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Product Category Communication protocols

Communication protocols supported by Saia PCD®




  • General

    Our solution




    Products Classic/PG5



  • Building Automation and Control Network

    BACnet/IP support for PCD1.M2, PCD2.M5 or PCD3 systems can be added by mounting a BACnet module PCD7.R56x (or PCD3.R56x). This module contains a firmware extension for BACnet and holds the BACnet configuration of the device. The configuration can be done using the BACnet Configurator which is part of the PG5 Suite.

    The PCD3.R56x or the PCD7.R56x flash modules do contain the firmware extension for the BACnet server on a PCD3 CPU.The PCD BACnet server supports BACnet/IP.

    None known


  • General

    Our solution


    Products Classic/PG5




  • Digital Addressable Lighting Interface

    DALI is a bus system for Light control, standardized regarding IEC 62386. The standard is developed by a group of lighting-manufacturers and becomes more and more important for building automation.

    The interface modules PCD2.F2610 (for PCD1.M2 and PCD2.M5) or the PCD3.F261 (for PCD3.M and PCD3.T666) allow a direct connection to the DALI bus as DALI master, programmed with FBoxes. With one module up to 64 ballasts can be controlled, the power supply for the DALI line is integrated in the F261(0).

    The DALI module is mulit-master tolerant, but it is not possible receiving messages from other DALI masters on the line.


  • General



    Our solution





    Products Classic/PG5


  • KNX / EIB is an event driven bus running at 9600 baud for building control applications. There is only one configuration tool available which is provided by Siemens, all components must be approved before they are sold.

    Classic CPU's can be part of an KNX / EIB network by means of an FBox library and a RS 232 or IP to KNX / EIB converter (ABB or similar). The function of the PCD can be programmed, it is possible to listen the bus and to control actuators. To get the actual state of network participants, the PCD can poll them at startup. Quite often PCD's are used as a gateway between the KNX/EIB network and supervisory systems. All Classic PCD's with a full RS 232 or an Ethernet port can be used together with EIB.

    KNX/EIB FBox library is provided together with PG5 Controls Suite.

    As KNX/EIB is a slow bus, about 200 to 300 points per connected gateway/KNX (EIB) line can be handled by a PCD. A full RS 232 or an Ethernet port is used for the link to the converter.

Ethernet TCP/IP

  • General


    Our solution





    Products Classic/PG5



  • Well known technology coming from the IT business, fast growing into the building and industrial control markets.

    A broad range of the PCD CPUs are delivered with onboard Ethernet port. Alternatively a communication interface can be mounted on specific CPU's. The Ethernet port can handle 10 and 100Mhz networks and an event driven master-master communication is possible between PCD's. DHCP, DNS, FTP, HTTP, SNTP, SNMP, SMTP and other IP based protocols are supported by the firmware of recent PCD systems. For the communication with third party products the open data mode is supported.

    PCD1.M2120, PCD1.M2160, PCD2.M5540, PCD3.M2120, PCD3.M3330, PCD3.M5340, PCD3.M55x0, PCD3.M6xx0, Ethernet TCP/IP module PCD7.F650.

    none known


  • General


    Our solution


    Products Classic/PG5


  • The «self-powered wireless sensor technology» recognised as the first ISO/IEC wireless standard for optimised solutions with low energy consumption.

    The all range of the PCD CPUs can be connected to the wireless self-powered EnOcean components, via a Receiver/Transmiter on a RS 485 port.

    EnOcean FBox library is part of PG5 core package.

    Be aware that wall, pillar and furniture can dampen the wireless signal or creat "dead spots".


  • General


    Our solution







    Products Classic/PG5






  • Open, event driven network available in different topologies. A binding tool (available from several manufacturers) is required to link the intelligent participants of the network.

    The production of the LonWorks interface devices PCD2.F240, PCD3.F2400 and the LonWorks memory device PCD7.R582 was discontinued at the end of 2021 and the devices are no longer available.

    As a replacement, we recommend the usage of BACnet.

    A communication interface can be mounted on most CPU's of all families to create a LON node. The LON interface of the node can be configured and adapted to the application. Our modules are designed for free topology (FTT-10) as well as for Lon over IP (IP-852).

    Lon over IP is available for PCD systems PCD3.Mxxx0, PCD2.M5xx0, PCD1.M0xx0 and PCD1.M2xx0 with COSinus operating system.
    Lon FTT10 modules PCD2.F2400 and PCD3.F240 are in preparation for PCD systems PCD3.Mxx60, PCD1.M2xx0.
    The LON FTT10 module PCD7.F80x is available for PCD2.M1x0

    Please check out the system catalogue, chapter B2 for detailed information about general overview, minimum requirements and system limits.
    When working with the PCD7.F8x0 a memory extensions with EPROM or FLASH-EPROM cannot be used, only RAM (PCD7.R400 flash backup is OK)


  • General

    Our solution





    Products Classic/PG5



  • Protocol to read values of counters and other measurement equipment.

    The M-Bus master modules PCD2.F27x0 and PCD3.F27x can be use to connect M-Bus slaves (modules are available for PCD1.M2xx0, PCD2.M5xx0 and PCD3).

    For PCD2.M1x0 a system partner provides a solutions with a gateway to M-Bus, refer to www.engiby.ch for more details. In this case besides the FBox library (used in every case) an M-Bus converter is required, please refer to www.relay.de for instance.

    M-Bus master modules PCD2.F27x0 and PCD3.F27x, together with the FBox driver library from www.engiby.ch.

    There are a lot of different M-Bus components availabe, the system partner may have to do some extension to their libraries to communicate with new/unknown units.


  • General


    Our solution




    Products Classic/PG5



  • The Modbus Protocol is a messaging structure developed by Modicon in 1979, used to establish master-slave/client-server communication between intelligent devices.

    Modbus is implemented in the PCD firmware (PCD1.M2, PCD2.M5, PCD3) and can be used together with FBoxes.

