The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
xx7 related software (xx7/Step7)
SBC xx7 Suite V 2.0.150 (including the SBC xx7 device configurator)
Software | SBC xx7 Suite V 2.0.150 (including the SBC xx7 device configurator) |
EN | .zip | 28.91 MB | Download |
Virtual Serial Port Software for programming and Web access to PCD2.M487 and PCD3.M5xx7 via USB
Info | Virtual Serial Port Software for programming and Web access to PCD2.M487 and PCD3.M5xx7 via USB |
EN | 0.24 MB | Download |
Virtual Serial Port Software (32 bit) for programming and Web access to PCD2.M487 and PCD3.M5xx7 via USB
Software | VSP | Virtual Serial Port Software (32 bit) for programming and Web access to PCD2.M487 and PCD3.M5xx7 via USB |
2.0.3 | .exe | 16.70 MB | Download |
Virtual Serial Port Software (64 bit) for programming and Web access to PCD2.M487 and PCD3.M5xx7 via USB
Software | VSP | Virtual Serial Port Software (64 bit) for programming and Web access to PCD2.M487 and PCD3.M5xx7 via USB |
2.0.3 | .exe | 16.80 MB | Download |
I/O-Builder version 2.4.0
S-Web Editor
The S-Web editor 5 and 8 from PG5 can be used also as stand alone tool for xx7 devices
Good to know
The Saia PCD®xx7-series Device Configurator replaces the obsolete I/O-Builder. For generating the sources, just click "Save all Files" after you configured the CPU and dragged the I/O modules needed to the according slots.
xx7 Series
Which inputs and outputs are in the process image and which can only be accessed directly? (FAQ #100809)
Inputs / Outputs < 256 are in the process image and are read cyclic. The access can be per example: L IW 128 (Load Input Word 128)
Inputs / Outputs > 256 are not in the process image and can only be read directly, per example: L PIW 258 (Load Periphery Intput Word 258)