Why can't I detect that the RIO manager is missing during the start of the RIO?

FAQ #101653

When working with the RIO firmware 1.16.42 the Smart Ethernet RIO does not detect a missing manager at start-up of the RIO.


The diagnostic flag "ManagerNotPresent" from the programmed Smart Ethernet RIO PCD3.T665 or PCD3.T666 is working fine if the RIO manager is present on start-up of the RIO (e.g. if the connection is removed).
But if the RIO is started without the connected master it is not detected by the RIO that the manager is missing (and the flag "ManagerNotPresent" together with all other diagnostic flags is not updated on the RIO).

Due to an error in the firmware 1.16.42 for the PCD3.T665|T666 the missing master is only detected in runtime but not at start up.

Please update the firmware of your PCD3.T665|T666 to version 1.16.47 or later.



Communication / Ether-S-I/O

PCD3 / T665 | T666

Last update: 31.05.2015 04:57

First release: 10.08.2011 12:03

Views: 17122

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