    For PCD2.M1x0, PCD1.M1xx and PCD2.M480 a system partner provides a solution based on FBox libraries www.engiby.ch.

    FBoxes for the firmware implementation are delivered with PG5 Controls Suite, otherwise FBoxes are provided by www.engiby.ch.

    None known

Modbus TCP/UDP

  • General

    Our solution



    Products Classic/PG5



  • This are variants of the Modbus protocol on Ethernet.

    Modbus is implemented in the firmware from Saia PCD® systems (PCD1.M2xx0, PCD2.M5xx0, PCD3).

    For PCD2.M1x0, PCD1.M1xx and PCD2.M480 a system partner provides a solution based on FBox libraries www.engiby.ch.

    FBoxes for the firmware implementation are delivered with Saia PG5® Controls Suite, otherwise FBoxes are provided by www.engiby.ch.

    None known


  • General

    Our solution



    Products Classic/PG5




  • Analog, ISDN and GSM Modems are often used for telemaintenance and services like SMS and Pager.

    Internal modems for PCD1 and PCD2 or external modems for all series. Powerful libraries are available to simplify the use of modems. For leased lines the modems of www.westermo.com have proven to be a rugged solution.

    Internal modems PCD2.T8xx and external modems Q.M716-KS1 (PSTN), Q.T726-RS1 (ISDN) and Q.G736-AS2 (GSM).

    The modem FBox library is delivered togehter with the PG5 Controls Suite.

    As the PCD has to initialize the modem it is not a good idea to choose an unknown modem type. Finding the right initialization strings for a new modem requires a profound modem knowledge and a lot of time.

MP Bus (Belimo)

  • General


    Our solution

    Products Classic/PG5






  • This Belimo invention allows to connect motorvalves and sensors to a bus and simplify the cable work significantly for HeaVAC applications.

    Interface modules for 8 or 16 actuators (one or two MB Bus lines)

    PCD2.F2810 (for PCD1.M2xx0 and PCD2.M5) and PCD3.F281 modules for PCD3 systems for connecting to the MP Bus. These modules can be extended by a PCD7.F180 in order to add a second MP Bus line per module.

    For older systems the MP Bus modules PCD2.T500 and PCD7.F180 can be used.The FBox driver library is delivered together with the PG5 2.0 Controls Suite.

    At least one RS 232 port is required per PCD2.T500 module, even though the module is placed instead of an I/O card. The PCD7.F180 obviously occupies a port as well.


  • General


    Our solution


    Products Classic/PG5


  • Siemens® RS 485 Multimaster bus used for programming, debugging, data exchange between participants, HMI and scada systems. Running at 187kBaud.

    All available PCD1.M2, PCD2.M5, PCD3 and PCD2.M480 are been able to be Server on Profibus, for the use with HMI's and scada systems. Check FAQ  100284

    The MPI interface is configured in in the Device Configurator from PG5 (with a default mapping).

    According to the specification only for distances up to 50 meters.

Profibus FMS/DP

  • General




    Our solution

    Products Classic/PG5




  • Profibus DP is a well known standard as mulitmaster fieldbus in industrial applications with high baudrates. The concept allows the use of a mixture of participants from different manufacturers in the same bus. Profibus FMS is limited to 500kBaud and rather complicated to use, it is more and more replaced by Profibus DP, even though it is more flexible.

    Master and slave interface modules for distinct CPU's of all families, modular and compact remote I/O's

    DP Master module PCD7.F750 for PCD2.M1x0, DP Master module PCD7.F7500 for PCD2.M5xx0, PCD3.M6540 as Profibus DP master, DP slave module PCD7.F77x, DP remote I/O's PCD3.T760, all PCD3 as Profibus DP slave, FMS module PCD7.F700

    Master-master communication is only available for the xx7 family. To access Profibus PA (Process Automation) participants, a DP/PA converter is needed to adapt the speed and protocol


  • General



    Our solution




    Products Classic/PG5


  • House-bus of SBC, implemented in every Saia PCD® system. Single master network, usually on RS 485 with several slaves, on RS 232 and RS 422 point-to-point only. CPU's can be configured as gateway, so they can link several networks.

    Standard on all Classic CPU's. Details about how to plan S-Bus networks can be found in the documentation area. A system partner provides a tool that allows to optmize the S-Bus communication by setting priorities for different telegrams in form of an Excel sheet. Please refer to www.engiby.ch for more details.

    All CPU's, remote I/O's PCD7.Lxxx and single room controllers PCD7.L60x and PCD7.L79xN.

    Single master only


  • General



    Our solution




    Products Classic/PG5


  • House-bus of SBC, implemented in every Saia PCD® system featuring an Ethernet port. Ether-S-Bus can be used as multi master network and runs in parallel to other protocols such as http, ftp, Modbus/UDP. CPU's can be configured as gateway, so they can link several networks.

    Standard on all Classic CPU's. Details about how to plan S-Bus networks can be found in the documentation area. A system partner provides a tool that allows to optmize the S-Bus communication by setting priorities for different telegrams in form of an Excel sheet. Please refer to www.engiby.ch for more details.

    All PCD CPU's with Ethernet port.

    None known


  • General




    Our solution




    Products Classic/PG5


  • House-bus of SBC, implemented in every Saia PCD® system featuring an FDL port (PCD1.M2, PCD2.M5, PCD2.M480, PCD3.M). Profi-S-Bus is a Multi master network which can be used parallel to other protocols such as Profibus DP or MPI on the same physical bus. CPU's can be configured as gateway, so they can link several networks.

    Standard on all Classic CPU's. Details about how to plan S-Bus networks can be found in the documentation area. A system partner provides a tool that allows to optmize the S-Bus communication by setting priorities for different telegrams in form of an Excel sheet. Please refer to www.engiby.ch for more details.

    All PCD1.M2xx0, PCD2.M5xx0, PCD2.M480 and PCD3 CPU's.

    Single master only


  • General

    Our solution




    Products Classic/PG5



  • Sensor actuator bus for industrial applications.

