Version overview
Service Pack 6 (SP 6) for PG5 2.3 (PG5 2.3.196)
- This version include a complete installation package of PG5 2.3.196
- This version is installed in parallel with the precedent version of Saia PG5® 2.2.2xx or Saia PG5® 2.2.1xx
- Projects done with the version PG5 2.2.1xx/2.2.2xx/2.3.1xx will be fully compatible with this new version.
- In some cases it is necessary to adapt existing Web-Editor8 projects to make them work in PG5 2.3.196.
More information on this can be found in FAQ 102071. - Existing projects from PG5 2.2.1xx/2.2.2xx needs to be imported in to PG5 2.3.1xx
The default location for projects in PG5 2.3.1xx is:
c:\Users\<user name>\SBC\PG5 V2.3.1xx\Projects\
Default location for PG5 2.2.1xx/2.2.2xx projects was:
c:\Users\Public\SBC\PG5 V2.2.1xx\Projects\ or c:\Users\Public\SBC\PG5 V2.2.2xx\Projects\ - Dedicated F-Box libraries used in PG5 2.2.1xx/PG5 2.2.2xx needs to be installed again in PG5 2.3.1xx
- Installation:
Before installing PG5 2.3.196 it's necessary to uninstall manually older versions of PG5 2.3 (2.3.113/2.3.119/2.3.165/2.3.175/2.3.192/2.3.193/2.3.195)
For the installation, just start the setup. - It is also possible to install this version on computers which do not have the PG5 installed
- The user.key file used in PG5 2.2.1xx/2.2.2xx can't be used on PG5 2.3.1xx
- The user registration – ‘REGISTRATION.KEY’ from version 2.2 or previous versions is still valid and can be used for the user registration of this version
Windows compatibility
PG5 2.3.196 is compatible with the following operating systems:
- Windows 11
- Windows 10
- Windows 7 with Service Pack 1
Restriction on version 2.3.196
Restriction in relation to the backup restore function in PG5 versions >= 2.3.196.
Project or device backups that were created in PG5 versions >= 2.3.196 can no longer be restored directly in older PG5 2.3 versions < 2.3.196 using the ‘Project, Restore’ function.
This was previously possible.
The following error message is displayed in PG5 < 2.3.196:
As a workaround, the .zip PG5 backup file can be unzipped with Windows Explorer and the contents copied/pasted into the PG5 project directory.
The project can then be handled with all PG5 versions.
The reason for this incompatibility is that in PG5 versions >= 2.3.196 a new 32-bit ‘zip tool’ has been integrated which can compress more than 65535 files into one zip file.
In PG5 < 2.3.196 a 16-bit ‘zip tool’ is integrated which can ‘only’ compress up to 65535 files, and this 16-bit ‘zip tool’ cannot open the 32-bit zip file.
Correction on version 2.3.196
- The following corrections are included in the version 2.3.196
- The warning «You may be connected to the wrong PCD» is no longer displayed if the firmware is older than version 1.22.xx or if no S-Bus address is defined
- Updating Fbox now works even if the Fbox version is less than 1.0.000
- COBs, XOBs, FBs, PBs can also be compiled with conditional compilation
- Fixed occasional crash when running on Windows 11
- BACnet compiler errors with existing projects have been fixed
Web Editor
- AUTOINCRCO with internal variables is working
- HDLog Template: Y-axis scaling now correctly displays the trend on the right side
- (HTML runtime) The last scale-line of the "Tacho" element is now displayed correctly
- Fixed loss of configured properties of alarming template instances, when loading from old project files
- When downloading the program to an M2220-C15 device, the list of flash devices in the "Backup to Flash Card" option is correctly displayed
- Problem with self downloader on PCD3.M6880 is corrected
- IL editor view retains its size on save
Device Configurator
- The scaling of the voltage of analog inputs and outputs on a PCD3.M96 has been corrected
Symbol Editor
- The filter can now be used for all possible media
- Ctrl+Drag&Drop works correctly
- Icons for local and public symbols are no longer the same
- The following vulnerabilities have been corrected: CVE-2023-51599, CVE-2023-51601, CVE-2023-51602, CVE-2023-51603, CVE-2023-51604, CVE-2023-51605, CVE-2023-51600
Service Pack 5 (SP 5) for PG5 2.3 (PG5 2.3.195)
- This version include a complete installation package of PG5 2.3.195
- This version is installed in parallel with the precedent version of Saia PG5® 2.2.2xx or Saia PG5® 2.2.1xx
- Projects done with the version PG5 2.2.1xx/2.2.2xx/2.3.1xx will be fully compatible with this new version.
