Line 975: Unexpected text (Macro: _shmi_icon_stat_dyn, Line 34)
Error 1080: DISPLAY_230_ DE.hsr: Line 975: Unexpected text (Macro: _shmi_icon_stat_dyn, Line 46)
Error 1080: DISPLAY_230_ DE.hsr: Line 975: Unexpected text (Macro: _shmi_icon_stat_dyn, Line 53)
Copy (replace) the new sasm52.dll file in
c:\Program Files\SBC\PG5 V2.1.420\
This correction will be part of PG5 2.1.420 next patch
Do I need to re-install my third-party libraries from Engiby after updating to PG5 2.1.4xx? (FAQ #101944)
In general No, except if you use the Modbus2 library.
After updating PG5 from PG5 2.1.3xx to PG5 2.1.400, the following products from third-party provider Engiby need to be updated:- Modbus2 (minimum version: 2.7.400)
Due to the fact that PG5 2.1.400 has added additional checks which lead to errors on compilation, the library needs to be updated to comply with the new added checks.
Please refer to the link below to download the latest version of the Modbus2 library (minimum version for PG5 2.1.400 is Modbus2 version 2.7.400):
Link to Engiby libraries and Add-on tools for PG5 2.1.3xx and 2.1.400 -
Why on PG5 version =< 2.1.311 when doing a restore of a project, the error message "The parameter is incorrect" is shown? (FAQ #101924)
If a corrupted Backup is restored with PG5, it might block any further restore of other project.
This error appears when the user tries to restore a project in which one or more files where corrupted.
This zip file could contains files with no date for example.
Once, this File is used for restore, it becomes impossible to restore any other project.
It does not matter if the new backup is corrupted or not.
PG5 does copy all files, then it detects that something is wrong and stop the restore.
In the meantime, as it does not recognize these corrupted files, it can not delete them.This behavior was corrected, and will be part of future versions (starting from PG5 2.1.400)
Temporary solution:
delete the temporary folder “SPMRestore” (see screenshot below): In the Path:C:\Users\LocalProfile\AppData\Local\Temp\SBC:
Then you will be able to restore again the other Projects
Why after an update of the memory management FBox, the error LED of the FBox is switched on? (FAQ #101914)
After Updating the Memory Management FBox included in the File System library update V2.7.310, the Output Error is set and the FBox LED is red with an "A" inside.
This behavior occurs on PCD's with Firmware < 1.24.05.
The filesystem is operational but the error output is "1".
This can lead to confusion.
Since the FW 1.24.05, we have implemented in the FW of the PCD a new lock mechanism to allow / block the access to the filesystem of the PCD over the application programm, to be able to "hot unplug" the Flash in the same way as it is possible with the PCD3.R600 thanks to a mechanical lock mechanism.
The new Memory Management FBox which is included in the File system library V.2.7.310 includes a mechanism which is able to lock the access to the filesystem if the Lock input of the FBox is set to '1'.
There are two solutions, to avoid the "wrong" error indication.
1. Solution:
Update the firmware of the PCD to FW >= 1.24.05, then the error will disappear
2. Solution:
Install the FileSystem library >=2.7.320 which is attached to the FAQ or available in the PG5 update manager.Remark:
To be able to activate the full 'Lock' feature it's required to use a PG5 version > 2.1.311.
The full 'Lock' feature is indicated with a '1' at the ouput 'Locked'.If the Lock input is '1' and the output Locked is '0' this means that the Lock is only operational on the 'user program' Level and the 'write' or 'crete' F-Box does no more write to the filesystem,
the firmware can still use this file system.
That means with HTTP or FTP it's still possible to write to the Flash.If the Lock input is '1' and the output Locked is '1' too, then this means that all the requirement are fullfilled to be able to lock the flash from the user program and the firmware and therefore no access over HTTP or FTP will be possible neither.
Now, it's possible to remove the memory module from the PCD.
(requires FW >= 1.24.05 and PCD programming with a PG5 version > 2.1.311.
With PG5 > 2.1.311 it's possible to select the FW 1.24.xx in the device configurator) -
Crash of PG5 during Cross-Reference (FAQ #101913)
When using PG5 version 2.1.31x, it could happen that the Cross reference does not work correctly and crash the PG5.
The reason is located in the Web Editor.
It could be done during a copy/ cut and paste. This action would create a new variable which would be implemented in the PCD variable list.
How to solve the problem
- Just press the refresh button on the top right of the screen. These unwanted variables would disapear. Save the project and the cross refference will work again.
Why is the warning 'Saia PG5 file associations are not for this PG5 version' showed in PG5 2.1? Why the F-Box installer of PG5 2.0 is open instead of the PG5 2.1 by double-clicking on a F-Box library installer? (FAQ #101909)
From Saia PG5® version 2.1, it is now possible to install several different versions of the PG5 2.0 or 2.1 on the same computer, but only one version can be the "active version".
The active version is shown in the "Current active PG5 version" field on the PG5 Version Selector window.
The active version is the version registered with Windows to open the registered file types, see file associations below, and is the version that add-on tools will assume if they are opened in stand-alone mode. A list of all the PG5 2.0 and 2.1 versions found on the computer is shown in the "Select a PG5 version to activate" drop-down list.
To activate a different version, just select it in this list and press the "Activate" button. Thus updates the master entries in the Registry, and assigns the file associations to invoke the correct versions of the applications.File Type
Assigned Application
PG5 Project file
Project Manager, Spm52.exe
PG5 Device file
Project Manager, Spm52.exe
PCD Self-downloading file
Up/Downloader, Sload52.exe
Installable library or application file
Installer, SInstall52.exe
By starting the PG5 you get immediately the warning: "Saia PG5 file associations are not for this PG5 version."
Use the “PG5 Version Selector” to change the PG5 file associations to the correct PG5 version by starting the program PG5VersionSelector.exe.
