
Product Index Honeywell devices UN-RxxxNMC: Saia PCD Supervisor programmable room controller

  • UN-RxxxNMC

  • With Saia PCD Supervisor freely programmable room controller


Information about the Optimizer Unitary Controller with 24 VAC/VDC power supply can be found here

Information about the Optimizer Unitary Controller with 230 VAC power supply can be found here

Tools needed on the Saia PCD Supervisors

Optimizer Unitary Tools - jar modules supporting PCD supervisor version 4.13u2 can be loaded from here

Optimizer Unitary Tools - jar modules supporting PCD supervisor version 4.12 can be loaded from here

Optimizer Unitary Tools - jar modules supporting PCD supervisor version 4.11 can be loaded from here

Optimizer Unitary Tools - jar modules supporting PCD supervisor version 4.10u8 can be loaded from here

Optimizer Unitary Tools - jar modules supporting PCD supervisor version 4.10u5 can be loaded from here

Firmware for UN-RxxxNMC: Saia PCD Supervisor programmable room controller

Firmware for Unitary controller

Firmware V Firmware for Unitary controller

V .ufw 2.16 MB Download

Software Release Bulletin

Brochure V Software Release Bulletin

V .pdf 0.35 MB Download

Good to know

The UN-RxxxNMC, unitary controller must be programmed with the Saia PCD Supervisor and it's needed to add the .jar modules to the Saia PCD Supervisor installation. The FAQ 102066 describes how to install the .jar modules to the Saia PCD Supervisor installation

It's not possible to program the unitary controller with PG5 or with the QronoX ECS tool

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