- In some cases it is necessary to adapt existing Web-Editor8 projects to make them work in PG5 2.3.195.
More information on this can be found in FAQ 102071. - Existing projects from PG5 2.2.1xx/2.2.2xx needs to be imported in to PG5 2.3.1xx
The default location for projects in PG5 2.3.1xx is:
c:\Users\<user name>\SBC\PG5 V2.3.1xx\Projects\
Default location for PG5 2.2.1xx/2.2.2xx projects was:
c:\Users\Public\SBC\PG5 V2.2.1xx\Projects\ or c:\Users\Public\SBC\PG5 V2.2.2xx\Projects\ - Dedicated F-Box libraries used in PG5 2.2.1xx/PG5 2.2.2xx needs to be installed again in PG5 2.3.1xx
- Installation:
Before installing PG5 2.3.195 it's necessary to uninstall manually older versions of PG5 2.3 (2.3.113/2.3.119/2.3.165/2.3.175/2.3.192/2.3.193)
For the installation, just start the setup. - It is also possible to install this version on computers which do not have the PG5 installed
- The user.key file used in PG5 2.2.1xx/2.2.2xx can't be used on PG5 2.3.1xx
- The user registration – ‘REGISTRATION.KEY’ from version 2.2 or previous versions is still valid and can be used for the user registration of this version
Windows compatibility
PG5 2.3.195 is compatible with the following operating systems:
- Windows 11
- Windows 10
- Windows 7 with Service Pack 1
Correction on version 2.3.195
- The following corrections are included in the version 2.3.195
- Copy/paste of a DDC Suite Fbox creates the symbols in selected Language
- In Fupla the "Add FBox" is now working correctly
- Editor doesn’t crash anymore, if clipboard contains: Auto/Hand digital string [0;2;0;2;;x]
- In Fupla when a FBox is inserted you can now place it several times
- Find function in Symbol Editor finds all the symbols with the searched expression
- BACnet Command Object Rev. 14 Compiler Error fixed
- BACnet Command Object Rev. 14 No more missing Properties in BACnet Configurator
- BACnet Configurator Upload/Merge of scheduler objects adds the ( ) on the Effective Period value
- BACnet Event Enrollment Rev. 14 Compiler Errors fixed
- PG5 BACnet compiler now accepts a numeric value as BACnet object units
Easy Update
- Easy Update Wizard allows to select firmware files for PCD2.M4560 and PCD1.M2110R10
- Easy Update tool now updates the firmware on a PCD1.M0160E0
- Easy Update tool, factory feature is loading the service key in to the PCD
Web Editor
- SVG pictures are displayed in Firefox
- CSV text is replaced if 'translation key' contains special characters like \n (HTML5 runtime)
- Web editor allows to call a condition in a condition
- On HTML5 runtime, edited value of Edit Box is displayed if text color is white
- Update of PCD medias on the HTML5 web-page works now
- Possible to use HTML5 Web-Pages on iPad and iPhone if web page is zoomed
- Change of content type is taken in account on conditions (HTML5 runtime)
- Displaying of DB RAM trending works on HTML5
- CSV translation key containg - or / duplicated the text is fixed
- Project compile failure with clitool.exe is fixed
- It is possible to compile a Web Project using Command-line
- Web Editor 8 standard-condition doesn’t conflict with access mask in HTML5 runtime
- PCD symbols of type DB; min and max values are displayed correctly
- Grid is displayed in HTML5 runtime for old trending templates
- Minimum and maximum Limits set for a PCD Float format is now working in HTML
- On the HTML5 browser, it’s possible to display HDLog BACnet trend curbs.