The PG5VersionSelector.exe cab be found in the installation folder of PG5 2.1:
C:\Program Files\SBC\PG5 V2.1.310\PG5VersionSelector.exeAfter opening the PG5 Version Selector you can choose which PG5 Version you want to use per default.
After update of a PG5 program from PG5 2.1.210 to PG5 2.1.310 the symbol definitions in Graftec are lost. (FAQ #101906)
It's possible to update a PG5 project which include also Graftec files from PG5 2.1.210 to PG5 2.1.310 and compile and download the project in to the PCD.
But after making some changes in the Graftec project it's no more possible to compile any more the project and all symbol definitions in Graftec are lost.
The symbol definitions are not lost they still exist in the .sfc file but in PG5 2.1.310 the symbol definition are implemented in a another way then before.
This is the reason why the texts are not shown in the symbol editor.
Solution:This error will be corrected in the next version of PG5 2.1.3xx (>310)
Workaround for PG5 2.1.310 version:Open the .sfc File with a text editor and add the Line ";USER"
like in the following example:
Why the message "the program needs to be rebuild,..." is displayed when trying to go on line? (FAQ #101892)
For example when a project has been transfer to another PC, the message "the program needs to be rebuild, or there are unsaved files still open" is displayed and it might not be possible to go online with the user program!
If on PG5 a file needs to be re-built, the PG5 project manager usually displays a message in the messages window which tells you the file name which needs to be build.Possible reasons:
- the PC's clock was set to an earlier date/time than the PC from which the project was copied
- the backup was "source files only", the generated binary files are not backed up
- some of the library files are different, a re-build is needed to use the changed libraries
- files in other directories (not subdirectories of the device or project) were not backed up
- an output file of an add-on tool is missingRemark:
If the program code has not been changed then you can still go online by pressing OK.
You can use the "Online / Compare Program" command to check if the programs are the same or not before going online.
If the program are the same then the build warning can be ignored.
Do I need to re-install my third-party libraries (e.g. from Engiby) after updating to PG5 2.1.3xx? (FAQ #101880)
Yes, because the installation directory of PG5 2.1.3xx has changed the licensed third-party libraries and add-on tools need to be re-installed after the upgrade from PG5 to 2.1.3xx.
After updating PG5 from a previous version of PG5 to PG5 2.1.300, 2.1.310 or higher, the following products from third-party providers Engiby need to be reinstalled:- FBox libraries (which need a license), e.g. M-Bus driver, IEC 101- and IEC 104 driver, ESPA 4.4.4 driver etc.
- Add-on tools (e.g. NG-Configurator, NG-MScan2, NG-Trace etc.)
Note that the installer for this installation must also be updated!
Due to the fact that PG5 2.1.300 and higher does install the executables to other directories than previous versions, the installer of third-party libraries (e.g. the one from Engiby) does no longer find the required executables to register its keys.
As soon as a current verison of the installer is used the registration works without problems.
Please contact the provider of your third-party library to obtain a version supporting PG5 2.1.3xx.
Customers from Engiby can use the following link to download the most commonly used libraries:- Link to Engiby libraries and Add-on tools for PG5 2.1.3xx
After the update of PG5 to PG5 2.1.210, why the Ether-S-Bus communication which was working correctly before, doesn’t work anymore? (FAQ #101874)
Due of an error on PG5 2.1.210, then IP-Node information is not stored correctly on the application program.
This could lead to the situations that after a program download with PG5 2.1.210 the Ether-S-Bus communication doesn’t work anymore between some stations.
To solve the problem, copy the attached file Spm52.exe (version or higher) to the PG5 2.1.210 installation folder, compile again the concerned CPU and do load the concerned CPU to the PCD.
This version will be included also in the next patch for PG5 2.1.210
How to know if the project is concerned about this problem?
The information stored on the PG5 TCP/IP Settings table is converted in to a .src file and this .src file is downloaded to the PCD.
The name of the file is ‘_TCPIPDBX.src’ and each Ether-S-Bus PCD does have his own file.During runtime, the PCD does check this information to know which TCP/IP address belongs to which S-Bus IP Node.
If the file is not complete then the PCD is not able to know the TCP/IP address of the server.The file does have to contain the same information as the TCP/IP Settings table.
Means that on the file ‘_TCPIPDBX.src’:
- the section ‘Server IP Address List’ the total amount of servers has to be listed with the same amount
as on the TCP/IP settings table.
- the section ‘;Array of Server IP Addresses’ does have to contain all of the IP addresses
of the servers as shown in the TCP/IP settings table.
If the information’s on the ‘_TCPIPDBX.src’ file are not the same as on the TCP/IP Settings table, then it’s necessary to use the new Spm52.exe file.
On the example below, the IP node #30 is not listed on the file ‘_TCPIPDBX.src’
TCP/IP table:
File ‘_TCPIPDBX.src’ which does show only 33 server addresses and the IP node#30 is not shown
After the update of the Spm52.exe and compilation of the project, the file does contain also the node#30 reference as also the total number of server IP addresses is correct. -
On PG5 2.1 the 'fatal error 2004' is shown after building a project where a smart RIO PCD3.T665/T666 is used. (FAQ #101871)
After building a PG5 2.1 project which does include smart RIO Network the error message
"Fatal Error 2004: File specified more than once: Device1.obj" appears.
This error occurs if one of the program files of the smart RIO manager does have the same name as the smart RIO manager. (On the picture above 'Device1')
The name of the smart RIO manager and the names of the program files of the smart RIO manager have to be different.
-> Change either the name of the smart RIO manager or do change the name of the program file of the smart RIO manager so that they are different. -
Beim Import von Fupla- Seiten in der PG5 2.1.210 werden die Fbox- Namen nicht geändert (FAQ #101868)
Trotzdem bei der PG5 2.1.210 die Fbox- Namen im Importdialog angepasst wurden wird diese Änderung in den Fupla nicht übernommen.
