What does "Saia PCD® COSinus" stand for?
FAQ #101297
When working with PCD systems you will cross the expression "Saia PCD® COSinus" sooner or later. This FAQ explains what "Saia PCD® COSinus system" stands for.
The expression "Saia PCD® COSinus"
In general the expression "Saia PCD® COSinus" stands for PCD systems which are equipped with Freescale (previously Motorola) Coldfire CPU technology. The "non-Saia PCD® COSinus" systems from Saia-Burgess Controls AG are based on Freescale 68k CPU technology (e.g. PCS1, PCD2.M170 etc.).
The Coldfire CPU technology is a new and more performant CPU generation, new development is generally realized on Coldfire CPU (while the 68k CPUs still are available in parallel).
The first PCD system based on the Saia PCD® COSinus technology has been the PCD2.M48x. For this system the whole firmware has been re-written. The firmware of new systems is built up based on the firmware developed for the PCD2.M48x platform (having the same core modules). New firmware functionalities (e.g. Modbus which is implemented in the firmware) are basically designed for the Coldfire CPU technology and thus for Saia PCD® COSinus systems.
Saia PCD® COSinus based systems
The following list contains the main PCD systems which are based on Saia PCD® COSinus technology.
- PCD3.Mxxx
- PCD2.M48x
- PCD2.M5xxx
- PCD7.D4xx
- PCD1.M2xx (currently under development)
Does this mean that all Saia PCD® COSinus systems support the same firmware features?
No! Although the same base modules of the firmware are used, it is depending on the PCD system whether a specific feature is supported or not. For example the http protocol is supported by PCD3 and PCD2.M5xxx systems, but not on PCD2.M48x.
PCD2 / _Firmware Classic
PCD2 / _Firmware xx7
PCD3 / _Firmware Classic
PCD3 / _Firmware xx7
PCD7 / D4xx (MB Panel)
Last update: 31.05.2015 03:23
First release: 23.09.2009 14:44
Views: 65078