    A Profibus master together with a Profibus/AS-i Gateway is required, please refer to www.bihl-wiedemann.de or www.ifm-electronic.de (for instance AC1005) for the Gateway. A Siemens Gateway was found to invert the order of the exchanged data, so we don't recommend to use their Gateways together with our products.

    PCD3.M65x0, PCD2.M5xx0 with PCD7.F7500 or PCD2.M1x0 with PCD7.F750 together with the above mentioned Gateway

    None known


ESPA 4.4.4.

  • General

    Our solution

    Products Classic/PG5

    Products xx7/Step7


  • ESPA 4.4.4 is a standard protocol adopted by the European Selective Paging Manufacturers Associacion.

    A system partner offers a solution for Classic, refer to www.engiby.ch for more details.

    See above

    Not available

    None known

IEC 870-5-10X

  • General

    Our solution

    Products Classic/PG5

    Products xx7/Step7


  • IEC 870-5-101 & 104 are standard protocol for Power plant and Energy management applications 

    A system partner offers a solution for Classic, refer to www.engiby.ch for more details.

    See above

    Not available

    None known


  • General


    Our solution

    Products Classic/PG5


  • Grundfos bus for pumps (UPE- and TPE series), exchange of pump data, alarms, status information and setpoints via RS 485

    System partners provide solutions for Saia PCD®, refer to www.engiby.ch .

    See above

    None known


  • General



    Our solution


    Products Classic/PG5


  • The simple network management protocol was developed to be able to monitor and control network elements such as routers, servers, switches or even Saia PCD® (agents) from a central station.

    Integrated in firmware of Saia PCD® control devices. Can be configured with Saia PG5 v2.0 (only classic MIB) or Saia PG5 2.1 (integrated MIB generator) later.

    PCD3.M5xxx, PCD2.M5xxx, PCD7.D4xxxT5x, PCD1.Mxxxx

    SNMP standards V1 and V2c

STEP®, Simatic®, Siemens®, S7-300®, S7-400® are registered trademarks of Siemens AG

PG5 2.0 / Profibus FMS

  • Why after a SASI instruction for Profibus FMS communication, the error flag of the PCD is set to high? (FAQ #101218)
  • What connector and cable typ should be used? (FAQ #100369)
  • UNIGYR PRU / PCD2 (FAQ #100153)
  • RS-485 wiring information (FAQ #100152)

PG5 2.0 / Profibus DP

  • How to read the diagnostic information of a PCD3.W745 on a PCD3.T760? (FAQ #101697)
  • Why does the PCD7.F7500 does not work on the PCD2.M5540? (FAQ #101655)
  • What is the maximum of exchanged data over Profibus DP on a PCD? (FAQ #101642)
  • What is the signification of the I/O words of a PCD2/3.W525 module? (FAQ #101552)
  • Meaning of the LEDs on Profibus DP Master modules and CPUs (FAQ #101271)
  • Does the DP/DP coupler 6ES7 from Siemens work with a PCD system? (FAQ #101253)
  • On the Profibus-DP or Profi-S-IO master, what is the signification of the diagnostic flag SLAVE_ERR? (FAQ #101173)
  • How to configure the Saia PCD® as DP Master, if the Slave is a Siemens CP 342-5? (FAQ #101124)
  • DP/Belimo gateway display error message after program download to the PCD (FAQ #100976)
  • On the Profibus-DP or Profi-S-I/O master it isn't possible to read or write registers with address > 4095 from the slave (FAQ #100927)
  • Too strong limitation imposed by S-Net Configurator (FAQ #100717)
  • Why is the communication between a SBC Master and a Siemens Slave not working (FAQ #100651)
  • change baudrate with SNet configurator (FAQ #100514)
  • Are the modules PCD3.W800, PCD3.A810 and PCD3.A860 supported by the PCD3.T760? (FAQ #100504)
  • Negative values from PCD3.T760 are not interpreted correctly on the PCD (FAQ #100466)
  • Can I use the same GSD File for PCD2.M170 as for PCD4.M170 (FAQ #100412)
  • What connector and cable typ should be used? (FAQ #100369)
  • Supported baudrates and protocols on a PCD2.M480 (FAQ #100355)
  • Incompatibility of old FW and new Profibus DP configurator (FAQ #100319)
  • What Profibus Analyzer should be bought? (FAQ #100298)
  • Error PCD7.F750 " no Diagnostic refresh" (FAQ #100271)
  • How to configure a PCD3.W745 on a PCD3.T760? (FAQ #100214)
  • How to wire a Profibus DP network correctly to a PCD? (FAQ #100164)
  • It's possible to add new groups in to the PG5 Profibus-DP configurator device list? (FAQ #100159)
  • It's possible to use my old GSD data's in new PG5 projects? (FAQ #100157)
  • RS-485 wiring information (FAQ #100152)

Software (except PG5) / SCOMM

  • Are SBC devices affected by the zero-day vulnerabilities ‘Ripple20’, related to the low-level TCP/IP software library developed by Treck, Inc.? (FAQ #102036)
  • Can PG5 access more than 32 serial communication ports (ComPorts)? (FAQ #101339)
  • Information’s about TAPI modem settings on PG5. (FAQ #100891)
  • Memory leak from SCOMM on Windows XP (FAQ #100875)
  • SCommDll fails with strange status on multi core CPUs (FAQ #100674)
  • ScommDll doesn't work because of firewall software (FAQ #100323)
  • How to set up the SComm to connect a PCD over a server? (FAQ #100248)
  • Compatibility of the S-Bus OPC-Server with PG5 1.2 and PG5 1.3 (FAQ #100240)
  • Driver not available for user when OPC server was started by OPC client (FAQ #100238)
  • Is a driver for SBC S-Bus available? (FAQ #100179)


