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Programmable Controller SBC PCD3 system

  • PCD3.M3xxx CPU base units

    with 4 I/O module slots.

    Onboard interfaces: USB, RS485, Ethernet

    Link to PCD3 CPU page

  • PCD3.M5/6xxx CPU base units

    with 4 I/O module slots.

    Onboard interfaces: USB, RS232, RS485, Ethernet, Profibus, CAN Basic.

    Slots for memory modules and battery module

    Link to PCD3 CPU page

  • PCD3.M5/6x60 CPU base units (Power CPU)
    with 4 I/O module slots.
    Onboard interfaces: USB, RS232, RS485, Ethernet, Profibus, CAN Basic.
    Slots for memory modules and battery module
    Link to PCD3 CPU power CPU page

  • PCD3.M6860/6880 CPU base units (Power CPU) with 2 independent Ethernet ports
    with 4 I/O module slots.
    Onboard interfaces: USB, RS232, RS485, Ethernet, Profibus.
    Slots for memory modules and battery module
    Link to PCD3 CPU double Ethernet CPU page

  • The PCD3.M6893 CPU is desiged for critical applications and allows high-level language programming in accordance with IEC 61131-3 including object-oriented methods and Cyber security.

    The PCD3.M6893 base units (Power CPU) with 2 independent Ethernet ports and 4 I/O module slots.
    Onboard interfaces: USB, USB Host, RS485, Ethernet, CAN
    Slots for aditional RS485 module and uSD memory module
    Link to PCD3.M6893 CPU page

