PG5 2.3 New features

This page contains the principal new features from PG5 2.3 and is an abstract from the document "What's new in PG5 2.3".
The file can be download on the section below.


What's new in PG5 2.3

Flyer 2.3.196 What's new in PG5 2.3

2.3.196 .pdf 1.60 MB Download
2.3.196 .pdf 1.89 MB Download
2.3.196 .pdf 2.08 MB Download

PG5 2.2/2.3 User's guide

Manual 26-732 PG5 2.2/2.3 User's guide

ENG12 .pdf 6.34 MB Download
GER12 .pdf 8.35 MB Download
FRA12 .pdf 6.34 MB Download
ITA12 .pdf 6.39 MB Download

System Catalogue : Software

Extract 26-215_B0100 System Catalogue : Software

System Catalogue
Software for Windows PCs

ENG18d .pdf 3.13 MB Download
FRA18d .pdf 3.15 MB Download
GER18d .pdf 3.16 MB Download
ITA18d .pdf 3.14 MB Download

New Features PG5 2.3 Web8 Editor and Fupla

In this video we explain the new features of PG5 2.3 Web8 Editor and Fupla

Additional Documentation (Manuals, Workshops) can be found on the Controls Suite DVD

User licensing and developer registration

  • PG5 licensing
    In order to use PG5 version 2.3, a new ‘USER.KEY’ file is needed.
    The key file from V2.2, V2.1, V2.0 or V1.4 cannot be used. However, you can run V2.3 as a demonstration version for 90 days without a key file. The ‘USER.KEY’ file is available from your Saia representative.
    This key file registers your Company and enables the features of the PG5 which are needed.
  • PG5 user registration
    Since PG5 V2.1 we have introduced registration for individual PG5 developers, in addition to the existing company registration. The PG5 user registration is done with the file 'REGISTRATION.KEY'
    The same 'REGISTRATION.KEY' used in PG5 2.1/PG5 2.2 can be used also in PG5 2.3
    When the PG5 first opens, you will be asked to register yourself as a PG5 User.

    A PG5 user is entitled to free software updates, free technical support, and other benefits.

    Demonstration version must complete the PG5 user registration before the PG5 can be used.

    It means that PG5 V2.3 with a demo key will not run without having a valid user registration.

    Licensed users, with a valid ‘USER.KEY’ file, can skip the developer registration indefinitely.


Improvements of Fupla

  • Symbol Editor completely rewritten to allow a easier and faster Symbol handling

    • Easier dragging from symbols to FUPLA from anywhere on the line
    • Better performance
    • New ways to create multiple symbols at once
    • New multi-edit features
    • Group Comments
    • New Quick Search for symbols
    • New Filter options
    • Improved Symbol Error detection
    • Undo / Redo for all symbol operations

  • Symbol import conflict resolution window for more control when importing symbols

    • Shows conflicts when importing symbols from Text (Excel etc.), or from files
    • Conflicts can be detected based on names or adresses
    • Symbols can be edited to resolve conflicts

  • New adjust parameter window for speed up commisioning

    • Combines the best out of the old and new adjust parameter window
    • No open or close, information's are automatically displayed when you select a new FBox
    • Directly edit Online Parameters (saves a lot of mouse clicks) while keeping the original source values
    • History of changes can be displayed from the FBox
    • Possibility to hide parameters like BACnet options

  • New Template Import for speed up PLC programming

    • Way faster import of templates
    • New possibilities for Indexing (Absolute / Relative)
    • One place to do Find & Replace for all tabs

Web Editor 8.0

  • Generation of HTML 5 compatible web pages

    • Generation of HTML5 output from existing SBC Web Editor projects
    • Projects are up to date with latest browser technology
    • Possibility to generate from Web Editor8 Java, or HTML5 or Java and HTML5 compatible web pages

  • HTML5

    • Is modern
    • Fulfills the need of a modern Web application
    • Open for future and modern improvement
    • Cleaner Code
    • Responsive, Mobile optimized
    • Elegant forms
    • Built-In Video/Audio Playback

Improvements on the Device Configurator

  • New devices
    The following devices have been integrated into the Device Configurator:

    • PCD7.LRL2-P5:        Programmable Room Controller with 16 I/O's 2 x RS485
    • PCD7.LRL4-P5:        Programmable Room Controller with 24 I/O's 2 x RS485
    • PCD7.LRL5-P5:        Programmable Room Controller with 24 I/O's 2 x RS485
    • PCD7.LRS4-P5:        Programmable Room Controller with 14 I/O's 2 x RS485
    • PCD7.LRS5-P5:        Programmable Room Controller with 14 I/O's 2 x RS485

Other improvements

FBox libraries

  • Standard Alarming FBoxes

    • Alarming Improvements for Standard & DDC Suite FBoxes in that way, that no manual creation of files needed anymore
    • New Alarm List Advanced FBox to provide all nessecary Informations to send out Alarms via Email, SMS etc.
    • New Alarm FBoxes with the possibility to use PCS, define Alarmtexts and Groups, Prio directly in the FBoxes
    • Processes Alarm state changes from DDC Suite and Standard Alarm FBoxes and puts them into a queue for sending them out via Email, SMS
    • Several options to filter for Group, Prio
    • Alarm Format format can be adapted to customer needs