  • It's possible to connect SBC PCD's directly to the internet? (FAQ #102060)
  • Are SBC devices affected by the zero-day vulnerabilities ‘Ripple20’, related to the low-level TCP/IP software library developed by Treck, Inc.? (FAQ #102036)
  • Why it is not possible to establish a connection to the VNC Server in case the application “BeVNC” is started on the PCD7.D5xxxWTA010? (FAQ #102003)
  • Why it is not possible to ping a PCD7.D5xxxWTA010 from a remote device using the IP-Address of the panel? (FAQ #102002)
  • Why the Modbus communication over Ethernet between a Saia PCD and a Siemens S7-314C-2 does not work correctly? (FAQ #101973)
  • CallSMS FBox with Error 535 (FAQ #101972)
  • How I can send an email with variable attachment? (FAQ #101966)
  • It's possible to connect a Ethernet Port of a PCD directly to Power over Ethernet (PoE)? (FAQ #101847)
  • The MPI communication does not work on the classic PCD. (FAQ #101689)
  • Is it possible to define a minimum delay between two Modbus requests? (FAQ #101423)
  • Why does the FBox "SASI S-Bus Extended" not work (for assigning a gateway master port)? (FAQ #101399)
  • Why is the "S-Bus Master IP" FBox LED red after some time? (FAQ #101286)
  • What is C-Bus and is it possible to use C-Bus on the SBC PLCs? (FAQ #101114)
  • On which systems is the Mode D (still) supported? (FAQ #101025)
  • The card PCD3.F281 does not work correctly with the library Belimo 2.5.300. (FAQ #100953)
  • Can the ethernet switch Q.Net-5TX be used to refresh the signal? (FAQ #100922)
  • Why can't I even PING my computer? (FAQ #100846)
  • Problem with LON communication and "Alias" support (PCD7.F800 / F802) (FAQ #100531)
  • Why is the Profi S-Link cable not working on the PCD3 / PCD2.M480? (FAQ #100460)
  • Does M-Bus need a Full RS 232 interface? (FAQ #100416)
  • Is it possible sending EMails with a PCD? (FAQ #100400)
  • Repeater PCD7.T100 (FAQ #100311)
  • How to use an oscilloscope to debug RS 485 networks (oscilloscope screenshots) (FAQ #100297)
  • Analyzing S-Bus communication of PG5 by using Tracewin (FAQ #100268)
  • Is a driver for SBC S-Bus available? (FAQ #100179)
  • Overview about the communication possibilities of the Saia PCD® (FAQ #100139)

PG5 2.0 / USB

  • Access to user files through USB (FAQ #101905)
  • USB - RS 485 converter (FAQ #101165)
  • PCMCIA card with 2 serial COM Ports (RS-232) suitable for S-Bus (FAQ #100764)
  • USB to RS232 converter (FAQ #100512)
  • SBC USB install problem and F-Secure Antivirus 5.40 or Comodo Firewall or Client/Server Security Agent from Trend Micro (FAQ #100511)
  • Do I need a special USB cable to program PCD's? (FAQ #100428)
  • Is it possible to attach several PCDs over USB? (FAQ #100393)
  • Why does Windows find a new USB device for every PCD? (FAQ #100345)
  • Analyzing S-Bus communication of PG5 by using Tracewin (FAQ #100268)
  • Recommended length of the USB cable (FAQ #100014)

Communication / Ether-S-Bus

  • Are SBC devices affected by the zero-day vulnerabilities ‘Ripple20’, related to the low-level TCP/IP software library developed by Treck, Inc.? (FAQ #102036)
  • PG5 2.1 and 2.2 with E-Line S-Bus communication library < 1.2.110, why the S-Bus communication on the master PCD stops either after a certain time? (FAQ #102009)
  • PG5 2.1 and PG5 2.2 with S-Bus communication library 2.7.370, why the S-Bus communication on the master PCD stops either after a certain time or after the download of the program? (FAQ #102008)
  • Wireshark doesn't show SBus telegrams (FAQ #101982)
  • Why the connection to the PCD over SOCKET is not working if DHCP is enabled in the device configurator? (FAQ #101872)
  • Ether S-Bus communication is no more working after the update to PG5 2.1.210 (FAQ #101867)
  • Nach einem Update eines bestehenden Projektes auf PG5 2.1.210 funktioniert die Ether-S-Bus Kommunikation nicht mehr (FAQ #101866)
  • It's possible to connect a Ethernet Port of a PCD directly to Power over Ethernet (PoE)? (FAQ #101847)
  • How to find the MAC address of a PCD with Ethernet connection (FAQ #101759)
  • Why the S-Bus communication over TCP/IP between PCD’s doesn’t work anymore? (FAQ #101679)
  • Can I use the PCD2.M480 as an IP Router for Ether-S-Bus communication or as an IP Firewall? (FAQ #101597)
  • How many web-clients can be connected at the same time to the S-Web Server over Ether-S-Bus? (FAQ #101431)
  • Is the "full duplex" mode supported by the Ethernet ports of a PCD? (FAQ #101365)
  • Why is the "S-Bus Master IP" FBox LED red after some time? (FAQ #101286)
  • How to set up DynDNS on a router? (FAQ #101197)
  • Is it possible to use two different TCP/IP addresses for the two TCP/IP connectors of the PCD2.M5 CPU? (FAQ #101097)
  • What Ethernet Ports are used by PCDs? (FAQ #101079)
  • How to know the IP Address of a device addressed with an URL? (FAQ #101064)
  • How to connect a PCD behind an (A)DSL router? (FAQ #101007)
  • Is it possible reading the PCD "IP address" from the user program? (FAQ #100952)
  • Memory leak from SCOMM on Windows XP (FAQ #100875)
  • Can I stop Wireshark based on a specific condition (e.g. Ether-S-Bus communication has stopped)? (FAQ #100840)
  • Ether-S-Bus communication does not work if two addresses are assigned to the same Ethernet card (FAQ #100816)
  • Why are broadcast telegramms not working anymore on the PCD3 or PCD2.M480 (FAQ #100798)
  • Is possible to use two TCP/IP modules on a PCD CPU? (FAQ #100785)
  • Receive Data in Open Data Mode (FAQ #100584)
  • SEND and RECEIVE of registers with address greater than 4095 is not supported on non Saia PCD® COSinus systems (FAQ #100580)
  • How to analyze Ether-S-Bus traffic? (FAQ #100569)
  • Guidelines for programming S-Bus communication (FAQ #100537)
  • How to filter captured traffic in Wireshark? (FAQ #100535)
  • It’s possible to modify the TCP/IP settings of the PCD directly trough the application program of the PCD? (FAQ #100522)
  • Is it possible to use the Siemens WinCC visualisation with SBC Classic PCD's? (FAQ #100508)
  • Which firmware and hardware version is needed for TCP/IP communication? (FAQ #100494)
  • How can I know the TCP/IP address of a public e-mail server? (FAQ #100453)
  • Error LED is on after SASI S-BUS Master IP is implemented. Error Message in History: IP Fail Sasi DBX (FAQ #100401)
  • Supported baudrates and protocols on a PCD2.M480 (FAQ #100355)
  • ScommDll doesn't work because of firewall software (FAQ #100323)
  • Which subnet masks are allowed for a TCP/IP configuration of a PCD? (FAQ #100318)
  • S-Bus network with disconnected stations (FAQ #100314)
  • How to use the "Broadcast Clock" FBox? (FAQ #100289)
  • Analyzing S-Bus communication of PG5 by using Tracewin (FAQ #100268)
  • Project download to PCDs with ethernet interface and to PCD7.D7xxET via ISDN router (FAQ #100251)
  • How to switch off the autonegotiation mode of a PCD7.F65x? (FAQ #100228)
  • How can I capture telegrams of only one station with Wireshark? (FAQ #100224)
  • PCD2.M480: The communication doesn't work on the Master Gateway Port! (FAQ #100192)
  • Firmware version for PCD7.F650 and PCD2.M480 (FAQ #100189)
  • SASI error of S-BUS master IP FBox (FAQ #100184)
  • TCP/IP network configuration (FAQ #100174)
  • Why can't I connect a PCD over Ethernet after replacing its Ethernet module? (FAQ #100156)
  • Reading the FW version of a PCD7.F65x (FAQ #100116)
  • Ethernet Components for infrastructure and industrial applications (FAQ #100013)

