Information about the Optimizer Unitary Controller with 24 VAC/VDC power supply can be found here
Information about the Optimizer Unitary Controller with 230 VAC power supply can be found here
Tools needed on the Saia PCD Supervisors
Optimizer Unitary Tools - jar modules supporting PCD supervisor version 4.13u2 can be loaded from here
Optimizer Unitary Tools - jar modules supporting PCD supervisor version 4.12 can be loaded from here
Optimizer Unitary Tools - jar modules supporting PCD supervisor version 4.11 can be loaded from here
Optimizer Unitary Tools - jar modules supporting PCD supervisor version 4.10u8 can be loaded from here
Optimizer Unitary Tools - jar modules supporting PCD supervisor version 4.10u5 can be loaded from here
Firmware for UN-RxxxNMC: Saia PCD Supervisor programmable room controller
Good to know

The UN-RxxxNMC, unitary controller must be programmed with the Saia PCD Supervisor and it's needed to add the .jar modules to the Saia PCD Supervisor installation. The FAQ 102066 describes how to install the .jar modules to the Saia PCD Supervisor installation
It's not possible to program the unitary controller with PG5 or with the QronoX ECS tool

Honeywell devices / UN-RxxxNMC: Saia PCD Supervisor programmable room controller
How to exchange .jar files on the Niagara supervisor installation like Saia PCD Supervisor or IQVision or Optimizer Suite or Arena NX? (FAQ #102066)
If you need to update the .jar files on the Niagara supervisor software, perform the following steps:
1. Make sure that you have a file with a .jar extension.
If you got a zip file, extract first the .jar files.2. Copy the .jar files to the following directory:
C:\Brand\Software-Name-Version\modules (example: C:\SBC\SaiaPCDSupervisor-\modules)3. Open console.exe from C:\Brand\Software-Name-Version\bin and type:
- plat uninstalldaemon followed by pressing the "Return" button
Console should respond with "uninstalldaemon: Niagara service successfully removed." - plat installdaemon followed by pressing the "Return" button
Console should respond with "installdaemon: Niagara service successfully installed.
installdaemon: Niagara service startup initiated."
4. Open the Workbench
Make sure to perform the steps in the correct directories.
If a different version of Niagara is running, which you would like to update, quit this version first, before starting the update procedure.
To verify the running Niagara Daemon version, open Windows Task Manager and switch to Services tab:
1. Locate Niagara Service (press "N" to jump fast down the list) and right click on the service.
2. Choose "go to details".
3. In Details tab right click on Niagarad.exe and open the properties
4. Check the given location for Niagarad.exe, for example:
- plat uninstalldaemon followed by pressing the "Return" button