Where does a "Backup User Program to flash" write the backup?

FAQ #100452

It’s possible to backup the application program and the hardware settings on the flash memory of the PCD.
Each PCD does have an onboard flash and it possible to plug an additional flash memory.  
This allows for example to store the application on a pluggable flash memory and to send then the memory to the end-user which then can restore the program from the pluggable memory.
In every case a backup to flash copies the "User Program" and the "Hardware configuration" to the onboard flash.

If no flash card plugged:
The user program and the hardware configuration is stored to the onboard flash. 

If a flash card for "User Program Backup" is plugged:
The user program is stored to the first flash card detected (in the sequence "M1 Slot", "M2 Slot", "I/O Slot 0..3") on a PCD.
In addition, the Backup is also written to the onboard flash. An existing backup on the onboard flash will be overwritten.

How to restore manually a Backup on the PCD:
Push the reset button (near of the USB connector) for 3s or go in the Online Configurator of PG5 on the menu point ‘Online, Flash Memory, Restore from Flash’

Difference between PCP2.M5xxx0, PCD3.Mxxx0 and PCD1.M0/2xx0, PCD3.Mxx60:
PCP2.M5xxx0, PCD3.Mxxx0:
You have to set the option in the Download window to download a backup in the onboard Flash.
You have also the possibility to download the Backup on a memory card.

Remark: If you store a backup on the onboard Flash and also on a memory card for example M1.
The backup from M1 will be restored and the backup on the onboard Flash will be overwritten with the program stored on the M1 memory card.

PCD1.M0/2xx0, PCD3.Mxx60:
On every program download there is directly a backup to the OnBoard Flash. 
You have the possibility to download also the backup in memory cards for example M1. 
You can also do a backup in the Internal Flash.

Flash Backup/Restore Priority
By default the PCD will choose which backup will be created or restored by searching for backups in the following order:
1. Slot M1, if fitted with Flash card
2. Slot M2, if fitted with Flash card
3. Slot 0, if fitted with a module containing a Flash or SD card
4. Slot 1, if fitted with a module containing a Flash or SD card
5. Slot 2, if fitted with a module containing a Flash or SD card
6. Slot 3, if fitted with a module containing a Flash or SD card
7. Internal Flash
8. Onboard Flash



  • Flash cards for "User Program Backup" are: PCD7.R500, PCD3.R500, PCD7.R550M04, PCD7.R551M04, PCD3.R551, PCD7.R561, PCD3.R561, PCD3.R600 
  • If a "Restore User Program from Flash" is executed (e.g. because the user program has been lost due to a discharged SuperCap), the PCD will read the backup from the flash card (if available) and copy the content to the SRAM as well as to the onboard flash.
  • A restore from a flash card will fail if the memory can not be allocated on the PCD (if e.g. a backup from a PCD3.M5 with hardware version D (--> 1 MByte memory) is plugged on a PCD3.M5 with hardware version 512 kByte memory available)).
  • Since the firmware 1.16.27 it is possible to write the user program backup to the file system. This new backup does also include the media (register, flags, timer, counter) as well as the configuration of IP protocol configuration such as the FTP and HTTP server settings. See also the FAQ 101622


PCD3 / Mxxx

Last update: 27.11.2015 13:03

First release: 26.09.2005 11:53

Views: 8387

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
