How to record system information of a PCD?
FAQ #100260
PG5 features special batch files that automatically record system and application specific information. The files generated by these batches do help the support team to analyze the problem the PCD is concerned of.
How to call the batch files for V1.2 and V1.3 ?
The batches are to be called directly from the Windows start menu (in standard installation under Programs/SAIA-Burgess/PG5/Record PCD Data).
The file to be selected is depending on the controller type you want to read the data from. To read the system information of a PCD2.M170 you would choose the batch file "PCDxM170"; for a PCD3.M5540 the batch "PCD3Mxxxx".
How to call the batch files for V1.4 and higher ?
1. Start PG5 V1.4 or higher.
2. Choose "Tools" > "Online configurator" in windowmenu.
3 Choose "Tools" > "Create Diagnostic File .." in windowmenu.
4. Read the Text (savedirectory!) and press <OK>
What does the batch file do?
The batches will call the Online Debugger which will automatically connect to the PCD. (The online settings used to connect the PCD last time will be used. Please make sure these settings still apply. Please also note that the Online Debugger musn't already be in use because in this case the batch wouldn't be able to call it again.)
During recording you'll see the follwing information running over the screen:
- PCD type and system status
- Communication settings of the PCD
- History entries of the PCD
- Part of the user program
- Stack of the PCD (mainly hex code)
Where is the recorded data stored?
The recorded information will be appended to the file chaine.txt; to be found under C:\Program Files\SAIA-Burgess\PG5 1_3\Batches\.
PG5 1.x
Last update: 30.05.2015 14:20
First release: 24.11.2004 13:48
Views: 1410