What are the differences between firmware 1.16.69 and COSinus FW 1.22.61?
FAQ #101820
In January 2014 the COSinus FW 1.22.28 was introduced into production for the systems PCD1.M0xx0, PCD1.M2xx0, PCD2.M5xx0, PCD3.Mxxx0, PCD3.Mxx60, PCD3.T665/T666 and PCD7.D4xxxT5F.
The FW 1.22.61 is the latest maintenance firmware for PCD's with 4 MB firmware memory.
Firmware 1.22.61 (February 2017)
New features
- Re-trigger ODM Read Timeout on each read CSF
- ODM Generate Disconnect event even if Server calls the disconnect
Main corrections
- Sometimes configuration is lost after download project with self-download tool
- PCD crash when use DIGI(R)/DIGO(R) with first parameter as FB parameter
- If PCD2/3.W220 with Pt1000 is used a Significant deviation between channels
- Improved HTTP session handing: Session cookies have now httpOnly flag set
- BUS ERROR on STXT instruction if text is empty
- Add config tag value for GWY mode "data_no_secure" to deasble the secure data mode
- PCD crash sometimes on download when Smart RIO are not present
- If broadcast data exchange is used the output telegram is send to only one RIO after a reboot
- The diagnostic Flags in S-Bus Master mode are not correct if there are collisions on the RS-485 network
- CSF CopyDBBytesToR crash when destination is bigger than last Register
- When create a Text/DB the backup fails until a restart is done
- W380 shows wrong values for PT1000 and PT1000L&S
- When starting an application with an alarm list name too long (> 25), the PCD halts with a BUS ERROR
- On PCD7.45x_EM, P-Web panel, Alarm list not loaded after URL jump on a GWY station
- The ACCU not set High at the begin of the XOB
- MB display, red cross if picture filename is empty
- MB display, when scrolling in a Web Editor trend, there was some curve drawing issue
- Updates on the HDLog trends are not displayed on the Microbrowser App
Firmware 1.22.48 (March 2015)
Main corrections
- FTP error due of username
- cgi access trough SBC.NET
- Solved problem when downloading .sprg file in PG5 with download HTTP
- History Message CALL LEVELS shows wrong numbers in the text
Program address is displayed in the level field - Fix Profi SIO communication on PCD3.M90, port 10
Firmware 1.22.46 (October 2014)
New features
- Support of the PCD7.R610 module
- only as file system memory for the PCD.
Not supported are on the PCD7.R610:
- Easy update functionalities => FW update & restore of the application including the Web pages from a *.sprg file.
-> this functions need the FW 1.24.xx
Main corrections
- When an additional Alarming2 configuration file (*.asv file) is present in the PCD, the programm is blocked in the start-up sequence.
- The default GWY is not update correct if the IP address is received from the DHCP server. Only the Global Routing table is updated.
- Backup/restore doesn't work always on PCD3.M90 or OEM (Zxx) systems
- Program Restore with CRC Error
The program restore when CRC Error occurs the program is only restored if there is not already a restore done (manual or automatic) - Improving Performance of PLC in case of Ethernet-Bombarding
Firmware 1.22.28 (January 2014)
New features
- SBC Logo change
- Security Update
- Per default, FTP, Web-Server and S-Bus over IP are deactivated
- IP filtering
- New password mechanism for web-server access
- SFCs for AES128 encryption/decryption
- Dynamic password for FTP (service key)
- FTP Passive mode
- Support new Analog Input Module W380
- Support PCD2.G200 for PCD1.Mxxx0 & PCD2.M5xx0
- Mapping of the PCD3.Mxx60 Interrupt Inputs
- SF to convert time std<->unix time
- Modbus Master, intercharacter timeout on the slave answer as parameter
Main corrections
- FTP data connection error, when downloading many files (more than 150 files) the data connection channel can not be open anymore
- File System compression error if automatic compression is used.
When the auto compression is active and a "big" file is transfered over FTP (download time > 5 sec), the compression is aborted due to remaining open file.
After abortion, the compression check is no more executed when downloading file(s) - Interpreted texts are not working properly
Correction of bugs with $bxxxx.yyyyy, @xXnnnnn, $AXnnnnn - PCD1.M2110, does allow to access 10 S-Bus or Modbus slaves, now its possible to access 10 slaves independently of their addresses (was 0..9 address range till now)
- Corrections in relation with BACnet and LON.
Firmware 1.20.25 (March 2013)
Main new Features / Extensions
- Following new systems are supported:
PCD1.M0160 ;PCD1 EnergyPlus Controller
PCD1.M2110R1 ;PCD1 Room Controller - Following new modules are supported:
PCD7.R550M128 ;128MB memory card
PCD7.R582 ;128MB memory card with LON/IP
PCD2.F2150 ;BACnet MS/TP com. module
PCD2.F2400 ;LON FT-10 com. module - Support up to 16384 Flags and 16384 Register
- S-Monitoring
- Download in Run
- File System improvements (e.g. date)
- BACnet extensions (e.g. MS/TP)
- LON extensions (e.g. FT-10)
- Access to config parameters via TAGs
- Introduce "first time init data" in the restore process
- Improve the reliability of the file system
PCD3 / Mxxx
PCD7 / D4xx (MB Panel)
PCD1 / M2xx0
PCD2 / M5xxx
PCD3 / T665 | T666
Last update: 24.05.2018 10:10
First release: 02.04.2015 08:35
Views: 13