The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
Industrial text display
HMI-Editor and PLC-based terminals
Technical Info | PP26-430 | HMI-Editor and PLC-based terminals |
PCD7.D160 and PCD7.D170 Small industrial terminals
Manual | 26-753 | PCD7.D160 and PCD7.D170 Small industrial terminals |
LonWorks® Networks with Saia PCD
Manual | 26-767 | LonWorks® Networks with Saia PCD |
PCD7 / Dxxx Terminals
- Micro Browser Monochrome Display contrast changes (FAQ #100718)
- On Microbrowser panels with harware version <$C it is not possible to store teq- and gif-files on the panel. (FAQ #100576)
- PCD7.D7__ Ethernet Driver: error in commande function! (FAQ #100337)
- Fkeys don't work on PCD7.D16_ with HMI editor! (FAQ #100175)
PCD7 / D1xx
- Why does my keypresse "fast sending mode" of a PCD7.D16x or PCD7.D17x send characters faster? (FAQ #101608)
- Timings Display PCD7.D120 with a PCD3.M5xxx (FAQ #101569)
- Why do I get a syntax error when using the FBox "PCD7.D120"? (FAQ #101239)
- Can I order the label strip for the PCD7.D170 as spare part? (FAQ #100930)
- Is there a replacement for the PCD7.D120? (FAQ #100877)
- PCA programm update when replacing PCA2.D12 with PCD7.D120 (FAQ #100668)
- The PCD7.D120 displays are not fully compatible with the PCA2.Dxx (FAQ #100381)