Profibus RIOs
System Catalogue : PCD3
Extract | 26-215_A0120 | System Catalogue : PCD3 |
PCD3 Hardware
Manual | 26-789 | PCD3 Hardware |
Systemcable and adapter
Manual | 26-792 | Systemcable and adapter |
Manual | 27-600 | IO-Modules |
PCD3.K225 interf. cable PCD3.T760 web server to PC
Datasheet | PP31-693 | PCD3.K225 interf. cable PCD3.T760 web server to PC |
Leaflet: PCD3.T760
Readme | 35-018 | Leaflet: PCD3.T760 |
Base Station Remote I/O Saia PCD3.T760 with Profibus
ENG05 |
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0.10 MB | Download |
Software / Firmware / Tools
PCD3 PCC Version 2.24
Sales Support | PCD3 PCC Version 2.24 |
Useful Excel sheet to calculate the internal power consumption of systems with PCD3 components (document version 2.24) Please note that the calculation of this sheet contains an error (see
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.zip | 0.35 MB | Download |
PCD3.T760: GSD and GSE files version 1.13, firmware version 1.020 and Monitorio version 1.08 (April 2010)
Firmware Package | PCD3.T760: GSD and GSE files version 1.13, firmware version 1.020 and Monitorio version 1.08 (April 2010) |
Firmware update procedure for PCD3 RIO's PCD3.T760
EPLAN Product macros, DWG and DXF files can be found here.
Softwaretool for printing on the Labeling-Strips for PCD3-Modules: S-LabelCreator.htm
Technical Reports
Good to know
The GSD / GSE file revision 1.13 fixes a display problem of the scaling for the PCD3.W6x5, see FAQ 101397
I/O modules:
The I/O modules are delivered per default with a spring clamp terminal block.
Screw terminal blocks have to be ordered separately.
PCD3 LIO and PCD2.M17x: to use addresses in the range 256 to 511, CPU's with production date 0331or later have to be used, or older CPU's that have been returned for modification

PCD3 / T760
How to read the diagnostic information of a PCD3.W745 on a PCD3.T760? (FAQ #101697)
When the 4 channels analog carte PCD2.W745 is used on a PCD3.T760 RIO module 6 registers are available on the master station. It is important to know that the 2 first registers contain the diagnostic bits of the 4 inputs channels!
How to interpret those 2 diagnostic registers (anal_16 and anal_17) ?
The first 2 bytes (low bytes) gives the diagnostic bit of 2 analog channels (1 byte per channel) as indicated in the following screenshot:
Signification of each bit (from right to left): -
What's the max. data amount that can be exchanged between a SBC-NT PLC and a PCD3.T760? (FAQ #101641)
Against the description of the exchangeable amount of data in the Profibus DP manual, a SBC-NT PLC (PCD3, PCD1.M2, PCD2.M5xxx, PCD2.M480) can communicate with a PCD3.T760 a maximum amount of 2'048 bytes.
A PCD3.W6x5 doesn't have the correct scaling on a PCD3.T760 (FAQ #101397)
If a PCD3.W6x5 is configured in the SIO configurator on a PCD3.T760 (PG5 1.4). The scaling 0...1023 does not work correctly
The PCD3.W6x5 is configured in the SIO configurator of PG5 1.4 with the scaling 0...1023 (this value is displayed in the Configurator). This text is not correct; it should be "0..4095" instead of "0..1023". The GSD file revision of the PCD3.T760 in the S-Net Configurator is 1.12 or earlyer:
The PCD3.T760 delivers a 12Bit value (0...4095) for analogue modules even if the resolution of the module itself is less than 12 bit. This is a feature of the firmware of the PCD3.T760. Unfortunately this scaling is wrong in the GSD file revision 1.12 (distributed with PG5 1.4 (and thus it is written 0..1023 in the S-I/O or Profibus DP configurator).
In PG5 2.0 the correct range is displayed (the GSD / GSE file revision 1.13 is used).
Possible solutions:- Either configure the module with the scaling 0...10000, this is working correctly
- choose the option "0..1023" but keep in mind that in fact it is 0...4095
- You can as well exchange the GSD file in your SIO configurator (see below)
Procedure for updating the GSD file for the PCD3.T760 in your library
- Get revision V1.13 for the PCD3.T760 (e.g. from the support site or from the PG5 2.0 Controls Suite CD)
- Open your S-Net Configurator with a Profibus DP file (create a new Profibus DP configuration file)
- In the selector of the devices, select the PCD3.T760
- From the menu "Library", select "Remove Device":
- In the following prompt, select "Yes"
- From the menu "Library", select "Add device..."
