How to hang up a modem connection in a S-Web editor project

FAQ #100566

It's possible to close a modem connection of a S-Web project with the use of special URL link. this FAQ is valid for WebConnect 1.x.


If it's necessary to close a modem connection of a S-Web project on the Web-Browser directly on the web page which was created with the S-Web editor then on the S-Web editor you have to define a button with the action "URL-Jump".

As URL you have to use the name:


where the name "STATION_NAME" have to be replaced with the name of the station which was defined on Web-Connect.

On the example below the station name was modem.


Please note that after the disconnection of the modem communication no more data are updated on the Web-Browser.

The example project is stored in FAQ #100567


Related Files:



Web Editor5

Last update: 26.05.2015 21:30

First release: 26.06.2006 08:07

Views: 3380

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