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Security Upgrade for PCD Controllers

New Firmwareversions offering improvements in IT-Security for PCD Controllers are ready to download. >> More Infos

Connection of PCD controllers directly to the Internet

Reduce the risk of potential intruders in automation systems. Take appropriate protective measures in your PCD control. >>More Infos

Last changes to this site

Maintenance firmware 1.24.30 for 8 MB PCDs is available on the support homepage as well in the SBC PG5 update manager.

Thursday, 21. May 2015

The firmware 1.24.30 for PCD1.M0/M2, PCD2.M5, PCD3.Mxxx0, PCD3.Mxx60 and PCD7.D4xxxT5F is available on the support homepage as well in the SBC PG5 update manager.


The firmware 1.24.30 can be used only on PCD’s with 8 MB onboard firmware memory.
The table on the section "firmware for Saia PCD COSinus" on our support homepage does show the hardware dependencies in relation with the COSinus firmware versions.

The modification's are listed in FAQ 101921

New Visi.Plus version (Service Pack)

Tuesday, 28. April 2015

A new Visi.Plus version 1.6 (Service Pack) is now available on the support homepage

New BACnet Certificates available

Tuesday, 21. April 2015

The new BACnet Certificates that are valid until 04/2016 are available here.

BACnet Firmware 1.24.27 available on the support homepage

Thursday, 19. March 2015

The BACnet Firmware 1.24.27 is available on the support homepage.

Maintenance firmware 1.22.48 for “old” 4 MB PCDs is available on the support homepage as well in the SBC PG5 update manager.

Thursday, 19. March 2015

The firmware 1.22.48 for PCD1.M0/M2, PCD2.M5 and PCD3.Mxxx0, is available on the support homepage as well in the SBC PG5 update manager.

The firmware 1.22.48 can be used only on PCD’s with 4 MB onboard firmware memory.
The table on the section "firmware for Saia PCD COSinus" on our support homepage does show the hardware dependencies in relation with the COSinus firmware versions.

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