- Browse to the recent GSD file for the PCD3.T760 "SaiaCD32.GSE" or "SaiaCD32.GSE"
- Import the device
Now you should see "revision V 1.13" in the properties of the device in the S-Net configurator (the S-I/O configurator is updated automatically, the procedure does not need to be repeated).
How to configure a PCD3.W220Z12 on a PCD3.T760? (FAQ #101175)
The analogue input module PCD3.W220Z12 (4 inputs 0..10V and 4 inputs Pt/Ni1000) can not directly be chosen in the Profibus DP or Profi-S-I/O configurator. This FAQ explains how to read the inputs of this kind of modules.
For reading the inputs from a PCD3.W220Z12 a module PCD3.W2x0 is to be configured with format "0..1023 units". This allows converting the read digital values from the module on the CPU to its proper format (degrees for temperature and e.g. mV for the voltage inputs).
Procedure- In the S-Net configurator, select a PCD3.W200 for the module where the PCD2.W220Z12 is plugged
- Select the format "0..1023 units" in the "Parameters" of the module
- Click on the button "Media Map" and distribute symbol names according to your needs
- In Fupla, scale the first four inputs (0..10 V inputs) with e.g. the FBox "Conversion" from the family "HVC-General":
In this example, the input range (0..1023) is scaled to mV (0..10'000 mV) - Again in Fupla use the "20-point Conversion FBox" for interpolating the temperature from the digital values:
(of course it is recommended using all 20 points and not only the first 5)
Therefore look up the "Digital value" in the table and edit them in the "Point Xx" adjust parameter, and then edit the corresponding temperature and edit it in the FBox "Point Yx" parameter. The concerned tables can be found in the Excel sheets attached to this FAQ (look for the bold values).
In case the tables in this FAQ do not correspond to your requirements, please contact your local representative.
On the Profibus-DP or Profi-S-I/O master it isn't possible to read or write registers with address > 4095 from the slave (FAQ #100927)
On the master PCD the I/O mapping to Register 4096 until Register 16'383 for RIO-networks (Profibus DP or Profi-S-I/O) doesen't work on PCD3 and PCD2.M480 and PCD2.M5xx0 systems with firmware version 1.08.23.
When using addresses between 4096 to 16383 on the maser PCD for reading/writing medias of Profibus-DP / Profi-S-I/O slaves, no values can be read from these slaves. The relevant registers are not updated by the Profibus or S-I/O task in this case.
This problem does only occur with firmware versions 1.08.xx until version 1.08.31; it is therefore even possible that a project correctly runs until the firmware of the Profi-S-I/O or Profibus DP master PCD has been updated.
The reason for this behavior is an incorrect mapping on the Profibus-DP / Profi-S-I/O master done by the firmware of the CPU. This behaviour has been introduced in version 1.08.xx (pilot versions already in 1.07.xx) and is solved in version 1.08.34 and later.
Please update the firmware of your- PCD3 to 1.10.16 or later
- PCD2.M5 to 1.10.16 or later
- PCD2.M480 to 1.08.53 or later
If this is not possible for some reason, only use adresses R 0 - R 4095 to map the modules.
Incorrectly labelled connectors delivered with PCD3.C200 or PCD3.T760 (FAQ #100839)
In 2007 Saia-Burgess Controls AG has delivered some PCD3.C200 and PCD3.T760 which have been equipped with incorrectly labelled connectors.
Description of wrong labelling
The "+" and the "0" on the connector has been inversed, see picture below (the labelling of the C200 is correct):
What can I do if I have received such incorrectly labelled connectors?
If you have received such incorrectly labelled connectors, please return them and ask for replacement (article number: 440549520). The replacement is free of charge (please provide the information "free of charge on KTR 244421, according to F08-007". -
How to configure the PCD3.W800 and A810 on an RIO Module PCD3.T760? (FAQ #100570)
When using the modules PCD3.W800 and A810 on T760, it is necessary to know the address mapping which may be different that when they are used on a PCD3.Mxxx processor or on a LIO module (PCD3.Cxxx)!
In PG5 when the SIO or DP file is build, network variables are created in a new tag of the symbols editor. Those network variables (flags and registers) are at disposal in the different editors.
Attached the example done with PG5 1.4 110 contains a SIO file and a Fupla file!