PG5 2.0 / Profi-S-Bus

  • What are the defaults Timeouts on Profi-S-Bus? (FAQ #100925)
  • Why are broadcast telegramms not working anymore on the PCD3 or PCD2.M480 (FAQ #100798)
  • Guidelines for programming S-Bus communication (FAQ #100537)
  • change baudrate with SNet configurator (FAQ #100514)
  • How many masters can a Profi-S-Bus slave handle? (FAQ #100415)
  • What connector and cable typ should be used? (FAQ #100369)
  • Supported baudrates and protocols on a PCD2.M480 (FAQ #100355)
  • ScommDll doesn't work because of firewall software (FAQ #100323)
  • What Profibus Analyzer should be bought? (FAQ #100298)
  • How to use the "Broadcast Clock" FBox? (FAQ #100289)
  • Analyzing S-Bus communication of PG5 by using Tracewin (FAQ #100268)
  • Why the LED's of the Profi-S-Link adapter (PCD8.K120) are not switched on? (FAQ #100177)

PG5 2.0 / Serial-S-Bus

  • After Download the PCD is in Halt with the Error Message: MGWY Init Fail (FAQ #101797)
  • How the RS485 bus is terminated if on a PCD3.M5340 the bustermination of the port 3 is activated? (FAQ #101753)
  • How to install the software "Serialtest Async"? (FAQ #101612)
  • How can I program a PCD that is placed behind another PCDs Gateway? (FAQ #101602)
  • How to analyse Serial-S-Bus communication? (FAQ #101560)
  • When do I have to use the "SASI S-Bus Extended" FBox? (FAQ #101400)
  • Why does the FBox "SASI S-Bus Extended" not work (for assigning a gateway master port)? (FAQ #101399)
  • Can PG5 access more than 32 serial communication ports (ComPorts)? (FAQ #101339)
  • Why can I no longer build a PG5 project with Bettschen Midi RIO FBoxes? (FAQ #101256)
  • Why do I sporadically get communication errors when connecting a PCD/PCS in "Secure S-Bus Data Mode"? (FAQ #101180)
  • Is parity mode working on all ports of PCD3 and PCD2.M5 CPU? (FAQ #101103)
  • Why does the communication on the PCD3.F281 not work? (FAQ #101090)
  • Is it possible to deactivate the "secure S-Bus Data Mode"? (FAQ #101084)
  • How many PCD7.H104S can be used on the RS485 network without a repeater? (FAQ #100849)
  • Why are broadcast telegramms not working anymore on the PCD3 or PCD2.M480 (FAQ #100798)
  • Why is the Port 3 on the PCD3.M5340 not running correctly in RS 485 mode? (FAQ #100765)
  • PCMCIA card with 2 serial COM Ports (RS-232) suitable for S-Bus (FAQ #100764)
  • It's possible to know the CPU status of the PCD? (FAQ #100760)
  • What is the "secure S-Bus Data Mode"? (FAQ #100713)
  • Guidelines for programming S-Bus communication (FAQ #100537)
  • Is it possible to use the Siemens WinCC visualisation with SBC Classic PCD's? (FAQ #100508)
  • Are all PCD's supporting S-Bus Data-Mode? (FAQ #100490)
  • Why does "Sasi Slave" on Port 1 / 0 (RS232) of the PCD3 generate an error? (FAQ #100420)
  • Serial-S-Bus on RS422 issues (FAQ #100378)
  • Supported baudrates and protocols on a PCD2.M480 (FAQ #100355)
  • ScommDll doesn't work because of firewall software (FAQ #100323)
  • FW depending differences in the handling of the diagnosic flags (FAQ #100321)
  • S-Bus network with disconnected stations (FAQ #100314)
  • Bettschen MIDI RIO (FAQ #100310)
  • S-Bus communication with Exor terminal doesn't work! (FAQ #100307)
  • How to use the "Broadcast Clock" FBox? (FAQ #100289)
  • Analyzing S-Bus communication of PG5 by using Tracewin (FAQ #100268)
  • Baudrate limitation on serial ports (FAQ #100252)
  • PCD2.M480: The communication doesn't work on the Master Gateway Port! (FAQ #100192)
  • The LED of the SASI instruction or Send/Receive FBoxes in the fupla are always red (FAQ #100183)
  • RS-485 wiring information (FAQ #100152)
  • PCD7.T120 converter RS 232 - RS 485 doesn't work with PG5 and visualisation! (FAQ #100099)

