GIF or TEQ files not displayed, although available
FAQ #100644
Please check PPO format definitions in Web-Editor if some or all GIF graphics or TEQ views are not displayed, although the regarding files are available within the PLC's RAM or flash memory.
When using PPOs which are texts variables within the PLC, it will always lead to problems if the PPO format is not defined properly. The possible effects reach from missing some TEQ views and/or GIF graphics, to not loading the web-application at all!
So if you run into such strange behavior of a web-application, you should carefully check that all text PPOs are really set to STRING format within Web-Editor's PPO list. Please note, that it is not OK to leave the format property empty in case of texts!
Web Editor5
Last update: 29.05.2015 07:18
First release: 08.12.2006 10:13
Views: 1510