Why is my File System no longer available (because of Error -71)?

FAQ #101559

In case the file system on e.g. a "blue memory module" such as the PCD7.R550, R551 or R561 is filled up to the last byte, it may happen that the memory module can no longer be accessed.


After a file system has been filled up completely the files on this module are no longer accessible after the next reboot of the PCD. 

  • In case of an FTP access to the PCD, the file system on this memory module (e.g. M1_FLASH:/) is no longer visible.
  • In case a "Memory Management" FBox is placed in the Fupla program, the error -71 (FS_FILE_SYSTEM_CHECK_ERROR) is indicated.  

The reason for this situation is most likely that the whole memory has been used, and there is no more space left for executing a "compression" of the content of the module (see FAQ 101558 for more information regarding the amount of memory available on the file system).
In this case the firmware detects (at start-up of the PCD), that it is no longer possible to correctly manage the flash (e.g. executing a compression) and therefore avoids accessing the memory module with error -71: "Mounted with Errors".


  • If the error happened:
    In case no relevant data is stored on the module it can be made accessible by a format of the module (which can be executed by the "Memory Management" FBox from the library "File System").
    For formatting the card please set up the parameter "Block size: 1024bytes" in the "Memory Management" FBox. (When you set it to "default" the FBox tries to read the block size from the memory card and of course it fails.) 
  • In case important data is stored on the module, please contact your local sales office.
  • In order to avoid this error:
    - Do not fill-up the flash memory module to the last byte (but as described in the manual to 80%
      if static data is stored, and to 50% if data is regularly written to the flash module.
    - Update the firmware to firmware 1.16.27 and later (or 1.10.61 for older systems); these versions avoid
      the situation that the flash is filled up to the last byte (which can lead to the error -71).  


  • This phenomenon can occur on the following systems or modules:
    - PCD3.R550, PCD3.R551, PCD3.R561
    - PCD7.R550, PCD7.R551, PCD7.R561
    - INTFLASH of a PCD3 Compact or a PCD1.M2


PCD7 / Rxxx

PCD3 / Rxxx

PCD1 / M2xx0

Last update: 28.05.2015 20:59

First release: 31.01.2011 09:17

Views: 58142

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
