Product Index

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    If you know our products and are looking for technical information you are at the right place here.


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  • System Catalogue 2022/2023

    A quick way to get an overview about our product range is to consult our system catalogue PLC, DDC, HMI, Web& IT

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Security Upgrade for PCD Controllers

New Firmwareversions offering improvements in IT-Security for PCD Controllers are ready to download. >> More Infos

Connection of PCD controllers directly to the Internet

Reduce the risk of potential intruders in automation systems. Take appropriate protective measures in your PCD control. >>More Infos

Last changes to this site

All classroom training are currently suspended due to the ongoing Coronavirus

Thursday, 12. March 2020

Please note, due to the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic all classroom training is currently suspended until further notice. We will soon provide information regarding the availability of ‘Virtual’ training sessions – we apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

New telephone numbers of the technical support for SBC in Germany, Austria and Switzerland

Monday, 02. March 2020

From 2. March 2020, the technical support of SBC in Germany, Austria and Switzerland can be reached via the following telephone numbers.

Version 2.1 of the Saia PCD Supervisor is available on the support homepage

Monday, 02. March 2020

The version 2.1 of the Saia PCD Supervisor can be downloaded from the support homepage.

Information’s about the corrections, new features and improvements can be found on the 'version overview' page.

Calls to the main number of SBC in Murten (026 580 30 00) are possible again.

Thursday, 13. February 2020

The technical problem has been solved an it's again possible to call the main number of SBC in Murten (026 580 30 00)

Not possilbe to call to the main number for SBC Murten 026 580 30 00

Monday, 10. February 2020

Due to technical problems, currently no calls to the main number of SBC Murten (026 580 30 00) are possible.
We are in the process of solving the problem.

However, you can reach us by e-mail.
Please send us your support requests to
Please send general inquiries to

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
