Is it possible to use a IMasterSaia_x.jar file that is not stored on the local PCD?

FAQ #100904

The instruction CODEBASE allows to define where the java applet file "IMasterSaia_x.jar" shall be searched and loaded from.

This allows storing the java applet file "IMasterSaia_x.jar" on a Web-Server somewhere on the network (Intranet or Internet) and not on the PCD.


Update 20.10.2014
Sun has changed the security behavior of Java since the Java version 1.7.0_51-b13.
Since the codbase instruction is also in this security 'area' it's necessary to allow the access to the external web-sever which hosts the IMasterSaia_x.jar file on the java settings as described in the FAQ#101878.

The instruction
The instruction CODEBASE has to be written on the html file generated from the S-WebEditor.
After a "Build All" on the S-Web-Editor you have to edit manually the *.htm or *.html file from the "html" folder of your PG5
project and you have to modify the following entry:
APPLET ARCHIVE="IMasterSaia5_14_30.jar" CODE="IMasterSaia5_14_30.class" ALIGN="BOTTOM" WIDTH="640" HEIGHT="480"

APPLET ARCHIVE="IMasterSaia5_14_30.jar" CODEBASE="" CODE="IMasterSaia5_14_30.class" ALIGN="BOTTOM" WIDTH="640" HEIGHT="480"

After the keyword CODEBASE you have to specify the TCP/IP address or URL of the Web-Server which does store the java applet file "IMasterSaia_x.jar".

In the example above the file "IMasterSaia5_14_30.jar" is loaded from the WebServer, from folder /faq/general/applets/.

Every Web-Application which is connected to the Internet could now use the file "IMasterSaia5_14_30.jar" located on this Web-Server.

If you have no internet access and you have a second PCD in the network in which the .jar File is loaded. Then you have to change in the html file the text to CODEBASE="" (x = ipaddress of PCD with the .jar File)


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Web Editor5

Tips for SBC internals / http-direct

Last update: 29.05.2015 11:03

First release: 17.03.2008 09:24

Views: 19985

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