- Alarm texts are now displayed on HTML5
- Elements of drop down list don’t show anymore a ; in front of text
- Variable editor is not crashing if $variables.$dat contains invalid PCD variable @CO_@
Fbox Libraries
- PG5 FBox for PCD1.G2200 now allows to define a PWM time < 10 seconds
Service Pack 4 (SP 4) for PG5 2.3 (PG5 2.3.193)
- This version include a complete installation package of PG5 2.3.193
- This version is installed in parallel with the precedent version of Saia PG5® 2.2.2xx or Saia PG5® 2.2.1xx
- Projects done with the version PG5 2.2.1xx/2.2.2xx/2.3.1xx will be fully compatible with this new version.
- In some cases it is necessary to adapt existing PG5 and Web-Editor8 projects to make them work in PG5 2.3.193.
More information on this can be found in FAQ 102050. - Existing projects from PG5 2.2.1xx/2.2.2xx needs to be imported in to PG5 2.3.1xx
The default location for projects in PG5 2.3.1xx is:
c:\Users\<user name>\SBC\PG5 V2.3.1xx\Projects\
Default location for PG5 2.2.1xx/2.2.2xx projects was:
c:\Users\Public\SBC\PG5 V2.2.1xx\Projects\ or c:\Users\Public\SBC\PG5 V2.2.2xx\Projects\ - Dedicated F-Box libraries used in PG5 2.2.1xx/PG5 2.2.2xx needs to be installed again in PG5 2.3.1xx
- Installation:
Before installing PG5 2.3.193 it's necessary to uninstall manually older versions of PG5 2.3 (PG5 2.3.113/PG5 2.3.119/PG5 2.3.165/PG5 2.3.175/PG5 2.3.192)
For the installation, just start the setup. - It is also possible to install this version on computers which do not have the PG5 2.3.113/2.3.119/PG5 2.3.165/PG5 2.3.175/PG5 2.3.192 installed
- The user.key file used in PG5 2.2.1xx/2.2.2xx can't be used on PG5 2.3.1xx
- The user registration – ‘REGISTRATION.KEY’ from version 2.2 or previous versions is still valid and can be used for the user registration of this version
Correction on version 2.3.193
- The following corrections are included in the version 2.3.193
Web-Editor 8
- Web-Editor8, conditions used on functions
The ifCondition statement “true” or “false” used on the function editor is now working in MicroBrowser runtimes.
For more information's see the FAQ 102053
Service Pack 3 (SP 3) for PG5 2.3 (PG5 2.3.192)
- This version include a complete installation package of PG5 2.3.192
- This version is installed in parallel with the precedent version of Saia PG5® 2.2.2xx or Saia PG5® 2.2.1xx
- Projects done with the version PG5 2.2.1xx/2.2.2xx/2.3.1xx will be fully compatible with this new version.
- In some cases it is necessary to adapt existing PG5 and Web-Editor8 projects to make them work in PG5 2.3.192.
More information on this can be found in FAQ 102050. - Existing projects from PG5 2.2.1xx/2.2.2xx needs to be imported in to PG5 2.3.1xx
The default location for projects in PG5 2.3.1xx is:
c:\Users\<user name>\SBC\PG5 V2.3.1xx\Projects\
Default location for PG5 2.2.1xx/2.2.2xx projects was:
c:\Users\Public\SBC\PG5 V2.2.1xx\Projects\ or c:\Users\Public\SBC\PG5 V2.2.2xx\Projects\ - Dedicated F-Box libraries used in PG5 2.2.1xx/PG5 2.2.2xx needs to be installed again in PG5 2.3.1xx
- Installation:
Before installing PG5 2.3.192 it's necessary to uninstall manually older versions of PG5 2.3 (PG5 2.3.113/PG5 2.3.119/PG5 2.3.165/PG5 2.3.175)
For the installation, just start the setup. - It is also possible to install this version on computers which do not have the PG5 2.3.113/2.3.119/PG5 2.3.165/PG5 2.3.175 installed
- The user.key file used in PG5 2.2.1xx/2.2.2xx can't be used on PG5 2.3.1xx
- The user registration – ‘REGISTRATION.KEY’ from version 2.2 or previous versions is still valid and can be used for the user registration of this version
Correction on version 2.3.192
- The following corrections are included in the version 2.3.192
- Read Online Parameters does no more set the parameter to "0" if it is a Text
- When clipboard contains "EQU", fupla doesn't crash anymore
- The "replace symbol" function does now work when importing a Fupla page
- Fupla does now prints the Page description information
- Download in Run is now enabled when changing parameters of a new FBox
- Download in Run is now enabled when duplicating a DIR FBox
- When a non-DIR Fbox is placed on a line, a DIR-broken warning is now displayed
- BACnet Error after Upload/Merge
- BACnet Rev 14 is now working with Name based Client (Needs FW Update)
- Imported PG5 1.4 BACnet file does no more create incomplete BACnet configuration
- Upload Merge PG5 2.2 and 2.3 with standard 2010 does no more overwrite symbol references with fix registers/flags message.
