Replacement possibilities for PCD2.W5x0 and PCD3.W5x0 modules

FAQ #101151

In 2009 the combined analogue input and output modules PCD2.W5x0 and PCD3.W5x0 will be discontinued. This FAQ suggests possible replacement modules depending on the measured/given signals and the required resolution.



Replacement modules for PCD2/3.W5x0
The table below contains possible replacement modules for the discontinued PCD2.W1xx modules (all PCD2.W1xx had 4 input channels and 12 bit resolution).

Module  CharacteristicsReplacement Characteristics Remark 
 W5002 input 12 bit; 0..10 V, ±10 V
2 outputs 12 bit; 0..10V, ±10 V
 W5254 inputs 14 bit;
  - 0..10 V
  - or 0..20 mA / 4..20 mA
  - or Pt1000, Pt500 or Ni1000
2 outputs 12 bit;
  - 0..10 V
  - or 0..20 mA / 4..20 mA
galvanic separation
 W3257 inputs 12 bit; ±10 Vgalvanic separation
 W6256 outputs 10 bit; ±10 Vgalvanic separation
 W6104 outputs 12 bit; ±10 V, 0..20mA 
 W510 2 input 12 bit; 0..20 mA, -20..0 mA, ±20 mA
2 outputs 12 bit; 0..10V, ±10 V
 W5254 inputs 14 bit;
  - 0..10 V
  - or 0..20 mA / 4..20 mA
  - or Pt1000, Pt500 or Ni1000
2 outputs 12 bit;
  - 0..10 V
  - or 0..20 mA / 4..20 mA
galvanic separation
 W6256 outputs 10 bit; ±10 Vgalvanic separation
 W6104 outputs 12 bit; ±10 V, 0..20mA 

Please note

  • The W5x0 modules can not be replaced by other analogue input/output modules without adapting the user program of the according PCD! The FBoxes (or the IL code) for reading the analogue inputs need to be replaced with the FBox/IL code for the replacement module!
  • There is no replacement for the ±20 mA input of the PCD2.W510 due to a very low demand. In case such a signal is to be measured we recommend applying an external converter of this input signal. 

Repair service for PCD2/3.W5x0
PCD2/3.W5x0 modules will be repaired by Saia Burgess Controls until end of 2014.



PCD2 / Wxxx

PCD3 / Wxxx

Last update: 27.05.2015 13:55

First release: 03.03.2009 12:29

Views: 4873

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