PCD3 / Mxxx

  • How to know whether the circuit board of the PCD is fitted with a Swissbit micro-SD memory card? (FAQ #102070)
  • How to copy csv-Files and Webeditorproject files which are stored on the Intflash of a PCD, if you are replacing an internal micro-SD memory card which is used on the circuit board of the PCD? (FAQ #102069)
  • What is stored on the micro-SD memory card which is used on the circuit board of the PCD? (FAQ #102068)
  • How can the micro SD memory card on the circuit board of a PCD controller be replaced? (FAQ #102067)
  • Why are the inputs and outputs of a PCD3 systems not switched on and off correctly, or switched on and off randomly, or the I/O status not detected correctly in the PLC? (FAQ #102063)
  • It's possible to connect SBC PCD's directly to the internet? (FAQ #102060)
  • What are the differences between the COSinus firmwares FW 1.28.11 and FW 1.28.51? (FAQ #102058)
  • On a PCD2.M4560 or PCD3.M5560, why the measured PT100 temperature values are not correct if the PT100 sensors are connected to PCD2.W220Z18 or PCD3.W220Z18 modules? (FAQ #102052)
  • Why on a PCD3.M5/6xxx or a PCD2.M45xx the battery LED is switched on and the battery error message is activated in the application program after a new battery was inserted? (FAQ #102039)
  • What are the differences between the COSinus firmwares FW 1.28.11 and FW 1.28.51? (FAQ #102010)
  • Remark about the firmware update on PCD3.M6860 or PCD3.M6880 CPU’s (FAQ #101988)
  • What are the differences between the COSinus firmwares FW 1.24.67 and FW 1.26.31? (FAQ #101987)
  • It’s possible to suppress the PCD Alarms on BACnet? (FAQ #101975)
  • How to configure the analogue inputs of a PCD3.M90 to be able to connect an NTC10k temperature sensor? (FAQ #101974)
  • Why it’s no more possible to set the PCD3.Mxx6x in the firmware download mode with the help of the run/stop switch? (FAQ #101948)
  • How does the battery / power-up check work on the PCD? (FAQ #101929)
  • What are the differences between the COSinus firmwares FW 1.22.48 and FW 1.24.69? (FAQ #101921)
  • Why the status overflow flag of the onboard analogue inputs of the PCD1.M0, PCD1.M2, PCD3.M2x30V6 (PCD3 Compact) and PCD3.M2x30A4Tx (PCD3 WAC) does show an over-flow in the middle of the measurement? (FAQ #101864)
  • It's possible to connect a Ethernet Port of a PCD directly to Power over Ethernet (PoE)? (FAQ #101847)
  • Why is there an offset to the current PCD time in the Trending timestamp of a Web project if the FW 1.20.nn is used? (FAQ #101834)
  • What does the history message 'MEMORY LOST n' mean? (FAQ #101830)
  • On PCD2.M5 and PCD3 CPU's without Ethernet port and equipped with the FW 1.20.25, it's not possible to communicate over the port 0 and 1. (FAQ #101823)
  • What are the differences between firmware 1.16.69 and COSinus FW 1.22.61? (FAQ #101820)
  • Why the MPI adapter doesn’t work on the MPI port of the PCD3.M5547, PCD3.M5567, PCD3.M5540, PCD3.M5440 or PCD3.5560? (FAQ #101814)
  • On a NT PCD the S-Bus slave gateway port doesn't communicate after programm restart of the gateway PCD! (FAQ #101802)
  • Which Texts are writeable/editable during Runtime on a PCD? (FAQ #101801)
  • Lifetime expectancy of the Renata Lithium battery on recent PCD compared to previous PCD generations (FAQ #101780)
  • How the RS485 bus is terminated if on a PCD3.M5340 the bustermination of the port 3 is activated? (FAQ #101753)
  • What is the signification of the history entry "Resisters Fail"? (FAQ #101722)
  • Why is the modem "MDLS144 onbit" no longer working on a new PCD? (FAQ #101718)
  • Why does the PCD no longer run due to "BNt FAIL AI00006"? (FAQ #101712)
  • Why does the user program no longer work correctly after a restore from flash? (FAQ #101680)
  • What is the article number of the PCD3.M5/6 onboard battery module? (FAQ #101675)
  • Why is it no longer possible to switch on/off the digital outputs of the PCD3.Compact after installing PG5 SP2 (PG5 2.0.200)? (FAQ #101663)
  • Why is it no longer possible to switch on/off the relay outputs of the PCD3.WAC after installing PG5 SP2 (PG5 2.0.200)? (FAQ #101659)
  • Why I get the error message "NAK response" during a program download (with PG5 SP2)? (FAQ #101656)
  • Why has the PCD lost the program while updating the firmware to 1.16.xx? (FAQ #101625)
  • What are the differences between firmware 1.14.23 and 1.16.69? (FAQ #101624)
  • What for is the "Extension memory backup size" in the Device Configurator used? (FAQ #101623)