- BACnet configurator in Loop object Output-Units Symbol Reference is no more grayed out
- Now, it is possible to use breakpoints Flag address > 14335
- Now, it is possible to select Backup to INTFLASH on PCD2.M4x60
- Self downloadable files or downloader PG5 2.3.175 and higher does now create a backup to onboard flash
- Project backups with S-Net files
Device Configurator
- IRM Min Max scale in device configurator can now be changed
- Device Configurator does no more return an error when Ethernet Rio Network is selected on a PCD3.M3160
- Device Template of PCD3.M5360 is now correct in the Device configurator RAM Disk Size
- It's now possible to edit the min/max value of analogue inputs E-Line devices (ex: PCD1.G3600-c15)
- Using a ! in the Webserver Password level 1 (file access) does no more causes the problem in HTML5
- SBUS IRM PCD7.LRL.PXwith FW 1.10.08 when going online with Fupla warning pops up "You may be connected with the wrong PCD" also when the configuration is ok
Watch Window
- Trend View are now displayed according to the selected time scale and are no longer limited to 30 minutes
Easy Update
- Easy Update Wizard does now find Web Projects of Copied devices
- Easy Update Factory checkbox is no more choosable (risky) should only be chosen if no Service key is defined in the package
- HTTP Download and Easy Update does now include BACnet configuration
- Easy update tool does now work properly on unconfigured PCD
S-Web Editor
The performance of the HTML5 runtime was improved.
First page loading or page changes takes now half of the time as it has taken before.
Visual indication of page loading by showing a spinner
Fixed issues:
- Copy and Paste issues from Objects between different pages or projects
- Container MB_InactivityCounter is now set back to 0 in case of pressing buttons
- When Start the Play mode in Hybrid, correct display in Firefox
- Popup is now working on foreground
- The PCD Variables are now displayed right (no structure and not all symbols)
- Static CSV is now added to the HTML 5 base-csv-entries
- The offset with a CSV works as described in the WebEditor help
- Translation is done in Popup & Hybrid
- Condition Sequence can be changed Webeditor
- PCD Variables are now added only once in the tcr file
- In case of resolving groups below a template instace are correct typ id is generated
- Empty CSV tags are now handled identically on HTML5 and TEQ runtime
- Required format for read and write different values is now written and updated on view
- HDLog / HTML5 runs on / asterix webserver request
- Webserver is now generated / no more Build error in TEQ
- HTML5 Date/Time format is now captured to min/max values
- Straight lines are no more tilted in HTML5
- Web-Editor Bargraph behaves on the same way if displayed in Java and HTML5
- Web-Editor in HTML5, it is now possible to write special char like éèüöä to PCD texts
- Exported library files in a zip file are store with correct extension
- On HTML5 runtime, PCD value -0,5 is now correctly displayed
- Web-Editor, S-Monitoring template Bargraph correctly displayed on X axis
- Web-Editor, S-Monitoring template Bargraph Year is no more missing information displayed
- Webeditor Icons are correctly displayed in Webeditor started from PG5
- HTML5 Performance improved on communication level of PDP in case of @ syntax
- Float2DEC.2 and DEC.1 ... does now work on HTML5
- Web-Editor, Alarm templates, Header info Time on/off are now translated in HTML5 view
- Web-Editor8, PCD7.D5xxCF web-panel, faster first loading of web-page and on view jumps