In June 2017:
the COSinus FW 1.26.31 was released as maintenance version for the systems:
- PCD1.M0xx0/M2xx0, PCD2.M4x60, PCD3.Mxx60, PCD3.M6880 and PCD3.T665/T666/T668.
the BACnet and LonIP FW 1.26.31 was released as maintenance version, which do support the BACnet Revision 9.
To support the BACnet Revision 14 it's necessary to use the PCD and the BACnet FW 1.28.xx.
In March 2017:
the COSinus FW 1.26.28 was introduced into production for the systems:
- PCD1.M2220, PCD1.Mxx60, PCD2.M4x60, PCD3.Mxx60, PCD3.M6880 and PCD3.T665/T666/T668.
the BACnet and LonIP FW 1.26.28 was introduced into production
In June 2016:
the COSinus FW 1.26.15 was introduced into production for the systems:
- PCD1.M0xx0, PCD1.M2xx0, PCD2.M4x60, PCD3.Mxx60 and PCD3.M6880.
The COSinus FW 1.26.16 was introduced into production for the systems: PCD3.T665/T666/T668.
The BACnet and LonIP FW 1.26.15 was introduced into production
The firmware 1.26.xx or later can be used only on the following PCD's with 8 MB onboard firmware memory:
PCD1.M0xx0/M2xx0, PCD2.M4x60, PCD3.Mxx60, PCD3.M6880 and PCD3.T665/T666/T668
The table below does show the hardware dependencies in relation with the COSinus firmware versions

Do use at least the PG5 firmware downloader version 2.1.311 or newer (included in PG5 patch 2.1.311 or newer) to prevent the loading of the FW 1.24.xx or 1.26.xx to a not compatible PCD.
Firmware 1.26.31 (June 2017)
Main corrections
- All PCD's SBUS parity mode, correction when NAK character is received as first byte of response.
- All PCD's: When download new Ethernet-RIO Program with the option ‘Delete all backups’ it can happen that the RIO is not commission and no goes no more in ‘data exchange mode’ until the PCD reboots.
- All PCD's: When RIO name is not in upper case the RIO file is not updated until a restart is executed.
- All PCD's: When RIO file is downloaded with download changed RIO file then RIO file is not sent to RIO until a restart is executed.
- All PCD's: Ethernet Frame Padding Information Leakage fixed (CVE-2017-9628)
- All PCD's: The Modbus CSF CloseSRPort does not free the port then a open/SASI call give an error and the port does not work.
- PCD1.M2xx0 PCD1.M22x0 PCD2.M4x60: PCD can crash while power down when XOB 0 is programmed.
- PCD1.M2xx0 PCD1.M22x0 PCD2.M4x60: MC0 mode with start/stop flag working again.
Firmware 1.26.28 (March 2017)
- Text Ram can now be cleared (all chars are set to blank space) with the cgi interface by writing a zero length string.
- Ping request on ETH2 over rooter from different sub net.
- LonIP Mapper improvement
- Web Server RAM Disk increased
- Error Led not set on IR overflow
Main corrections
- All PCD's: MC0 communication with F2xx module and related communication flags are handled correctly in case of transmission
- All PCD's: Text Ram can now be cleared (all chars are set to blank space) with the cgi interface by writing a zero length string.
- All PCD's: Multiple AlarmLists with similar names will now be "initialized" correctly.
- All PCP's: TCP client keep alive is not working when anonymous port is used.
- All PCD's: Profi-SBus GWY does not wor, Profi-SBus Master/GWY stop working after cable is re plugged.
- All PCD's: PCD crash when use DIGI(R)/DIGO(R) with first parameter as FB parameter.
- All PCD's: Correction for modbus RTU communication over F2xx communication module
- All PCD's: When RIO file is downloaded with download changed RIO file then RIO file is not sent to RIO until a restart is executed.
- PCD1.M22x0: While changing the analog output value, the Watchdog is switching. Switching the Watchdog Relais over the corresponding flag has no influence.
- PCD2.M4x60: Sometimes the Profibus DP module is not initialized correctly on startup.
- PCD2.M5xx0: When Restore program because of a missing or dead battery configuration (SBus/IP,..) is not restored correctly.
- PCD2.M5xx0: Modbus RTU on all ports but specially on the F2xx module has been corrected to handle the response timeout processing in the case that the response is just occuring at the moment of the timeout.
- PCD2.M5xx0: Sometimes config is lost after download project with self-download tool.
- PCD3.Mxxx0: Battery status shows FAIL also if battery module is missing.
- PCD3.Mxxx0: FTP server processing with long commands resolved.
- PCD3.Mxxx0: Modbus RTU on all ports but specially on the F2xx module has been corrected to handle the response timeout processing in the case that the response is just occuring at the moment of the timeout.
- PCD3.Mxxx0: Sometimes config is lost after download project with self-download tool.
