Intelligent modules aren't correctly detected on HW version older than "D"

FAQ #100549

For the correct handling of the new flash modules PCD3.Rxxx an and the PCD3.Fxxx communication modules an "I/O module check" has been implemented in the firmware. Unfortunately this check can cause problems on older hardware versions if more than two PCD3.Cxxx modules (extension cabinets) are used.


The communication module PCD3.F121 as well as memory modules PCD3.Rxxx do not work when more then 2 extension cabinets PCD3.Cxxx are connected to a PCD3.
It is possible that the same PCD3 was working correctly but after an update of the PCD firmware this symptom appeared. In this case with the firmware update a new I/O module check has been introduced (please refer to the table below to find out in which versions this I/O module check is implemented).

V 018 

No check is implemented, no problems to be expected with old CPLD version (PCD3.Rxxx modules are not supported).
V 020 
V 021
Check is implemeted PCD3.F1xx and PCD3.Rxxx won't work anymore if more than two extentions PCD3.C100 or PCD3.C200 are used.
V 023
V 024
Check is not implemented PCD3.F1xx moduls will work on slot 0 but memory modules like PCD3.Rxxx won't work on hardware < D.
V 030 Check is executed if Hardware modification is >= 8 or if hardware version is >= D.
If the hardware modification is < 8 the PCD3.F1xx modules will work on slot 0 but Flash memory modules like PCD3.Rxxx are not working (because their use absolutely requires the module detection which is not possible on hardware modification < 8).

An I/O module check has been introduced for the correct identification of the modules. In this way it is possible to avoid e.g. flickering outputs of an output module if a modem is (unintentionally) configured on this I/O slot. Also flash modules can be identified properly before accessing their content.

Unfortunately this check does not correctly recognize the modules plugged in to the PCD if the PCD is equipped with an old CPLD (Complex Programmable Logic Device) version as soon as more than two extension cabinets PCD3.Cxx0 are connected to the PCD.

Upgrading the CPLD version will solve the problems as the modules will correctly be recognized by the firmware. The upgrade of the CPLD corresponds to the hardware modification 8 on the PCD3 CPUs.

Hardware version D or above
The hardware version D has a correctly programmed CPLD and will therefore also detect intelligent I/O modules if more than 2 PCD3.Cxxx extensions are connected to the PCD3 CPU. No further action is to be taken.

Hardware version
These CPUs need to be updated to hardware modification 8 (CPLD update). Once this is done these PCD3s will support all PCD3.F1xx on slot 0 and also newer intelligent modules like per example the new flash moduls PCD3.Rxxx.
The update can be done with the "Firmware download Assistant in the following ways:

  • The "Firmware download Assistant " is part of PG5 1.4.120. In case you have installed this version you can find the "Firmware download Assistant" from the Windows Start Menu --> Saia Burgess --> PG5 1.4.120 --> Firmware Download Assistant.
  • In case you haven't installed PG5 1.4.120 the "Firmware download Assistant" attached to this FAQ will give you the possibility to re-program the CPLD.
    After having updated the CPLD please indicate the modification 8 on your controller by writing it e.g. on its back!

Once the CPLD has been updated all intelligent I/O modules including the PCD3.Rxxx are fully supported without restriction. On CPUs with hardware version < D the hardware modification 8 will be set during the update of the CPLD.




PCD3 / Cxxx

PCD3 / _Firmware Classic

PCD3 / Fxxx

PCD3 / Rxxx

Last update: 31.05.2015 04:24

First release: 24.03.2006 09:48

Views: 6672

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