Beim Import kann man im Importdialog die Fbox Namen anpassen die Änderung wird jedoch nicht in den Fupla übernommen.
Abhilfe bieten hier die beiden Dateien die in diesem FAQ heruntergeladen werden können.
Beenden Sie die PG5 2.1.210 und kopieren Sie die Dateien bitte in das PG5 2.1.210 Programmverzeichnis.
C:\Programme\Saia-Burgess\PG5 V2.1.210
With PG5, the PCS1 userprogram don't works correctly (FAQ #101832)
If you build and download a project with PG5 or PG 5 2.1.100 to a PCS1, then there will be a strange behaviour of the program execution like:
- Overide FBoxes don’t seem to work correctly- It’s possible that you have Index Register Overflow message in the PCD history
There is an bug in PG5 which lead to the situation that the PCD code can’t be executed correctly.
- Use PG5 2.1.200 or higher.
- If PG5 is used:
Download and unzip the attached file and replace the two existing files
(SaiaConf52.dll, Sasm52.dll) in the Installation folder of PG5 with these files. -
With PG5 2.1.100, why do I get the error "LONIP FAIL 1007" (FAQ #101831)
After compiling and download of a LON IP project with PG5, the error LONIP FAILED 1007 is shown in the history of the PCD and the PCD goes to halt.
This problem is due to a bug in the LONIP configurator of PG5 2.1.100.
With PG5 this problem was not yet present.
Install the patch 1 for PG5 2.1 that can be downloaded from the Support homepage in the section Software / PG5 2.1 Suite. -
On PG5 2.0 and 2.1.100 it's not possible to compile a HMI editor project, the message is displayed: Operation is not allowed when objet is closed! (FAQ #101829)
In some cases a HMI Editor project can't be compiled and this error message is displayed!
Copy the 3 files in attachment in the following directory:c:\Program Files\SAIA-Burgess\PG5 V2.1.100\HMI Editor\
c:\Program Files\SAIA-Burgess\PG5_20\HMI Editor\ -
HMI Editor display simulation isn't displayed properly and does not work! (FAQ #101693)
On laptops the display simulation shown over the button "Play" isn't correctly displayed (not centered) and it is not possible to operate:
On the laptop the text and element size of the display is defined at 150% (default) instead of 100% on PC!
As HMI Editor support only the 100% size this parameter has to be modified.
Go the laptop setting over the Window's start menu: System / Display and select "100%"
Is the "Modbus 1" FBox library from Engiby available for PG5 2.0, PG5 2.1 or PG5 2.2? (FAQ #101481)
The FBox library 'Modbus 1' from Engiby is obsolete and is replaced by 'Modbus 2.'
Therefore, only Modbus 2 licences can be ordered for PG5 2.0, PG5 2.1 or PG5 2.2.
For information regarding the differences between the 'Modbus 1' and the 'Modbus 2' library please refer to the this comparison page from Engiby (see link below).
Do I need to adapt my Fupla program in case it contains "Modbus 1" FBoxes?
No, to be able to keep old projects unchaged, a 'Modbus 1' library, version 1.85 (compatible to V 1.4, V2.0, V2.1 and V2.2) is available from Engiby and use the same license key as "Modbus 2".
In other words, once Modbus 2 is installed, Modbus 1.82/1.83/1.84/1.85 can also be used without a new key.- 'Modbus 1' library, version 1.82 is usable only on PG5 2.0
- 'Modbus 1' library, version 1.83 is usable on PG5 2.0 and PG5 2.1 (except PG5 2.1.300 and later)
- 'Modbus 1' library, version 1.84 is usable on PG5 2.1 and PG5 2.1 including PG5 2.1.300 and later
- 'Modbus 1' library, version 1.85 is usable on PG5 1.4, PG5 2.0, PG5 2.1 and PG5 2.2
The 'Modbus 1' library version 1.84 can be downloaded from the Engiby homepage using the following link: -
The special FBox library PCD7_D7 is now available for PG5 2.0. (FAQ #101356)
The FBox library regarding the exchanges of datas with the Panels ESA (PCD7.D7xx) and PCD controllers is available for PG5 2.0 and can be used also in PG5 2.1, PG5 2.2 and PG5 2.3.
The FBox library is attached to this FAQ
On PG5 2.1, PG5 2.2 and PG5 2.3 a warning will be shown on the library manager 'BAD VERSION NUMBER' but it's possible to use the FBoxes in Fupla without problems
Shall I use PG5 2.3, PG5 2.2, 2.1, 2.0 or PG5 1.4 for my next project? (FAQ #101282)
Since February 2018 PG5 2.3 is available on the support site for download.
This FAQ features a short summary of the arguments for PG5 2.3 and shall help to decide whether to work with PG5 2.3, 2.2, 2.1, 2.0 or with PG5 1.4.
PG5 2.3. is based on PG5 2.2 and is a extension of PG5 2.1.
In PG5 2.0 major improvements have been made in the user interface, symbol management, symbol editing and device configuration.Due to the important innovations and the Microsoft .Net Framework as base of PG5 2.0, the upgrade step from PG5 1.4 to PG5 2.0 is substantially more important than for example, an update of PG5 1.3 to 1.4. Therefore it is strongly recommended to read the "What's new" document in the PG5 2.0/PG5 2.1/PG5 2.2/PG5.2 section on the support site carefully before starting to work with PG5 2.0/PG5 2.1/PG5 2.2/PG5 2.3.
In general, new features will only be implemented in PG5 2.3 but no longer in PG5 2.2, PG5 2.1, PG5 2.0 and PG5 1.4.