PG5 2.0 / Modem

  • Pager (FAQ #101932)
  • Swisscom does stop in 2014 the SMS service for analogue modems on the SMS service center number 079 499 89 90. (FAQ #101883)
  • Why is the modem "MDLS144 onbit" no longer working on a new PCD? (FAQ #101718)
  • Why is the modem communication between a PC and the PCD not working properly? (FAQ #101529)
  • Call Pager displays error state albeit the message gets delivered correctly to the pager (FAQ #101504)
  • If a Modem is configured on port 2 of the PCD2.M5540 or PCD2.M1xx an error appears during the build (FAQ #101410)
  • Why does the analogue modem not always answer to incomming calls? (FAQ #101278)
  • What means the error 96 when you are trying to send a sms with a modem GSM? (FAQ #101269)
  • "Send SMS extended" FBox and PCD1.M1x0 and PCD2.M110/120 (FAQ #101163)
  • Why in Italy it’s not possible to send a SMS over analogue or ISDN modem? (FAQ #101094)
  • Why does the communication on the PCD3.F281 not work? (FAQ #101090)
  • SMS sending: start and end delimiter no more needed on the SMS Text. (FAQ #100885)
  • Connecting an external modem to the PCD3 (FAQ #100843)
  • Why is the ICC activity time 00:00 in the Modem Driver F-Box not supported? (FAQ #100830)
  • Send SMS text with referenced PCD variables"$Rxxxx" in the text. (FAQ #100786)
  • The init-string with PIN-code for the GSM modem (G736-AS2) does not work on the PCD3 (FAQ #100654)
  • Is it possible to send a FAX from the PCD? (FAQ #100635)
  • It is not or not always possible to go online over modem on the PCD3 (FAQ #100624)
  • Using Westermo TD-33 on PCD! (FAQ #100610)
  • Poll SMS is not working on the GSM modem PCS1.T830 and Q.G736-AS2 (FAQ #100608)
  • What kind of init string is needed for the new GSM modem G736-AS2 (FAQ #100587)
  • Why is the error LED on after having sent an SMS message? (FAQ #100582)
  • A application with pager is not working anymore with the modem PCD2.T814 or M716-KS1 (FAQ #100548)
  • No online connection possible over modem, if the "Life check interval" is not 00:00 (FAQ #100503)
  • Problem with first serie of PCD2.T814 modems (FAQ #100502)
  • Which abonnoment is recommended for the SIM cards used for PCD applications in the GSM modem (just for Switzerland)? (FAQ #100492)
  • What is the difference between a PCD2.T813 and a PCD2.T814 modem? (FAQ #100469)
  • Why is a Westermo TD-35 not working with other baudrates than 9600? (FAQ #100406)
  • Connection settings for connection between ISDN and GSM terminal (FAQ #100370)
  • Modem GSM: Poll SMS doesn't work properly! (FAQ #100359)
  • ScommDll doesn't work because of firewall software (FAQ #100323)
  • Where from can I get an antenna for my GSM terminal? (FAQ #100305)
  • How to read data regarding the line quality from a PCD2.T813? (FAQ #100304)
  • Why is my Modem "blacklisted"? (FAQ #100303)
  • Do I need a special SIM card for a PGU connection over a GSM terminal? (FAQ #100287)
  • Analyzing S-Bus communication of PG5 by using Tracewin (FAQ #100268)
  • DTMF and SMS functions in dependence of the modem and telephone type (FAQ #100221)
  • PCD2.T850 ISDN Modem not available when placed behind a PBX (FAQ #100200)
  • What is the difference between a PCD2.T813 and a PCD2.T813Z42 modem? (FAQ #100172)
  • Send SMS / Pager messages (FAQ #100170)
  • GSM Modem Siemens M20 & TC35 (FAQ #100169)

PG5 2.0 / Mode-C

  • How the RS485 bus is terminated if on a PCD3.M5340 the bustermination of the port 3 is activated? (FAQ #101753)
  • Why does the communication on the PCD3.F281 not work? (FAQ #101090)
  • New option for the STXD instruction to send several characters without delay. (FAQ #100916)
  • PCD instruction wich allows to copy a text in to a other text. (FAQ #100886)
  • Can I use the character mode with XON/XOFF protocol on NT-PCD's? (FAQ #100700)
  • Different handling of the TBSY flag (in MC mode) between PCD3 / PCD2.M5 and older systems (FAQ #100655)
  • What's the difference between the communication mode MC4 and MC5? (FAQ #100202)

