• Saia PCD Supervisor Easy Templating

Information about the Saia PCD Supervisor Easy Templating

Easy Templating allows you to use the Easy Template widgets to create templates for Niagara px pages.

A template is a collection of graphical symbols, that can be animated depending on the status of the data points connected to the graphics.

They can be used to create PX pages.

These templates use an intelligent engine that can associate the datapoints on the template with actual datapoints on the system based on the datapoint name.

When a group of points that belong to the same piece of equipment is used on a schematic page, it will automatically bind with all the existing datapoints with limited, or no manual intervention.

Easy Templating documents

Saia PCD® Supervisor - Easy Templating

Manual 41-00001-01 Saia PCD® Supervisor - Easy Templating

Installation & Operations Guide:

Saia PCD® Supervisor - Easy Templating
ENG - V4.11 .pdf 6.18 MB Download
27-669 - FRA01 Archive .pdf 3.69 MB Download
27-669 - GER01 Archive .pdf 3.69 MB Download
27-669 - ITA01 Archive .pdf 3.69 MB Download
27-669 - SPA01 Archive .pdf 3.69 MB Download

Saia PCD Supervisor, easy templating simple object creator and using simple object

Info V1 Saia PCD Supervisor, easy templating simple object creator and using simple object

Description how to create a use templates

.pdf 0.82 MB Download

Easy Template DDC 27

The library files etsobackup includes the single and complex objects aligned to the PG5 DDC Suite 2.7 library which can be dragged and dropped on a PX page in the Saia PCD Supervisor.

Add the library from the Easy Template Sidbar using the import Function to your Saia PCD Supervisor installation. The single/complex objects are based on the included PX files in the package.

This basic PX files of the templates allows to create customized templates based on the available single/complex objects from the library.

During the process of creating customized templates, the ORDs used in the template must be able to resolve.

Therefore import the CPU “98 All FBoxes” included in the PG5 project DDC Suite 27 ML and make sure that the slot name of the device is set to “98 All FBoxes”

Update Information

The following video describes the changes introduced in S-Bus Easy Templates Version 1.3.

The video is available in English and German.

Modules required to use easy templating

S-Bus Easy Template DDC 27 objects library

Software V 1.3 S-Bus Easy Template DDC 27 objects library

This Easy Template library support the S-Bus communication between the PCD and the Saia PCD Supervisor 

S-Bus Easy Template DDC 27 single objects library .zip 0.63 MB Download

BACnet Easy Template DDC 27 single objects library

Software V 1.0 BACnet Easy Template DDC 27 single objects library

This Easy Template library support the BACnet communication between the PCD and the Saia PCD Supervisor 

BACnet Easy Template DDC 27 single objects library 0.65 MB Download

Project DDC Suite 27 ML

Software V 3.0 Project DDC Suite 27 ML

This PG5 Project DDC Suite 27 ML xx contains everything required for an extended import during the import wizard process. The additional imported information like facets, conversion or extensions are used from the templates to be fully functional. PG5 Version: V2.3.193

The project includes the latest pointdefiniton.csv and its Release Notes.

Nov_2022 .zip 30.65 MB Download

honUtilityIntTime point extension

Software V 3.0 honUtilityIntTime point extension

To use the honUtilityIntTime Version (or newer), the datapoint which get extended with the "Int Time Conversion" must be prepared as followed:

- Conversion must be: "SbcLinearConversion" Scale: "1.0"

- precision = "0"

- Fallback Value of "0" is needed for "Reset" functionality



V .zip 0.08 MB Download
Revision history .txt 0.00 MB Download

Known restrictions

  • Saia PCD Supervisor
    The background of new created Easy templates is not transparent and overlaps to other templates.
    See FAQ 102065



The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