Shall I use PG5 2.3, PG5 2.2, PG5 2.1, PG5 2.0 or PG5 1.4 for my next project?
We recommend using PG5 2.3 for new projects in order to profit from new functionalities.
Since PG5 1.4 will be further available as it is, no reason exists to convert all existing projects immediately.
PG5 2.0 PG5 2.1 and PG5 2.2 projects can be used in PG5 2.3 (but it's not possible to re-use PG5 2.3 projects in PG5 2.2/2.1./2.0)
Improvements on SP 1 for PG5 2.3 (PG5 2.3.162)
The following short list gives an overview of the improvements which have been realized in PG5 2.3:
Detailed information could be found on the support page, section PG5 2.3 New features or on the document "What's new on PG5 2.3 (available in English, German and French) also on the support home page:Graftec:
On PG5 2.3.162, the Graftec Editor supports now the complete range of functions and it's possible to use Fupla pages on Steps/Transitions.
The Symbol Editor has been removed from the Graftec editor. The Fupla or IL editor now has exclusive access to the symbols.
Graftec editor is for editing the Graftec state machine, not the program itself, so it does not need the program's symbols.
To edit symbols, open a Step or Transition in Fupla or IL.
When symbols are modified, changes are only made to the symbols in other Steps and Transitions when the editor's files are saved.Saving one ST/TR file will now save ALL the modified ST/TR files which are open for that Graftec module.
Project Generator:
The Project Generator Wizard is now available.
HTML5 Web-Pages on iOS:
Low performance on iOS devices:
Displaying HTML5 web-pages on iOS devices causes performance issues.
It took a long time to load a new page if you click on a button that has a view jump.
New features of PG5 2.3.113 (first official release)
The following short list gives an overview of the new features and improvements which have been realized in PG5 2.3:
Detailed information could be found on the support page, section PG5 2.3 New features or on the document "What's new on PG5 2.3 (available in English, German and French) also on the support home page:Fupla:
- Symbol Editor completely rewritten to allow a easier and faster Symbol handling
- Easier dragging from symbols to FUPLA from anywhere on the line
- Better performance
- New ways to create multiple symbols at once
- New multi-edit features
- Group Comments
- New Quick Search for symbols
- New Filter options
- Improved Symbol Error detection
- Undo / Redo for all symbol operations
- Symbol import conflict resolution window for more control when importing symbols
- Shows conflicts when importing symbols from Text (Excel etc.), or from files
- Conflicts can be detected based on names or adresses
- Symbols can be edited to resolve conflicts
- New adjust parameter window for speed up commisioning
- Combines the best out of the old and new adjust parameter window
- No open or close, information's are automatically displayed when you select a new FBox
- Directly edit Online Parameters (saves a lot of mouse clicks) while keeping the original source values
- History of changes can be displayed from the FBox
- Possibility to hide parameters like BACnet options
- New Template Import for speed up PLC programming
- Way faster import of templates
- New possibilities for Indexing (Absolute / Relative)
- One place to do Find & Replace for all tabs
Generation of HTML 5 compatible web pages
- Generation of HTML5 output from existing SBC Web Editor projects
- Projects are up to date with latest browser technology
- Possibility to generate from Web Editor8 Java, or HTML5 or Java and HTML5 compatible web pages
Device Configurator:
- New devices
The following devices have been integrated into the Device Configurator:- PCD7.LRL2-P5: Programmable Room Controller with 16 I/O's 2 x RS485
- PCD7.LRL4-P5: Programmable Room Controller with 24 I/O's 2 x RS485
- PCD7.LRL5-P5: Programmable Room Controller with 24 I/O's 2 x RS485
- PCD7.LRS4-P5: Programmable Room Controller with 14 I/O's 2 x RS485
- PCD7.LRS5-P5: Programmable Room Controller with 14 I/O's 2 x RS485
FBox libraries
- Standard Alarming FBoxes
- Alarming Improvements for Standard & DDC Suite FBoxes in that way, that no manual creation of files needed anymore
- New Alarm List Advanced FBox to provide all nessecary Informations to send out Alarms via Email, SMS etc.
- New Alarm FBoxes with the possibility to use PCS, define Alarmtexts and Groups, Prio directly in the FBoxes
- Processes Alarm state changes from DDC Suite and Standard Alarm FBoxes and puts them into a queue for sending them out via Email, SMS
- Several options to filter for Group, Prio
- Alarm Format format can be adapted to customer needs
- DDC Suite System Alarm FBox
- Automatically detect Alarms in the referenced Systems (AHU01,AHU02 etc)
- Possibility to define Groups and Priorities
- Automated collective Alarm for complete systems without placing any additional FBox like OR
- Acknowledge Alarms per System
- New Enocean EEP Profile FBoxes
- With the new set of EEP FBoxes you can use every Enocean Device that is compliant to a EEP Profile
- No dedicated FBoxes for devices are needed in future
- Easy configuration for different type of devices inside of the FBoxes
DDC Suite
- News
- Support for BACnet Rev. 14. - projects can be easily upgraded
- Support for Alarming 2 with Groups & Priorities
- Fast and easy engineering with 38 predesigned templates for FUPLA, Web & Visi.Plus
- Templates for AHU incl. Humidification, Dehumidification, Air Quality etc.
- Automatic sending of Alarms via SMS, Email without engineering effort
And other improvements and bug fixes
New features of PG5 2.2.130
The following short list gives an overview of the new features and improvements which have been realized in PG5 2.2.130:
Detailed information could be found on the support page, section PG5 2.2 New features or on the document "What's new on PG5 2.2 (available in English, German and French) also on the support home page:Windows Start menu
- In the Windows Start menu, the Saia PG5 version 2.2.130 applications are accessible directly under the folder ‘PG5 Suite V2.2.130’ and no more under the folder ‘Saia Burgess Controls’.
