Why can't I download a BACnet configuration even if I have a PCDx.R56x installed?

FAQ #101010

In general the firmware versions of the PCD and the BACnet firmware must match (be compatible).


It is not possible downloading a BACnet configuration to the PCD with a PCD3.R56x or a PCD7.R56x plugged. The download of the program is aborted with the following message:
"NAK Response, failed to write downloadable files. Missing Flash memory?"

In case the BACnet firmware (stored on the PCD3.R56x or PCD7.R56x) is not compatible to the firmware installed on the PCD3, it is not possible downloading the BACnet project to the PCD.

Make sure that firmware on the BACnet flash module is compatible to the firmware installed on the PCD3 (when e.g. using PCD3 firmware 1.08.23, a BACnet firmware 1.08.xx is to be used).
You can find the latest firmware package (PCD and BACnet firmware as well as the according BACnet configurator together) on the support site (see link below).

The PCD3 (and PCD2.M5xx0) firmware 1.10.16 and later will indicate an incompatible BACnet firmware in the PCD history with the message "Incompatible BACnet FW"



PCD7 / Rxxx

PCD3 / Rxxx

Communication / BACnet

Last update: 28.05.2015 21:34

First release: 27.08.2008 12:42

Views: 66208

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