  • How does the "Backup user program to file system" on PCD3 and PCD2.M5 work? (FAQ #101622)
  • Why does the SMS transmission on a PCD3 WAC sometimes fail? (FAQ #101564)
  • Why is the "GPRS Status" of the WAA library not always updated? (FAQ #101545)
  • Important remark when updating the PCD firmware from 1.10.xx or 1.14.xx to 1.16.xx/1.20.xx (FAQ #101535)
  • Why is the USB communication to my PCD lost after a program download? (FAQ #101518)
  • What do parameters 'speed' and 'priority' mean which get displayed on the status page of the PCD? (FAQ #101513)
  • How to extend the amount of available Flags on a PCD? (FAQ #101447)
  • How long does the SuperCap of the PCD3.M3xxx protect the media and RTC from being lost? (FAQ #101426)
  • What are the reasons for a "Bus Error" on a PCD2.M5 or a PCD3? (FAQ #101418)
  • Firmware dependencies for the "DB Access Library" (FAQ #101372)
  • How to configure a Profi-S-I/O network with a PCD3.M2 as master? (FAQ #101367)
  • Why are the inputs 8100 and 8101 continously "high" in my fupla file? (FAQ #101363)
  • Why is it not possible to choose minimal and maximal value in the device configurator for the PCD3 compact? (FAQ #101311)
  • Why can't I add an extension module to my PCD3 compact? (FAQ #101303)
  • Why does the PCD go into halt when using temporary data (TEQU)? (FAQ #101293)
  • Meaning of the error codes for DB backup to flash (FAQ #101284)
  • Why are the DBs not correctly restored after a "restore program from flash"? (FAQ #101279)
  • Meaning of the LEDs on Profibus DP Master modules and CPUs (FAQ #101271)
  • Is Modbus supported by Saia PCD®s? (FAQ #101270)
  • What happens if I use the I/O address 255 as Input or Output of a PCD3? (FAQ #101252)
  • Is it possible to use an encoder on PCD3.M2x30V6? (FAQ #101237)
  • Can I detect the CTS signal on port 3 of a PCD3.M5340 (in RS422 mode)? (FAQ #101170)
  • How to download the configuration of the PCD3.M2xxx (FAQ #101167)
  • Is parity mode working on all ports of PCD3 and PCD2.M5 CPU? (FAQ #101103)
  • Why it's not possible to use the whole memory of a file system on flash? (FAQ #101082)
  • Where can I plug flash memory modules on a PCD3 CPU? (FAQ #101027)
  • Why is the port 2 of the PCD3.Mxxx no longer working? (FAQ #101026)
  • The PCD3.M6440 is not available in the Hardware Settings (FAQ #100987)
  • How to reset a PCD3 system? (FAQ #100954)
  • Why does the MAC address shown on the sticker not have 12 digits? (FAQ #100946)
  • Why can't I change the Profi-S-Bus address on a PCD3.M6540 Port 2? (FAQ #100941)
  • Why is the 1 MB internal flash memory with file system not available on PCD3.M2130V6? (FAQ #100874)
  • Is it possible to use the cable PCD2.K106 between PCD3.Mxxxx and PCD2.Cxxx ? (FAQ #100804)
  • Why are broadcast telegramms not working anymore on the PCD3 or PCD2.M480 (FAQ #100798)
  • What is the article number of the orange 8-pol cage clamp connector (power supply connector) of the PCD3.M3/5 CPU? (FAQ #100789)
  • Why is the Port 3 on the PCD3.M5340 not running correctly in RS 485 mode? (FAQ #100765)
  • Why can't I connect a PCD3.M5xx0 over the serial PGU port? (FAQ #100737)
  • Tool to test if IP ports are blocked by Router of Firewalls (FAQ #100729)
  • PCD3.Mxxxx Real Time Clock (RTC) corruption (FAQ #100712)
  • Backup and restore Text/DB doesn't work with the SYSWR K 3x00 calls on the onboard Flash of the PCD3? (FAQ #100702)
  • Conflict between communication module (PCD3.F1xx) and memory module (PCD3.Rxxx) (FAQ #100636)
  • Is it possible to connect non-SBC devices on a Profi S-I/O network? (FAQ #100596)
  • Why is the error LED on after having sent an SMS message? (FAQ #100582)
  • Userprogram update with PCD7.R500 (FAQ #100515)
  • Why does the "Error 335:...Invalid register number" appear on build? (FAQ #100491)
  • Where does a "Backup User Program to flash" write the backup? (FAQ #100452)
  • Multi protocol functions for Profibus DP, Profi-S-IO and Profi-S-bus using port 10 or port 2 on a PCD3.Mxxxx. (FAQ #100409)
  • New systems do not support the baudrates below 1200Baud (FAQ #100394)
  • HMI Editor and PCD3.M_ or PCD2.M480: Wrong characters are display instead of value with Format #####! (FAQ #100360)
  • Why can't I use registers above 8191 with the Modbus FBox library from Engiby? (FAQ #100354)
  • Which subnet masks are allowed for a TCP/IP configuration of a PCD? (FAQ #100318)
  • MPI communication on the Profi-S-Net port of a PCD2.M480, PCD2.M5xxx or PCD3.Mxxxx (FAQ #100284)
  • Download of the wrong FW to a PCD3 possible (FAQ #100259)