This change has been made in order to be compatible with the Windows 10 start menu that’s accept only one level of folder.
Device configurator:
- PCD3.M3160: Power CPU with 512kByte program memory, 128MByte intflash, USB, Ethernet, 4 IO slots not expandable
- PCD3.M3360: Power CPU with 512kByte program memory, 128MByte intflash, USB, Ethernet, 4 IO slots, expandable up to 64 IO modules.
- PCD3.M5360: Power CPU with 2MByte program memory, 128MByte intflash, USB, Ethernet, RS-232, 4 IO slots, expandable up to 64 IO modules.
- Status indicators of unconnected FBox binary outputs in online mode.
- Probe format of binary connections is automatically defined.
- Double click for defining a new connection from an FBox input/ouput or a connector in selection mode.
- Several corrections in the online mode for indicating the correct states and values.
- Several corrections in the handling of adjust parameters.
- Possibility to connect register float to register input of an FBox.
- Various other corrections.
Web templates and Web Editor 8:
- New templates for the E-Line RIO modules.
- Various corrections in the web templates for user management and trending and also in the Web Editor 8.
Wiring Check Tool:
- Support for the 3 new PCD3 power CPU.
- Support for the PCD1.M2220-C15 E-Line CPU.
- Support for the programmable E-Line modules – PCD1.F2611-15, PCD1.G1100-C15, PCD1.G3600-C15, PCD1.G3601-C15, PCD1.W5300-C15.
- Various corrections.
New features of PG5 2.2.100 (first official release)
The following short list gives an overview of the new features and improvements which have been realized in PG5 2.2:
Detailed information could be found on the support page, section PG5 2.2 New features or on the document "What's new on PG5 2.2 (available in English, German and French) also on the support home page:
- Improvements of Fupla
- New internal structure
- Undo/Redo
- Page edition and graphical interface
- Find and replace - Web Editor 8.0
- Multipage templates
- Support of SVG pictures
- Rotation of pictures
- Run button
- New web-templates - BACnet Exlporer BACeye
- Wiring check tool
- Support of new devices like
- PCD1.M2220-C15: E-Line CPU with 2 slots for IO or communication modules.
- PCD2.M4160: CPU with 4 slots for IO or communication modules.
- PCD2.M4560 : CPU with 4 slots for IO or communication modules and connector for extension
And other improvements and bug fixes
New features of PG5 2.1.310
- Project Manager:
A warning is displayed when opening a project made with an older version of PG5.
- WebEditor 8:
Contains all the corrections done in the patch 1 for PG5 2.1.300, especially concerning the templates where the format, min and max value are now correctly added to the project.
The object that serves as reference when doing align operations has a different selection outline color.
Several bug fixes to improved stability and correctness over the whole application.
- Fupla:
Improvements in the ‘Update FBoxes’ procedure:
for a lot of FBox, the automatic update was not possible and the message ‘Invalid structure, please review the structure and make enough place around the FBox’ was displayed.
For such cases, the function has been improved and the update will occurs automatically.
The function ‘Create FBox from Page’ correctly creates the FBox.
- Symbol Editor:
In some special cases, it was not possible to drag & drop symbols to the Fupla page. This issue has been corrected.
- BACnet Configurator / Compiler:
The function ‘Upload/Merge’ is now working correctly.
And other corrections.
New features of PG5 2.1.300
- Updated user interface, help, FBox libraries and documentation
The Saia PG5® Suite has been updated according the new company logo and the new product names.
New ‘SBC’ installation folder name and ‘SBC’ folder for the projects and libraries - WebEditor 8
New translation editor in order to easily handle multi-language web projects
Enhancements in the ‘Library’ window
Possibility to define default fore-/background view at project level - Device Configurator:
Support new IO modules
- PCD2/3.W380
- PCD2.G200
- PCD7.W600
- PCD7.R610 - Fupla
Define groups and separators in the Page Navigator view
Several enhancements to the ‘Page Import’ feature - Cross-reference
The ‘Cross-reference List’ window now shows the symbols used in the BACnet Configurator,
the Web Editor 8 and the symbols defined in the LON Configurator - Library Manager
Possible to copy only the actually used libraries into the Project folder - HTTP Downloader
Support of ‘Service Key’ and download over portal – HTTP reverse
And some other improvements and bug fixes
New features of PG5 2.1.210 (Patch 1 of PG5 2.1.200)
Projects done with the version 2.1.200 will be fully compatible with the version 2.1.210.
The following new features and modifications have been implemented in the patch 1 for PG5 2.1.200:- Project Manager
- RIO and device names can now begin with a digit
- In the TCP/IP setting table, device is not shown if Ether-S-Bus is disabled
- Device Configurator
- Corrections in Ethernet configuration for PCD3.M6860 and in media mapping for the PCD2/3.H222
- Web Editor 8
- New Templates DDC Suite 2.0 (Italian) and DDC Suite 2.5 (German / English)
- Update of Icon Gallery from version 2 to 3
- New string operations
- New IMaster SBC 5.15.02:
Since the latest Java update from Oracle ( a warning appeared (“missing permission”)
when a Web-Editor page is displayed in the browser.
With the new IMaster 5.15.0229 it is fixed.
This new IMaster is compatible with Web Editor 5 and the new Web Editor 8.
- Fixes issue where:
- 'Show View' in a WE5 project could wrongfully be imported as Jump Back action
- condition priority was incorrectly compiled
- Variable format, min and max values are now correctly added when inserting a template - Fupla
- Does not crash when clicking on DDC Suite BACnet FBoxes
- On low memory platforms, adding template does not remove existing Fupla pages
- Correct an issue concerning counter in ladder diagram
- For non NT-PCD's, Online values of connections between F-Boxes are set in a randomly way. FAQ101859 - Graftec
- External symbol declarations are correctly defined in Graftec files - Assembler
- Time types, for example ‘T#123s’, can now be ‘public’
- Predefined max number of flags is now 8191 for PCD2.M170 - HTTP Download
- Allow support for web server and user key protection mechanism - DDC Add-on
- Allow updating BACnet configuration without erasing the clients object
- Some adaptations regarding the scheduler object - PG5 Project Generator
- The PG5 project is now restored when the project update is cancelled by the user.