PG5 2.0 / Profi-S-I/O

  • PCD3.M6860 with Profi-SIO (FAQ #101904)
  • What is the maximum of exchanged data over Profibus DP on a PCD? (FAQ #101642)
  • What is the signification of the I/O words of a PCD2/3.W525 module? (FAQ #101552)
  • A PCD3.W6x5 doesn't have the correct scaling on a PCD3.T760 (FAQ #101397)
  • How to configure a Profi-S-I/O network with a PCD3.M2 as master? (FAQ #101367)
  • Why does the S-I/O communication no longer work on a PCD3 or a PCD2.M5? (FAQ #101244)
  • On the Profibus-DP or Profi-S-IO master, what is the signification of the diagnostic flag SLAVE_ERR? (FAQ #101173)
  • On the Profibus-DP or Profi-S-I/O master it isn't possible to read or write registers with address > 4095 from the slave (FAQ #100927)
  • Too strong limitation imposed by S-Net Configurator (FAQ #100717)
  • Is it possible to connect non-SBC devices on a Profi S-I/O network? (FAQ #100596)
  • change baudrate with SNet configurator (FAQ #100514)
  • Are the modules PCD3.W800, PCD3.A810 and PCD3.A860 supported by the PCD3.T760? (FAQ #100504)
  • Negative values from PCD3.T760 are not interpreted correctly on the PCD (FAQ #100466)
  • Why does the Profi S-I/O Bus stopps when connecting an ESA terminal over Profi S-BUS (FAQ #100449)
  • What connector and cable typ should be used? (FAQ #100369)
  • Supported baudrates and protocols on a PCD2.M480 (FAQ #100355)
  • What Profibus Analyzer should be bought? (FAQ #100298)
  • How to configure a PCD3.W745 on a PCD3.T760? (FAQ #100214)
  • How to wire a Profibus DP network correctly to a PCD? (FAQ #100164)
  • RS-485 wiring information (FAQ #100152)

PG5 2.0 / MP-Bus

  • Why on PG5 2.1.3xx a timeout errors appear during communication with some MP-Bus units? (FAQ #101897)
  • How to chose the right FBox suitable to the Belimo device? (FAQ #101844)
  • Why can't I assign a statically addressed array to the FBox "6 Way Actuator MP"? (FAQ #101841)
  • MP Bus Fan Optimizer FBox solution (FAQ #101442)
  • Why can't I read the temperature from a UST-3 module on the MP Bus? (FAQ #101194)
  • How to use the Belimo fan optimizer COU24-A-MP in Fupla? (FAQ #101185)
  • Which FLS (window opening system) devices do work on MP-Bus and which library is needed? (FAQ #101105)
  • Why does the communication on the PCD3.F281 not work? (FAQ #101090)
  • Which FBox is needed for the VRP-M from BELIMO? (FAQ #101024)
  • Error in the Belimo MP-Bus TI regarding passiv external sensors (FAQ #100989)
  • Is it possible to have more than one MP-Bus master in a Fupla File? (FAQ #100958)
  • Why is it no more possible to build an old Belimo MP-Bus project with PG5 1.4.300? (FAQ #100957)
  • The card PCD3.F281 does not work correctly with the library Belimo 2.5.300. (FAQ #100953)
  • Why are all MP-Bus FBoxes green but all values are zero? (FAQ #100744)
  • VAV box - PT1000 sensor doesn't work (FAQ #100621)
  • Why is the message: "Timeout" displayed in the Master Box? (FAQ #100601)
  • Why is the message: "module type" displayed in the master box? (FAQ #100600)
  • Why is the message: "no card echo" displayed in the "Master Box"? (FAQ #100599)
  • Why does the "Set Keypress" function not work? (FAQ #100583)
  • How can I connect Belimo MP-Bus modules to a Saia PCD®? (FAQ #100440)
  • Sensors on Belimo MP-Bus don't show the correct values (FAQ #100388)

PG5 2.0 / FTP-Server

  • Change of TCP Port Number. How to connect through FTP from WebEditor 8? (FAQ #101911)
  • Is it possible to create a restricted access to the PCD FTP-Server? (FAQ #101761)
  • Why do my "old" configurations files for the Ethernet protocols no longer work? (FAQ #101681)
  • Why can't the PCD write to a file on the file system after the file has been written over FTP? (FAQ #101378)
  • What Ethernet Ports are used by PCDs? (FAQ #101079)

Communication / CAN

  • Configuration of Data Mapping with the CAN Configurator (FAQ #101631)
  • Is CAN or CAN open supported by a PCD? (FAQ #101477)
  • Why can't I build a CAN Fupla in PG5 after it has been imported from PG5 1.4? (FAQ #101347)

Communication / EIB

  • Why can't I build a Fupla containing the "EIB driver FT1.2" project with PG5 2.0.200? (FAQ #101673)
  • Why isn't it possible to configure the lower part of an EIB address over 255? (FAQ #101614)
  • Loss of EIB telegrams due to a too long cycle time. (FAQ #101449)
  • What are the differences between the EIB FBox library 2.5.303 and 2.5.312? (FAQ #101331)
  • Why can I only read but not send EIB telegrams? (FAQ #101207)
  • No communication on the EIB Bus and the 'Collision' warning is set to 1 on the FBox! (FAQ #101093)
  • Example how to connect a BCU2 Bus Coupler Unit to a PCD3 (FAQ #101067)
  • Which EIB communication mode is supported by our FBox Library? (FAQ #101029)
  • EIB interface devices supported for FT1.2 and for EIBnet/IP (FAQ #100793)
  • Supported PCD communication ports for EIB/KNX driver (FAQ #100792)
  • Bug report concerning EIB library: BCU might "hang" (FAQ #100640)
  • Which EIB Bus interfaces devices are supported by the KNX/EIB FBox library? (FAQ #100618)