  • DDC Suite System Alarm FBox

    • Automatically detect Alarms in the referenced Systems (AHU01,AHU02 etc)
    • Possibility to define Groups and Priorities
    • Automated collective Alarm for complete systems without placing any additional FBox like OR
    • Acknowledge Alarms per System

  • New Enocean EEP Profile FBoxes

    • With the new set of EEP FBoxes you can use every Enocean Device that is compliant to a EEP Profile
    • No dedicated FBoxes for devices are needed in future
    • Easy configuration for different type of devices inside of the FBoxes

DDC Suite

  • News

    • Support for BACnet Rev. 14. - projects can be easily upgraded
    • Support for Alarming 2 with Groups & Priorities
    • Fast and easy engineering with 38 predesigned templates for FUPLA, Web & Visi.Plus
    • Templates for AHU incl. Humidification, Dehumidification, Air Quality etc.
    • Automatic sending of Alarms via SMS, Email without engineering effort 

PG5 2.2

  • For the PCD3.T665/T666/T668 it’s possible to define on the PG5 device configurator own FTP users, service key or the web-server password? (FAQ #102038)
  • Why the PG5 Update manager does not work, error message ‘An error occurred during the connection to the sever’ is displayed? (FAQ #102037)
  • E-mail forwarding service is currently not available (FAQ #102034)
  • On a PCD3.M6860 it’s possible to use BACnet on the Ethernet port ETH1 and/or on ETH2? (FAQ #102031)
  • Why the PG5 2.1, 2.2 or 2.3 update manger application is no more working and it’s not possible to download files from PG5 update manager server? (FAQ #102020)
  • Shall I use PG5 2.3, PG5 2.2, 2.1, 2.0 or PG5 1.4 for my next project? (FAQ #102018)
  • Why after an download of a PG5 2.2.230 project to the PCD, where BACnet revision 14 is used, the application program on the PCD doesn’t work correctly and have a randomly unexpected/unwanted functionality? (FAQ #102013)
  • PG5 2.1 and 2.2 with E-Line S-Bus communication library < 1.2.110, why the S-Bus communication on the master PCD stops either after a certain time? (FAQ #102009)
  • PG5 2.1 and PG5 2.2 with S-Bus communication library 2.7.370, why the S-Bus communication on the master PCD stops either after a certain time or after the download of the program? (FAQ #102008)
  • No Refresh from State of I/O's from E-Line Rio- Moduls after Fbox Update (FAQ #102001)
  • Why on the web-editor 8 of PG5 2.2.140, the properties window is empty or tabs of the properties window are not visible? (FAQ #101997)
  • Why does the fupla in PG5 2.2.140 deletes connexions? (FAQ #101996)
  • Why it’s not possible to distribute the corrections (hotfix files) for PG5 over the PG5 update manager? (FAQ #101983)
  • Why in PG5 2.2.130 it's not possible to map in the BACnet Configurator analogue values to PCD medias? (FAQ #101981)
  • On PG5 2.2.130, why it’s no more possible to access from scada or web page to the HEVAC F-Box ‘Override digital’ and ‘Override numeric’ and to manipulate/force the F-Box internal adjust parameters from scada or web page? (FAQ #101980)
  • The special FBox library PCD7_D7 is now available for PG5 2.0. (FAQ #101356)
  • Which PG5 version is compatible with what operating system? (FAQ #100405)

PG5 2.2 / Fupla

  • Why the PG5 2.1, 2.2 or 2.3 update manger application is no more working and it’s not possible to download files from PG5 update manager server? (FAQ #102020)
  • Shall I use PG5 2.3, PG5 2.2, 2.1, 2.0 or PG5 1.4 for my next project? (FAQ #102018)
  • Why after an download of a PG5 2.2.230 project to the PCD, where BACnet revision 14 is used, the application program on the PCD doesn’t work correctly and have a randomly unexpected/unwanted functionality? (FAQ #102013)
  • PG5 2.1 and 2.2 with E-Line S-Bus communication library < 1.2.110, why the S-Bus communication on the master PCD stops either after a certain time? (FAQ #102009)
  • PG5 2.1 and PG5 2.2 with S-Bus communication library 2.7.370, why the S-Bus communication on the master PCD stops either after a certain time or after the download of the program? (FAQ #102008)
  • No Refresh from State of I/O's from E-Line Rio- Moduls after Fbox Update (FAQ #102001)
  • Why does the fupla in PG5 2.2.140 deletes connexions? (FAQ #101996)
  • Why it’s not possible to distribute the corrections (hotfix files) for PG5 over the PG5 update manager? (FAQ #101983)
  • Why in PG5 2.2.130 it's not possible to map in the BACnet Configurator analogue values to PCD medias? (FAQ #101981)
  • On PG5 2.2.130, why it’s no more possible to access from scada or web page to the HEVAC F-Box ‘Override digital’ and ‘Override numeric’ and to manipulate/force the F-Box internal adjust parameters from scada or web page? (FAQ #101980)
  • The special FBox library PCD7_D7 is now available for PG5 2.0. (FAQ #101356)

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