And some other improvements and bug fixes
New features of PG5 2.1.200
The following new features and modifications have been implemented in PG5 2.1.200:
Since PG5 2.1.200 the Device Configurator has been adapted following the protection rules for PCDs that are accessible over Internet.
To prevent unwanted access to PCD data and files, default settings and password specifications for the Web Server and the FTP Server have been modified.
The following IP-protocols are disabled by default on the deivce configurator of new PG5 projects:
- S-Bus over TCP/IP
- HTTP (Web-Server)
PG5 projects made with precedent version of PG5 2.1 are upward compatible with PG5 V2.1.200, but not back again
Once a project has been opened with PG5 V2.1.200, it is not possible to open it again with the previous versions.
As this new version contains no major changes regarding the project structure and files structure, including WebEditor8, we recommend upgrading PG5 2.1 to version 2.1.200.- PG5 Device Configurator
- The following IP-protocols are disabled by default on the deivce configurator of new PG5 projects:
- S-Bus over TCP/IP
- HTTP (Web-Server)
- The user has to turn on the appropriate IP protocols deliberately in the Device Configurator and possibly
activate the passwords for the access protection.
- The current FTP standard user "root" with the associated password is no longer enabled by default.
- A new service key which facilitate and secures the access for example of the Web editor 8 to the PCD.
The service key replaces the FTP username and FTP password and the web server password.
- IP filter which allows filtering of incoming IP packets
The filter allows to define which IP addresses are allowed to access the PCD or for which IP addresses
the access to the PCD should be forbidden.
- Easy definition of indexed symbols in Symbol view on the media mapping
- Export of Device Configurator information towards Excel Files
PCD3.Mxx60: Media Mapping for Interrupt Input - WebEditor 8
- Role-based user management and access control with with a simple user identification template
- Download of Web-Editor 8 projects to password protected PCD
- Find usages of functions, conditions PCD and internal variables in the whole project
- Renaming variables in the whole project
- Easy editing of elements without touching the mouse
- Displaying HDLog trends as discrete (binary) curbe
- New actions and bit comparison. - Project Manager
- The Backup and Restore features have been improved for better handling of project containing
Smart RIO networks, backup/restore of Common Files, and to backup selected devices instead of the entire project
- Project Generator
- Predefined Templates
- Import of On-board module I/O symbols and multiple Media Mappings - Fupla
- Update all FBoxes in one Fupla File
- In the ‘Page Navigator’ view, it is possible to assign a color for the each page
- FBox ID
In the new DDC suite 2.5 suite, the BACnet configuration is generated from the FBox in using a unique
FBox ID as link between the FBox and the generated BACnet object
- FBox libraries
- IP-Filter FBoxen allowing access to the IP filtering functions at runtime
- Free generation of building ID keys in FBoxes for BACnet and alarming
- ‘Summer time’ which indicates winter or summer time
- Parameter settings for DALI devices
- Corrections on several F-Boxes
New features of PG5 Patch 1
The following new features and modifications have been implemented in the patch 1 for PG5 2.1.100:- Web Editor 8.0
- Help is now available in German and French
- Images used in foreground, background or embedded views are now correctly shown.
- Changing download options no longer forces rebuild
- Changing bar graph grow direction from horizontal to vertical or vice versa also flips width & height
- Over 40 other stability, usability improvements and bug fixes. - Fupla
- The 'Replace' function replaces now all adjust texts.
- Pressing the 'Ctrl' + Space key in a connector for editing symbol show correctly the window for choosing existing symbols.
- Template libraries done with older version are correctly restored. - LON IP
- The generated configuration is now correctly handled by the PCD. - HTTP Download
- It is now possible to download the program into the ‘INTFLASH’. - Ethernet RIO
- Support for COSinus version 1.20. This will allow the use Ni 1000 L&S sensor on PCD3.T665/6. - DDC Add-on
- The alarm texts are also generated for the Web Editor 8 - Project Generator
- Add standard templates for an easy import from the 'PCD Konfigurator' tools. - And some other improvements and bug fixes
New features of PG5 2.1.100 (first official release)
The following short list gives an overview of the new features and improvements which have been realized in PG5 2.1:
Detailed information could be found on the support page, section PG5 2.1 New features or on the document "What's new on PG5 2.1 (available in English, German and Frech) also on the support home page :
- Update Manager
- Web Editor 8.0
- Project Generator - Excel-Import
- Improvements of Fupla
- Cyclical transmission of S-Bus telegrams
- HTTP file transfer library
- Display the history of Adjust window
- S-Monitoring library
- IP address to text conversion FBox - Improvements on the Device Configurator
- Support for Ni 1000 L&S temperature sensor
- Monitoring and logging of meter data - Support of new devices like
- PCD7.D457VT5F: 5.7’’ programmable panel
- PCD7.D410VT5F: 10’’ programmable panel
- PCD7.D412DT5F: 12’’ programmable panel
- PCD3.M6860: controller with 2 Ethernet interfaces
- PCD1.M0160E0: e-controller
- PCD1.M2110R1 room controller
- PCD1.M2160: PCD1 controller
- BACnet MSTP module PCD2.F2150 and PCD3.F215
- LON TP/FT-10 module PCD2.F2400 and PCD3.F240 - Flag and register extension to 16384 flags and 16384 registers (requires firmware 1.20.25 or later)
- Download backup file via HTTP
- Download in Run for PCD1.Mxxx0 and PCD3 +
- MIB File Generator for SNMP