- PCD3.Mxx60: Profi-SBus/DP/SIO does not work on port 2 on PCD3.M3x60 & PCD3.M5360.
- PCD3.M6860: Ping request from over rooter from different sub net is not respond.
- PCD3.M6860/M880: Profibus/S-IO/Profi-SBus does not work stable.
- PCD3.M6860: Set PCD to HALT if there is no or incompatible media transfer between the two CPU's.
- PCD3.T66x: The RIO Status web page does not allow to clear the diagnostics.
- BACnet: The memory usage of the BACnet FW was increasing for every SubscrobeCOVProperty service, which has been received by the PCD.
- BACnet: A client configuration for Priority_Array properties in commadable objects (e.g. Analog-Value) does now allow reading (ReadProperty/COV) and writing (WriteProperty service to server) at the same time.
Firmware 1.26.15 (June 2016)
New features
- Support of PCD1.M2220-C15
- Support of PCD2.M4x60
- Support of PCD3.M3160/PCD3.M3360/PCD3.M5360
- Support of PCD3.M6880, PCD3.T668 Standby-CPU-System
- PCD2.M4x6x, support Interrupt when reaching the configured ref Value
- PCD1.Mxxx0, PCD2.M4x60, PCD3.Mxx60 PCD7.D4xx: Increase None Volatile Register to 1000
- PCD3.T666/8: Increase the User Program Memory for to 256k
- PCD3.T66x: Support the ESIO manager use tag values for IP address
- PCD2/3.F2xx modules Baudrate: Support 300/600/1200 baud settings for in MC mode.
- S-Monitoring: In bar displays where the current time is visible, the average for the period is calculated not in a optimal way (time slice, ref time, is a bar). New it's displayed in seconds
Main corrections
- PCD3.M6860/M6880: When update FW on extension using the file system after update the extension FW can stay in an endless loop
- PCD3.M6880: crash wen Timmer/Counter is mapped in the Read Symbols
- PCD3.M6880: PCD can crash with MuKe Error when use the SBus GWY in parallel with modbus TCP
- PCD3.M6880: Standby CPU1 does not always HALT when CPU0 crash
- PCD3.M6880: CPU0 to 1 From Read data communication sometimes stop works
- PCD3.M6880: Add a Transmit Error diagnostic tag "DataTxErrors"
- PCD3.Mxxx0: Battery module on IO slot 3 does not show battery status in history
- PCD3.Mxxx0/PCD1.M2xx0: Some baudrates on onboard ports are not correct
- PCD2.M4x60: RTC read/write locks the PCD for about 30ms
- PCD2.M4x60: Modem does not work because of the not working DCD
- PCD3.T66x: Add ELine CSF library
- PCD3.T66x: Serial com does not work with SASI instruction
- PCD3.T66x: CSF Modbus Server Init gives an error when port 502 is used becasue this port is already open
- PCD7.D443WT5R: Assignation/Configuration of port 1 should return an error because port 1 is not supported
- PCD7.D443WT5R: Remove IO access from the system. PCD goes now in HALT with "INVALIDE OPCODE"
- PCD2.W220 with Pt1000: Significant deviation between singel channels
- BACnet: List Properties (like Date_List, Exception_Schedule, ...) could disappear after a PCD restart, if a WriteProperty request with an empty list value has been received for these properties before the restart. This behavior was only present for persistent properties
- BACnet: The Log_Buffer property of a Trend-Log object could not be read anymore using the ReadRange service, after a Event-Log or Trend-Log-Multiple has been read via ReadRange
- BACnet: Writing a single analog output channel is not working. The output is not changing. Writing output channels over the mapped functionality is working
- BACnet: PCD with BACNet loops with restart if program has "INVALIDE OPCODE"
- Restart Warm does not work
- SBus ELine has sometimes retries
- When create a Text/DB the backup fails until a restart is done
- PCD Crash with BUS ERROR on STXT instruction when text is empty
- Modem does not work correctly
- Modem does not work or PCD crash when modem is configure
- PCD can crash when error occurs in Modbus RTU
- The PCD crash if a BITI is executed with number as FB parameter
- PCD crash when use Profi-S-Bus Master
- Sometimes the program is lost when update FW from 1.24.xx to 1.26.xx
- MOVX/DIVX function where not working on Task or Temporary data when use indexed
- Add config tag value for GWY mode "data_no_secure" to deasble the secure data mode
- Not possible to upload a file through the Web server FTP interface (ftp.cgi or ftp.json) if that file starts with a white space character (either a space or a tab)
- CSF CopyDBBytesToR crash when destination is bigger than last Register
- Diagnostic Flags in S-Bus Master mode are not correct if there are collisions on the RS-485 network
- CSF Backup/Restore Media does give an error on restore when data change while backup/restore
- MOV instruction with type position as FB parameter gives error flag and fails
- Web-Alarm: Fix alarming color with "group color mode" and group bigger than 8