PCD3 / _Firmware Classic

  • It's possible to connect SBC PCD's directly to the internet? (FAQ #102060)
  • What are the differences between the COSinus firmwares FW 1.28.11 and FW 1.28.51? (FAQ #102058)
  • On a PCD3.M6860 it’s possible to use BACnet on the Ethernet port ETH1 and/or on ETH2? (FAQ #102031)
  • Why the RS-485 S-Bus communication between the PCD master and the slave does fail sometime, if FW 1.28.20…1.28.33 is used? (FAQ #102026)
  • PCD Firmware 1.28.16 or 1.24.69 fix the Ethernet frame padding information leakage (FAQ #102011)
  • What are the differences between the COSinus firmwares FW 1.28.11 and FW 1.28.51? (FAQ #102010)
  • Lon Bindings lost after power off / on with FW 1.26.15 (FAQ #101999)
  • What are the differences between the COSinus firmwares FW 1.24.67 and FW 1.26.31? (FAQ #101987)
  • What is the meaning of the PCD history entry ‘FWDnld UnknownFW’? (FAQ #101959)
  • MUKE error 100xxxxxH (FAQ #101933)
  • How to find more information based on the error message "SF not loaded"? (FAQ #101568)
  • What does CSF stand for? (FAQ #101566)
  • What are the differences between firmware 1.10.51 and 1.14.23? (FAQ #101470)
  • Why can't I send more than 512 bytes using the STXT instruction? (FAQ #101468)
  • Can I have more than 16 COBs? (FAQ #101467)
  • Why is the error bit 7 or 8 set when I try to execute a "Backup DB to flash"? (FAQ #101466)
  • What are the differences between firmware 1.10.16 and 1.10.51? (FAQ #101422)
  • How to define a comma as separator in interpreted texts? (FAQ #101392)
  • Potential data loss on SD cards bigger than 256 MBytes (FAQ #101377)
  • Is the "full duplex" mode supported by the Ethernet ports of a PCD? (FAQ #101365)
  • Overview of the current production firmware versions (FAQ #101304)
  • What does "Saia PCD® COSinus" stand for? (FAQ #101297)
  • How to implement a software watchdog (FAQ #101285)
  • Why does the S-I/O communication no longer work on a PCD3 or a PCD2.M5? (FAQ #101244)
  • What is the "WebServer2" on Saia PCD® COSinus systems? (FAQ #101191)
  • Can I calulate with IEEE floating point values on a PCD system? (FAQ #101188)
  • Can I read a value from a PCD text and copy it into a register? (FAQ #101187)
  • Is it possible to search an expression within a PCD text? (FAQ #101186)
  • The XOB 8 is no longer called on the systems Saia PCD® COSinus. (FAQ #101137)
  • Why does the communication on the PCD3.F281 not work? (FAQ #101090)
  • Why does a "KRNL ERROR" or a "SWTO Error" occur? (FAQ #101069)
  • What criterias are to be fulfilled for sending e-Mails from the PCD? (FAQ #101054)
  • Why is the message: "Failed to get data on alarm.exe" displayed on the alarming page? (FAQ #100963)
  • Is it possible reading the PCD "IP address" from the user program? (FAQ #100952)
  • How does the system watchdog work? (FAQ #100908)
  • How to dump the memory of a PCD (with Saia PCD® COSinus firmware)? (FAQ #100833)
  • Why are broadcast telegramms not working anymore on the PCD3 or PCD2.M480 (FAQ #100798)
  • Why is the Port 3 on the PCD3.M5340 not running correctly in RS 485 mode? (FAQ #100765)
  • Download of PCD3 firmware fails on END command (NAK response) (FAQ #100742)
  • New firmware version names for Saia PCD® COSinus systems (a.bb.cc) (FAQ #100741)
  • Why can't I connect a PCD3.M5xx0 over the serial PGU port? (FAQ #100737)
  • PCD3.Mxxxx Real Time Clock (RTC) corruption (FAQ #100712)
  • Can I use the character mode with XON/XOFF protocol on NT-PCD's? (FAQ #100700)
  • Download of PCD3 firmware fails on END command (no response) (FAQ #100681)
  • Download of PCD3 firmware fails with "NAK response" (FAQ #100679)
  • Different handling of the TBSY flag (in MC mode) between PCD3 / PCD2.M5 and older systems (FAQ #100655)
  • Conflict between communication module (PCD3.F1xx) and memory module (PCD3.Rxxx) (FAQ #100636)
  • allowed Firmware for PCD3.M5540 hardware version D (FAQ #100590)
  • Intelligent modules aren't correctly detected on HW version older than "D" (FAQ #100549)
  • Why is the message: "cannot create page content yet" appears from time to time (FAQ #100527)
  • PCD8.K120 doesn't work after FW download to PCD3 (FAQ #100524)
  • Why does "Sasi Slave" on Port 1 / 0 (RS232) of the PCD3 generate an error? (FAQ #100420)
  • PCD3 problem with "Real TIME CLOCK" Firmware V010 (FAQ #100387)
  • lose Hardware settings after Firmware update (FAQ #100366)
  • FW depending differences in the handling of the diagnosic flags (FAQ #100321)
  • Error LED of PCD is lit! How to find the problem? (FAQ #100269)
  • Download of the wrong FW to a PCD3 possible (FAQ #100259)
  • What EPROM burner is recommended to create firmware chips for PCD's? (FAQ #100256)
  • Firmware version naming of non-Saia PCD® COSinus systems (FAQ #100176)
  • Not all History entries can be found in the Online Help of PG5 (FAQ #100173)
  • Why is the instruction DSP not supported on Saia PCD® COSinus systems? (FAQ #100034)

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
