BACnet failure messages

FAQ #101436

A short list of the most common messages one may find in the PCD history when BACnet fails (e.g. Bnt FAIL TL00001).


The string written to the PCD History upon a BACnet failure is composed of 2 parts. The first 2 characters denote the object that caused the error. If these characters are #s, the error is a general stack error ( in general, due to a misconfiguration.)
The rest of the string expresses the numeric code of the object or the error that has caused the failure.

Object identifying characters
The first two characters can be found in the list below and indicate the object that caused the error:

## - Expresses a general stack failure. It is not caused by an object, but rather by a misconfiguration or other error.
AI - Expresses a problem with the numerically denoted Analog Input object
AO - Expresses a problem with the numerically denoted Analog Output object
AV - Expresses a problem with the numerically denoted Analog Value object
BI - Expresses a problem with the numerically denoted Binary Input object
BO - Expresses a problem with the numerically denoted Binary Output object
BV - Expresses a problem with the numerically denoted Binary Value object
MI - Expresses a problem with the numerically denoted Multi-state Input object
MO - Expresses a problem with the numerically denoted Multi-state Output object
MV - Expresses a problem with the numerically denoted Multi-state Value object
AG - Expresses a problem with the numerically denoted Average object
CO - Expresses a problem with the numerically denoted Command object
CA - Expresses a problem with the numerically denoted Calendar object
EE - Expresses a problem with the numerically denoted Event Enrollment object
LO - Expresses a problem with the numerically denoted Loop object
SC - Expresses a problem with the numerically denoted Group object
TL - Expresses a problem with the numerically denoted Trend-log object


  • 'Bnt FAIL ##00001' -> 'Unknown error'. May occur at start-up because the is no configuration on the flash card.
  • 'Bnt FAIL ##00013' -> 'Bad configuration'. Occurs because the configuration file on flash is broken.
  • 'Bnt FAIL TL00001' -> May indicate the failure to configure object Treng-log 1. This may be caused by assigning the storage of trends to a file on the wrong media. (Trend-log file is to be created on an SD card on slot 1, but there is no card in the slot.)
  • 'Bnt FAIL ##00091' -> Indicates the failure of a Trend-log object that has been configured to use a ring-buffer. The reason for this failure is an attempt to write to the property STOP-WHEN-FULL. To solve the problem one must move the log file from the blue flash-card to an SD-card. A trend-log object that logs using a ring-buffer is not allowed on the blue flash-card.


Communication / BACnet

Last update: 29.05.2015 08:25

First release: 07.06.2010 13:51

Views: 38770

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