PCD3.A810 on RIO module PCD3.T76
When using PCD3.W800 on a PCD3.T760 the (inputs) addresses are swapped compare to when used on a PCD3.Mxxx or Cxx
Data read: the bits 0..3 are: Switch: Output 0..3 (0=Auto, 1=Man)
Data read: the bits 8..11 are: Status Output 0..3
Data write: Output 0..3Address + BAData read (inputs)Data write (outputs)0Switch: Output 0 (0=auto;1=man)Output 01Switch: Output 1 (0=auto;1=man)Output 12Switch: Output 2 (0=auto;1=man)Output 23Switch: Output 3 (0=auto;1=man)Output 345678State: Output 09State: Output 110State: Output 211State: Output 312131415PCD3.W800 on RIO module PCD3.T760
The following addresses are at disposal:
· 3 bits (flags) are used (0,4,8) to read the state of the Man/Auto switch
· 4 registers (0..3) to write the analog output value
Address + BAData read (Inputs)Data write AO (Registers)0Switch : Output 0 (0=Auto, 1=Man)Analog Output 01Analog Output 12Analog Output 23Analog Output 34Switch : Output 1 (0=Auto, 1=Man)5678Switch : Output 2 (0=Auto, 1=Man)9101112131415 -
Negative values from PCD3.T760 are not interpreted correctly on the PCD (FAQ #100466)
When measuring e.g. the temperature of a Pt1000 sensor with a W-module mounted on a PCD3.T760, the sensor type can be configured in the SBC Network Configurator. If this is done this way, negative temeratures are not interpreted correctly on the PCD. Instead of negative values, very high values around 65000 are shown.
The temperature values read from the PCD3.T760 aren't negative but very high (around 65000). Positive values read are interpreted correctly. All modules that do offer the possibility of reading temperature values are affected (PCD3.W220, PCD3.W340, PCD3.W350, PCD3.W360, PCD3.W745).Reason
The reason for this phenomenon is the fact that the values transmitted over Profibus DP or Profi-S-I/O are signed 16-bit values. These values are copied directly into the signed 32-bit registers of the PCD. Due to the lack of a transfer function that converts the negative values (and copies the sign bit from the 16th to the 32th bit), the negative 16-bit values aren't correctly interpreted when copied into a 32-bit register.Solution
An according transfer function has been implemented in the firmware of recent PCD systems.
For configuring this transfer function, select the checkbox "Signed" in the Profi-S-I/O (or Profibus DP) Network Configurator as in the screenshot shown.
The minimal PG5 version to use this functionality is PG5 1.4.120.
The first pilot firmware version supporting the discussed transfer function is $27 for PCD3 and $29 for PCD2.M480.
Firmware versions supporting the transfer function (systems not listed in this table do not support the transfer function mentioned):PCD System minmal Firmware version PCD1.M135 0E3PCD2.M150 0E3PCD2/4.M170 0E3PCD2.M480 030PCD2.M5xx0 1.08.19PCD3.Mxxx0 031
On other systems than the ones listed above the following workarounds are possible:- Reading the raw values from the W-modules (1:1) and then converting these values e.g. in Fupla by using the FBox "20-point-conversion". A table for this conversion accroding to the applied module and senser type can be requested from pcdsupport@saia-pcd.com
- Converting the read temperature values at the very beginning of the COB 0. Because the read values are copied to the PCD registers always right before the start of the execution of the COB 0, this will convert the values always just after the writing into registers. All following COBs created by the user will have the correct values read from the PCD3.T760. An example code for this method is attached to this FAQ. This file also contains guide how to introduce this function into an existing project.
What state do the outputs of a PCD3.T760 have on bus failure? (FAQ #100450)
By default, the outputs of a the modules mounted on a PCD3.T360 RIO will be reset on bus failure (or if the master is in STOP or HALT). This is the general defualt behaviour on Profubus DP networks that was overtaken for the Profi S-I/O networks.
Why are the outputs reset?
This behaviour generally does improve the security of the system. In case there is e.g. a motor controlled by the module mounted on the PCD3.T760, this motor must be stopped as soon as it isn't guaranteed any more that the master does have the control over the actions taken by the motor.Is it possible to define the states of the outputs otherwise?
Yes, the "preferred state" of the outputs can be defined for each output. This means the it is possible to define the state of each output on bus failure.
It is also possible to configure a module in a way that the last written output state remains also on bus failure.How is the preferred state of the outputs configured?
