How to upgrade a TCP/IP module from PCD7.F650 to PCD7.F655?

FAQ #100562

In june 2006 a new communication module for IP communication has been officialized (PCD7.F655). Because this new module is based on the same hardware as the module PCD7.F650, such a module can be upgraded by loading a new firmware.


Main differences between the PCD6.F650 and the PCD7.F655
In the PCD7.F655 a new IP stack (the same as used for the PCD3) was introduced. By this change


  • Perfomance of the module could be significantly increased.

  • The firmware download procudure has been improved in a way that it is not possible any more to download a wrong file/firmware.

  • The subnet mask and the default gateway can now be changed without executing a restart or a power off/on

  • The stability of the module is improved.

Note that in the first official version of the PCD7.F655 the SMTP (protocol) for sending Emails is not supported. This functionality will be added in near future. Except of SMTP functionality the module is completely compatible, so all used instructions for the PCD7.F650 are also supported by the PCD7.F655.

Upgrade of a PCD7.F650 to a PCD7.F655
In principle every F650 can be upgraded to a PCD7.F655 by downloading the new firmware (version 041 or higher) on the module. Please follow the download procedure in the attached file.
Please be aware of the difference between "Upgrade" (means upgrading a PCD7.F650 to a PCD7.F655) and an "Update" (means update e.g. firmware B35 to 041 on a PCD7.F655).

Firmware (FW) and software dependencies of the PCD7.F655.

System minimal version
PG5 V 1.1.050
PCD1.M130 V 080
PCD1.M135 V 0A0
PCD2.M150 V 0C0
PCD2.M480 V 010
PCDx.M170 V 010
PCD6.M3 V 040
PCD2.M157/M177 V 3.115
PCD2.M487 V 1.300

The first official version of the PCD7.F655 module is 040. In general the variant of the PCD7.F65x can be derived from the firware running on it:

  • All modules with firmware smaller than x3x are PCD7.F650 (e.g. $0H or 010)

  • All modules with firmware x3x (e.g. $31 or 041) or higher are PCD7.F655

Hardware restrictions
Every PCD7.F650 can be upgraded to a PCD7.F655. There is no hardware revision restriction.



PCD7 / Fxxx

Last update: 26.05.2015 04:57

First release: 16.06.2006 08:51

Views: 7827

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