- New User licensing and developer registration
New features of PG5 2.0.220
The following new features have been implemented in PG5 2.0.220:- New FBoxes for the new PCD7.L79xN
- New FBoxes for EnOcean devices from Sensortec
- The EIB/IP driver now allows modifying the IP address of the gateway in runtime
- S-Web Editor has been updated to version 5.15.0221
New features of PG5 2.0.210
The following new features have been implemented in PG5 2.0.210:- Support of the PCD1.M2160
New features of PG5 2.0 Service Pack 2 (PG5 2.0.200)
The following new features have been implemented in PG5 2.0 SP2:- Support of smart Ethernet RIO PCD3.T665|T666
- Device Configurator: New media mapping window for all I/O slots
- New FBox classification according functionalities in Fupla
- Fupla Unicode support for Russian computers
- Web-Editor Release 5.15.02
- Full support of 64 bit Windows systems
New features of PG5 2.0 Service Pack 1 (PG5 2.0.150)
The following new features have been implemented in PG5 2.0 SP1:- Support of up to 14335 flags for PCD3 and PCD2.M5 (requires firmware 1.14.23 or later), see FAQ 101447
- The FTP Server, S-Web Server as well as IP Enhancements (DHCP, DNS, SNTP) can now be configured directly in the Device Configurator (requires firmware 1.14.23 or later), see FAQ 101464
- Support of new hardware (PCD1.M2120, PCD3.Mxx60 and Bluetooth modules (PCD2/3.F160 and PCD2.F2/3.F2xx equipped with a F160)
- Improved German help texts in the Device Configurator
New features of PG5 2.0.110 (first official release)
The following short list gives an overview of the new features and improvements which have been realized in PG5 2.0:- Improved user interface with Desktop docking and Multi Document Interface
- Hardware configuration with Device Configurator
- New Symbol handling and Excel-like Symbol Editor
- New FBox properties window for fast editing
- IL Editor with FB and CSF selector analogue to the FBox Selecor in Fupla
- Graftec supports templates
- Library Manager for organizing the libraries used in the project
- Watch window with trending functionality
The new features in detail
- Improved user interface
o Desktop Docking functionality in order to have a framework
behaviour between the Project Manager and the different
editors (Fupla, Graftec, S-Edit).
o Thanks the docking window function, the position of the
components (Symbol Editor, FBox Selector) can be positioned
according the user preferences.
o Ability to open several source files at the same time (MDI,
multi-document interface).
o Use of standard components in the different editors in order
to make the handling easier and effective.
- Hardware configuration
The Device Configurator, already available in the last service pack of PG5 1.4 is now fully integrated into the PG5 2.0. This configurator gives an overview of the IO, communication and memory slot according to the specific device. Thanks the new IO handling functionality (process image) implemented in the PCD3 and PCD2.M5xx0 firmware, digital and analogue values can be directly mapped in the PCD media, without using FBoxes or FBs.
Additionally, the Device Configurator features a label creator and calculates the current consumption of the configured modules.
- Symbol handling and symbol editor
The symbol handling has been totally re-designed, including the symbol editor. The symbols are stored in the source code files to make file copying easier. The symbol editor has been improved with features similar to Excel, the possibility to defined more information associated with the symbols, tags, and improved sorting and filtering functions.
- Fupla Editor
The user interface of the Fupla Editor has been improved with a new FBox selector with filter function, new FBox properties and adjust parameter windows. The Fupla Editor also includes the new symbol editor window. It is also possible to open more than one Fupla file in the same instance. It is also possible to copy and paste adjusts parameters from one FBox to another similar FBox.
- IL Editor
The IL Editor contains a new selector window where the installed FB and CSF libraries are shown. With a simple drag and drop, the user can add the FB or CSF calls, including information about the required parameters into his code.
The following new PCD3- and PCD2.M5 features are supported:
o "temporary data" (TEQU) has been introduced in order to reduce the number of resources used inside FBs or macros.
o Support for IEEE and IEEE double arithmetics
- Graftec Editor
Graftec templates can be created in order to re-use code in an easy way and to improve the development time. The new smart cursor functionality speeds up the diagram design. The interaction between Graftec and the IL and Fupla editors has been improved, including the debugging.
- Library Manager
The new Library Manager gives an overview of the installed FBox, FB and CSF libraries and offers the possibility to copy library into the project in order to have a backup file that includes the libraries.
- Watch Window
Trend functionality has been added in the Watch Window. The user can visualize digital or analogue values and check online the behaviour of the controlled system.
Restrictions of PG5 2.0 and PG5 2.1
Not all hardware and communication features are supported by PG5 2.0/PG5 2.1.
For installations containing the following products, PG5 1.4.300 will be available in future.- PCD4 and PCD6 CPUs
- Profibus FMS
- Serial-S-Bus RIO Configurator (e.g. for PCD1.T240)
- Symbol Editor completely rewritten to allow a easier and faster Symbol handling
Is PG5 2.0 or PG5 2.1 compatible with Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8? (FAQ #101128)
Yes, PG5 2.0 and PG5 2.1 are fully compatible with the 32 and 64-bit version of Windows Vista, Windows 7 ("Windows 7 professional" and "Windows 7 home premimum edition") and Windows 8.
PG5 1.4 is compatible with Windows 7 and Windows 8, but with some points to consider during the installation and operation (please refer to FAQ 100710).