The configuration of the preferred state is done via the extended diagnostic module of the RIO. In this module, 4 output bytes (written to to T760) and 4 input bytes (status information from the T760) are present.Configuring a digital module on the PCD3.T760 for keeping the last value
In order to define the preferred output state in case of bus error in a the way that the last value is retained, the command value 3 is to be written in byte 3 of the diagnostic output bytes. Additionally, the address of the module is to be given in the bits 0..3 of the output byte 2. The information that the last value shall remain on bus error is given in bit 7 of the output byte 2.
Output bytesByte 0 Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 not relevant *) not relevant *) Module position Command 0 0 binary: 10000011 3
This example shows the command for retaining all output values of the module 3 (fourth slot of the T760). The indication for the module 3 is given in bit 0..3 of byte 2 (binary 011=3). The indication for retaining the last value is given in bit 7 of byte 2. If the state of all the outputs of the concerned module shall be retained, byte 0 and byte 1 are irrelevant (they are used for e.g. setting a preferred state 0 or 1).
The T760 will return the same values in the diagnostic input (also 4 bytes) if the command is accepted.Please refer to the chapter "Diagnostic information on RIOs" of the PCD3 manual 26/789 for the complete description of the extended diagnostic of the PCD3.T760.
Why does the error: Scomm error unknown appears when connecting to PCD3.T760 over Webconnect? (FAQ #100446)
The connection to the PCD3.T760 over Webconnect is only possible with baudrate 19200. All other baudrates won't work.
How to configure a PCD3.B100 on a PCD3.T760? (FAQ #100445)
The PCD3.B100 is a special module since there are input and output flags to be mapped onto the same module placed on a PCD3.T760. Because the S-Net SBC Network Configurator does always assign arrays of 8 flags or bits, some of them are to be named but cannot be used by the user program.
The definition of the amount of inputs and outputs on the module
The specification, which data points are inputs and which are outputs is done in the "Edit Parameters" window. Open it by clicking the button "Parameters..." in the "Define modules" window (see below).Mapping the I/Os to PCD flags
When mapping the I/Os to flags, there are two arrays to be edited; one for the inputs and one for the ouputs. Note that there are always 8 flags to be mapped (also if only two of them are used as inputs). The flags that are not used must also have a (unique) symbol name.
It is a good practice naming the not used flags with a clear name (e.g. NotUsed00, NotUsed01...). Each B100 will need 8 such flags (e.g. the first two for the output mapping and the other six for the input mapping as in the pictures above).Important note
Make sure that all the distributed symbols are unique (CPU wide). Otherwise the communication will not work properly (I/Os will be set uncorrectly)! -
PCD3.T760: minimum firmware version for the use of PCD3.W3x5 and PCD3.W6x5 modules (FAQ #100341)
The minimum firmware version for the use of these analogue modules with galvanic separation is 1.014 (production dates 0514 or later).
Which Java(TM) Virtual Machine is recommended for the use with the Monitorio? (FAQ #100293)
It is recommended to use the Sun "Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition 1.4.2_04" (or higher) that comes along with the PG5 CD. The Java(TM) Plug-in installation file is located in the folder "S-Web/Java Runtime Environment" on the Saia PG5® Controls Suite CD (PG5 CD).
How to configure a PCD3.W745 on a PCD3.T760? (FAQ #100214)
In PG5 SP1.2.130 the analogue module PCD3.W745 isn't implemented. To be able to configure the PCD3.W745 on a PCD3.RIO the latest *.gsd file is required.
The corresponding *.gsd file is available on the Support Site under "Browse by product Code/PCD3/Txxx/Txxx".
Ad the new modules using the funtion "Ad device" of the menu "Library" of the SNet32.
BF LED of T760 blinks, bad commuication on the Profibus Network (FAQ #100010)
Bad Profibus communication related to a to short watchdog timeout on the T760
In some cases the Profibus communication doesn’t work correctly. The BF LED of the T760 blinks and on the Profibus Master device the Profibus Diagnostic Flags are set to high to indicate a communication error on the network.
To solve the problem you have to increase the watchdog time of the T760 in the Profibus configurator.
The watchdog time is depending from the baud rate, number of devices and Profibus timing parameters.With PG5 1.3 the watchdog time is calculated automatically and set to the correct value.
With PG5 < 1.3 you have to set the watchdog time manually by double clicking the bus line on the PG5 Profibus configurator.
In the folder "advanced" you have to write the "slave default watchdog" time in the specific field and to click the button "Set watchdog to slaves" to copy the new value to each slave.
A value 20 (x 10 ms) should be ok for most cases.
Re-Build and download the project.