Communication / BACnet

  • What are the differences between the COSinus firmwares FW 1.28.11 and FW 1.28.51? (FAQ #102058)
  • On a PCD3.M6860 it’s possible to use BACnet on the Ethernet port ETH1 and/or on ETH2? (FAQ #102031)
  • How to know if the PCD integrated BACnet stack is running? (FAQ #102021)
  • Why after an download of a PG5 2.2.230 project to the PCD, where BACnet revision 14 is used, the application program on the PCD doesn’t work correctly and have a randomly unexpected/unwanted functionality? (FAQ #102013)
  • It’s possible to suppress the PCD Alarms on BACnet? (FAQ #101975)
  • Why is BACnet no longer working after an update of the BACnet Device Fbox? (FAQ #101886)
  • How can I realize schedules that work over midnight? (FAQ #101821)
  • How is it possible to analyze an Ethernet Network, especially for BACnet? (FAQ #101795)
  • Are there any restrictions about the number of characters for BACnet Objectname and Description? (FAQ #101788)
  • Gibt es Beschränkungen bei BACnet Description und BACnet Object Name ? (FAQ #101787)
  • Why does the PCD no longer run due to "BNt FAIL AI00006"? (FAQ #101712)
  • What are the differences between BACnet firmware 1.10.50 and 1.16.77? (FAQ #101598)
  • What are the differences between BACnet firmware 1.10.24 and 1.10.62? (FAQ #101454)
  • How can a BACnet Operator Workstation (B-OWS) know that a PCD has been restarted? (FAQ #101452)
  • BACnet failure messages (FAQ #101436)
  • Why does the DDC Suite FBox "Motor 2-speed" not swich to speed 2 if BACnet is used? (FAQ #101420)
  • Why does the BACnet "Upload/Merge" not work on very busy IP networks? (FAQ #101417)
  • Why are the outputs not working in my DDC Suite project (with BACnet enabled)? (FAQ #101254)
  • Can I run BACnet and LON on the same PCD at the same time? (FAQ #101216)
  • Why is there an offset to the current PCD time in the alarming timestamp? (FAQ #101212)
  • How it’s possible to know on the BACnet OPC-Server from Cimetrics if a PCD is accessible over BACnet? (FAQ #101131)
  • How to know whether the BACnet module is plugged in the PCD2/PCD3 and that the BACnet stack is running? (FAQ #101119)
  • How many BACnet objects can be defined per CPU? (FAQ #101118)
  • Where can I plug flash memory modules on a PCD3 CPU? (FAQ #101027)
  • How can I test my BACnet configuration without the foreign system? (FAQ #101023)
  • Why is it not possible to use priority 6 for commandable objects? (FAQ #101017)
  • Why is it not possible to use the same PLC Ressources multiple inside of the BACnet configuration. (FAQ #101016)
  • Why do I get an EDE Import Error: Unknown Object ? (FAQ #101015)
  • Why do I get an EDE Import Error: Cannot read EDE file! Unknown Format ? (FAQ #101014)
  • Why is a Schedule not writing to a referenced BACnet Object? (FAQ #101013)
  • Why can't I download a BACnet configuration even if I have a PCDx.R56x installed? (FAQ #101010)

PG5 2.0 / PPP/SNTP

  • How to do SNTP time synchronization of a PCD within a LAN without internet access (FAQ #101884)
  • Why do my "old" configurations files for the Ethernet protocols no longer work? (FAQ #101681)
  • Set up of a public SNTP server (FAQ #101249)

Communication / Dali

  • Can I use DALI on the PCD3.T666? (FAQ #101902)
  • Why the configuration of the DALI devices over PCD2.F2610 or PCD3.F261 and the F-Box ‘Dali Cfg Manger’ does not work correctly? (FAQ #101900)
  • Which DALI interface from Tridonic is needed in which case? (FAQ #101104)
  • How can DALI deviced be addressed? (FAQ #100863)
  • How are the DALI devices configured? (FAQ #100835)

Communication / EnOcean

  • What is new in the EnOcean library 2.6.147? (FAQ #101765)
  • What does the EnOcean function "live check" exactly do? (FAQ #101577)
  • Are the EnOcean receivers APG03U/B-RS485-Eno supported by the FBox library? (FAQ #101508)
  • Why is the reaction to a signal from an EnOcean sensor very slow? (FAQ #101453)
  • Why does the communication between a PCD and an Omnio "RS232/485 to EnOcean" converter not work? (FAQ #101174)
  • How to connect an RS-485 EnOcean device to the PCD? (FAQ #101106)

PG5 2.0 / Modbus

  • Why the Modbus communication over Ethernet between a Saia PCD and a Siemens S7-314C-2 does not work correctly? (FAQ #101973)
  • How to install the software "Serialtest Async"? (FAQ #101612)
  • How to interpret a Modbus over IP telegram in Wireshark? (FAQ #101441)
  • Is it possible to define a minimum delay between two Modbus requests? (FAQ #101423)
  • How to connect a TME Ethernet Thermometer to a PCD over Modbus? (FAQ #101411)
  • Is it possible to use port 502 TCP as Server and access port 502 as client on the same PCD? (FAQ #101334)
  • What are the differences between Modbus library $2.6.104 and 2.6.220? (FAQ #101295)
  • Correspondence between: Modbus Saia PG5® & Modbus Engiby (FAQ #101203)
  • Can I stop Wireshark based on a specific condition (e.g. Ether-S-Bus communication has stopped)? (FAQ #100840)

PG5 2.0 / M-Bus

  • Why do I get the error "Missing value" when reading some M-Bus devices? (FAQ #101762)
  • Incompatibility of PCD2 /PCD3.F27x(0) and "Hydrometer M-Bus Receiver 868" (FAQ #101717)
  • How to start and trouble-shoot M-Bus communication? (FAQ #101716)
  • Why can't I read data from a CALEC aquametro energy master device? (FAQ #101710)
  • What is new in the SBC M-Bus library 2.7.006? (FAQ #101604)
  • What does the error message "Too many data" mean? (FAQ #101554)
  • Why do some M-Bus devices not work on all ports of a PCD2.M5 or a PCD3? (FAQ #101382)
  • How many M-Bus devices can I connect to one single PCD? (FAQ #101364)

PG5 2.0 / JCI N2-Bus

  • Which devices can I connect using the JCI N2-Bus FBox library? (FAQ #101394)
  • Why do I get "Fatal error 391: Protected library used: _SBC_JCI_N2BUS"? (FAQ #100974)
  • Updating procedure for JCI N2-Bus (FAQ #100973)

PG5 2.0 / LON on IP

  • With PG5 2.1.100, why do I get the error "LONIP FAIL 1007" (FAQ #101831)

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
