Not all History entries can be found in the Online Help of PG5
FAQ #100173
Some history entries introduced in new firmware versions can't be found in the Online Debugger Help nor in the online help of the Online Configurator.
Below you can find recently introduced History entries that can't be found in the Help files of PG5 versions older than PG5 1.3:
History Entry | Meaning | Remark |
MEM-EXT. ERROR | Extension memory corrupted | Replaces "BAD TXT/DB TABLE" |
CONFIG TOO LONG | HW setting to long to be put in EEPROM | Replaces "BAD MODEM STRING" |
WATCHDOG FAIL | Restart due to SW Watchdog was executed | |
IPM NOT PRESENT | There is an IP configuration but no IP module | |
IPM DONT RESTART | PCD has restarted but the IP module does not respond | |
IPM HAS OLD FW | The IP module FW is not compatible with the PCD FW | |
IP FAIL SASITEXT | There is an error in the SASI text | |
IP FAIL SASI DBX | There is an error in the node list configuration DBX | |
IP FAIL NO IPM | An IP function has been carried out, but the PCD has no IP configuration | |
IP FAIL TOUT | Incorrect timeout value in Ether-S-Bus master SASI text | |
IP FAIL PORT Nbr | Incorrect port number in Ether-S-Bus master SASI text | |
Included text >3 | Text nesting depth overflow | |
SBUS PGU Error | The SBUS PGU Port defined in the HW Settings isn't physically present |
Error Messages concerning PCD1.M2, PCD2.M480, PCD2.M5xx0 and PCD3.Mxxx0 systems (SBC-NT)
History Entry | Meaning | . |
Media corruption | This message indicates that the onboard RAM has been corrupted (becaused of a discharged superCap, bad Battery or similar). If this message is shown, all medias (R, C, F) are reset to 0, the clock is reset and the program is restored from the onboard flash (if possible). This entry has been replaced in firmware version 1.10.04 by "Memory Lost nn" | |
Memory Lost nn | Replacement message for "Media Corruption", but with more detailed informaton why the user program was restored and the media reset (since FW version 1.10.04): 01: Bad or missing battery 02: Supercap voltage too low 03: Corrupted memory pattern/signature 04: RAM memory cleared by user (push button) 05: RAM and flash memory cleared by push button 06: Corrupted program header | |
Not RUN on xx7HW | The HW is a xx/ type; the FW doesn't run the program on this HW | |
SYS. TYPE ERROR | The HW system type isn't correct | |
Reg>4095 not sup | The FW doesn't support more than 4095 registers | |
SF NOT LOADED | System function (CSF) isn't present | |
CSF INV PAR NBR | Invalide CSF parameter number | |
DOUBLE TIME BASE | Timebase defined more than once | |
XOB Nbr to big | XOB (Exception Organisation Block) number is too big | |
COB Nbr to big | COB (Cyclic Organisation Block) number is too big | |
FB Nbr to big | FB (Function Block) number is too big | |
PB Nbr to big | PB (Program Block) number is too big | |
IST Nbr to big | IST (Initial STep) number is too big | |
ST Nbr to big | ST (STep) number is too big | |
TR Nbr to big | TR (TRansition) number too big | |
SB Nbr to big | SB (Sequential Block) number too big | |
FABINFO CRC FAIL | Invalid CRC in the fabrication information. Please contact SBC | |
SYSWDOG START | Restart due to SW Watchdog executed | |
NO COB | No COB loaded | |
EXTHDR EEPR FAIL | Error in the EEPROM extended header | |
IP SB GWY FAIL | TCP/IP SBus gateway can't be initialised | |
IP Ch xxx no mem | No memory to open the channel on the TCP/IP Open data mode | |
MODEM: UART fail | UART doesn't accept the configuration | |
MODEM: Reset fail | Error on the modem reset command | |
MODEM: No modem | No modem or defective modem equipped on the port | |
MODEM: Init fail | Error on modem initialisation | |
MODEM: ERROR??? | Unknown modem error | |
DIFF CFG Ch x | Different configuration on Profi-S-Net port x. Verify the configuration of the port | |
PS FAIL SASI DBX | Error in the node list configuration DBX | |
PS FAIL TOUT | Incorrect timeout value in Profi-S-Bus master SASI text | |
PS FAIL SAP | Incorrect SAP number in Profi-S-Bus master SASI text | |
PS FAIL SASITEXT | Error in SASI text | |
PSM NOT PRESENT | Profi-S-Net (Profibus) configuration but no Profi-S-Net (Profibus) existent | |
PSBus GWY FAIL | Profi-S-Bus GWY can't be initialized | |
PSBus PGU FAIL | Profi-S-Bus PGU port can't be initialized | |
SWTO ERROR | System Watchdog Timeout Error, see FAQ 100908 and 101069 | |
BUS ERROR | Internal memory access failed. Please contact your local support team, see FAQ 101069 | |
TCPS ERROR | TCPIP-Stack crash. Please contact your local support team | |
KRNL ERROR | Internal task overload. Please contact your local support team, see 101069 | |
BACnet incompatible FW | The BACnet firmware found on the PCDx.R56x module is not compatible with the PCD firmware. Please update the BACnet firmware (see FAQ: 101010) This message is only given with firmware version 1.10.16 and later. | |
Bnt FAIL TL00001 | An error occurred in relation to the BACnet configuration. Please refer to FAQ 101436. | |
MANUAL HALT | Indication that the PCD has been halted by pushing the Run/Halt button (implemented in firmware 1.14.23 and later) | |
EXT DEVICE FAIL | This message can be generated by PCD systems with FW 1.10.xx; The message is wrong and should be "31 CALL LEVELS". It indicates a too big nesting level of FB/PBs (if XOB 10 is programmed, it is called in this case) | |
RESISTERS FAIL | The termination resistors of port 3 of a PCD3.M5340 can not be activated due to a firmware restriction, see FAQ 101722. | |
INVALID PERI DBX | Hardware configuration contains errors (e.g. peripheral addresses, modules not supported by the firmware) |
PCD1 / _Firmware Classic
PCD2 / _Firmware Classic
PCD3 / _Firmware Classic
PCD4 / _Firmware
PG5 1.x
PG5 2.0
Last update: 29.05.2015 08:25
First release: 25.06.2004 17:29
Views: 91325