Compatibilty with Windows Vista
Since Windows 7 and Windows 8 (like Windows Vista) does have more restrictive rules than e.g. Windows XP some adaptions in the default paths of PG5 2.0 have been applied (compared to PG5 1.x):
Paths used for Windows XP:- Project directory
Windows 7/8 does not expect users to write into a root folder in "C:\" like PG5 1.x did. therefore the new default folder is:
for PG5 2.0: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Saia-Burgess\PG5_20\Projects
for PG5 2.1: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Saia-Burgess\PG5_21\Projects - Library directory
Windows 7/8 does not expect users to write into the "Program Files" folder (which is done when installing a new FBox library by the user). Therefore the new default folder for libraries is:
for PG5 2.0: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Saia-Burgess\PG5_20\Libs
for PG5 2.1: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Saia-Burgess\PG5_21\Libs - Local directory
The license file (USER.KEY) and the '.5at' files used to register the add-on tools are in the following directory:
PG5 2.0.110: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Saia-Burgess\PG5_20
PG5 2.0.150 and later: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Saia-Burgess\PG5_20\LocalDir
PG5 2.1: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Saia-Burgess\PG5_21\LocalDir - User specific settings
The specific user settings for the different editors and S-Comm driver are no longer saved in the Windows registry but in the directory defined specially for this kind of data:
for PG5 2.0: C:\Documents and Settings\"user name"\Local Settings\Application Data\Saia-Burgess\PG5_20
for PG5 2.1: C:\Documents and Settings\"user name"\Local Settings\Application Data\Saia-Burgess\PG5_21 - Application directory
The PG5 default installation path is in the same location as with PG5 1.x:
for PG5 2.0: C:\Program Files\SAIA-Burgess\PG5_20
for PG5 2.1: C:\Program Files\SAIA-Burgess\PG5_21 - Templates directory
for PG5 2.0: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Saia-Burgess\PG5_20\Templates
for PG5 2.1: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Saia-Burgess\PG5_21\Templates
Paths used for Windows Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8:- Project directory
Windows 7/8 does not expect users to write into a root folder in C:\ like PG5 1.x did. therefore the new default folder is:
for PG5 2.0: C:\Users\Public\Saia-Burgess\PG5_20\Projects
for PG5 2.1: C:\Users\Public\Saia-Burgess\PG5_21\Projects - Library directory
Windows 7/8 does not expect users to write into the "Program Files" folder (which is done when installing a new FBox library by the user). Therefore the new default folder for libraries is:
for PG5 2.0: C:\Users\Public\Saia-Burgess\PG5_20\Libs
for PG5 2.1: C:\Users\Public\Saia-Burgess\PG5_21\Libs - Local directory
The license file (USER.KEY) and the '.5at' files used to register the add-on tools are in the following directory:
for PG5 2.0.110: C:\Users\Public\Application Data\Saia-Burgess\PG5_20
for PG5 2.0.150 and later: C:\Users\Public\Saia-Burgess\PG5_20\LocalDir
for PG5 2.1: C:\Users\Public\Saia-Burgess\PG5_21\LocalDir - User specific settings
The specific user settings for the different editors and S-Comm driver are no longer saved in the Windows registry but in the directory defined specially for this kind of data:
for PG5 2.0: C:\Users\"user name"\Local\AppData\Saia-Burgess\PG5_20
for PG5 2.1: C:\Users\"user name"\Local\AppData\Saia-Burgess\PG5_21 - Application directory
The PG5 default installation path is in the same location as with PG5 1.x:
for PG5 2.0: C:\Program Files\SAIA-Burgess\PG5_20
for PG5 2.0: C:\Program Files\SAIA-Burgess\PG5 V2.1.nnn - Templates directory
for PG5 2.0: C:\Users\Public\Saia-Burgess\PG5_20\Templates
for PG5 2.1: C:\Users\Public\Saia-Burgess\PG5_21\Templates
PG5 2.0 and 2.1 does no longer write into the Windows registry during normal operation.
Therefore it is possible running PG5 2.0/2.1 as "common" user (for PG5 1.x you had to be "power user" or "administrator").
Remark regarding 64-bit version of Vista and Windows 7
In case you need to install PG5 2.0/2.1 on a PC running a 64-bit version of Windows Vista, Windows7 or Windows Server 2008, please refer to FAQ 101463 (see link below). - Project directory
Which PG5 version is compatible with what operating system? (FAQ #100405)
PG5 and Windows are both in continuous progress, so there may be incompatibilities between different versions. The table below gives an overview about the supported versions.
PG5 VersionWin '95Win '98Win MEWin NTWin 2kWin XP Vista Server 2008 Windows 7Windows
1.0.xxxB or higherSecond EditionYesSP5 or higherProf. SP4NoNoNo NoNoNo No No 1.1.xxxB or higherSecond EditionYesSP5 or higherProf. SP4NoNoNo NoNo No No No 1.2.xxxB or higherSecond EditionYesSP5 or higherProf. SP4YesNoNo NoNoNo No No 1.3.xxxB or higherSecond EditionYesSP5 or higherProf. SP4YesNoNo NoNoNo No No 1.4.300NoNoNoNoProf. SP4Yes Yes*Yes* Yes*, ***Yes*, ***No No No 2.0.150 No NoNoNoNoYes (SP2,SP3)Yes **Yes ** Yes **Yes **Yes ** No No No No No No No Yes (SP2,SP3)NoNoYes **Yes **Yes ** No No 2.1.430 No No No No No No No No Yes ** Yes ** Yes ** No
No 2.2.100 No No No No No No No No Yes (SP1) Yes Yes No
No 2.3.1xx No No No No No No No No Yes (SP1) No No Yes No 2.3.195 No No No No No No No No Yes (SP1) No No Yes Yes
*) For further information regarding the compatibility of PG5 1.4 with Microsoft Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 and Microsoft Windows 7/8 please refer to FAQ 100710.
**) Please refer to FAQ 101128 or 101195 for more information regarding the 64 bit version of Window Vista and Windows 7/8
***) The BACnet Configurator from PG5 1.4 is not compatible with the 64bit version of Windows7/8