PCD7.D763 displays a black screen or is frozen, it has lost the calibration: use VTWIN 5.22 (link included)
FAQ #101196
The display has a frozen screen (can be black if in standby mode) and can't be operated.
After a powerup the project's start page is displayed but it might be that the touch screen doesn't respond, because the calibration has been lost.
The booter and the firmware need to be updated.
If it isn't possible to force the display in transfer mode (download mode) it is necessary first to recalibrate the screen following the description. See FAQ 100868 (see link below).
All displays produced since 16/07/2010 have the new booter.
Procedure to update booter and firmware
If you use PCD8.D81W software version 5.22 skip to point 4 directly or point 5 if the display has already a new booter:
- Download the files attached to this FAQ and unzip the archives.
- Copy the bootloader files 'BT525MTF.FIL' into the following folder:
'C:\Program Files\SAIA\PCD8.D81W_51x\\boot\' - Copy the firmware files "VT525W.BIN" into the following folder:
'C:\Program Files\SAIA\PCD8.D81W_51x\\firmware\' - The boot has to be sent via the bootloader download utility. In PCD8.D81W (programming tool; select the menu TOOLS / BOOT UPDATE-AUTOMATIC), enter the password 371013 and follow the instructions.
- Open the project, compile it again and download it to the panel and active the download option 'Update operating unit firmware'. Remark: during the download the Boot version is desplayed: version 3.9
- When the download has finished, after a powerup of the panel, please verify that the new firmware version is
- 1.13 for PCD7.D763
Please note that the PCD8.D81W version 5.22 (VTWIN 5.22) CONTAINS this new booter and FW version!
It can be downloaded with this link:
It is mendatory to use this new FW only on panel having this new booter!
PCD8 Hardware / D81W
PCD7 / D7xx
Last update: 01.06.2015 08:16
First release: 22.04.2009 07:40
Views: 126117