Calibration of Touch Screen Terminal lost for PCD7.D78_

FAQ #100122

The Touch Screen Terminal loose the calibration from time to time.


If you remark this problem on your terminal, it will be nessesary to update the bootloader. This is possible with the version of PCD8.D81W VTWIN 4.73 (or newer).

Bootloader Download:
Choose in VTWin: Tools/Boot update/Automatic
All settings should have default values. Baudrate 9600...
Code for download: 371013
After this bootloader update you have to calibrate your terminal like describen in the manual and download the FW (see FAQ 100195)




PCD7 / D7xx

Last update: 31.05.2015 00:49

First release: 11.06.2004 10:06

Views: 6882

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