New firmware 1.08.16 for PCD1 E-Line Rio's

FAQ #102061

The PCD E-Line RIO's of the type:

  • PCD1.Axxx-A20
  • PCD1.B1xxx-A20
  • PCD1.B5xxx-A20
  • PCD1.G2xxx-A20
  • PCD1.G2100-A10
  • PCD1.G5xxx-A20
  • PCD1.W5200-A20

have been delivered since cw 47 2022 with the new E-Line RIO FW 1.08.16 (or newer) and the top print FW 2.01.00 (or newer).

Older E-Line RIO's which have been reprogrammed at our factory with the E-Line RIO FW 1.08.16 (or newer) and the top print FW 2.01.00 (or newer) are marked on the right side of the housing with a white sticker on which the number 255 can be seen in a circle.


How can it be recognised if the RIO's contain the new firmware?

Either by reading out the E-Line and top print firmware as described on FAQ 102059,
or by checking the date of manufacture of the E-Line RIOs.

  • Date of manufacture 2247 or later -> RIO contains new E-Line and top print firmware.
  • Date of manufacture 2246 or older and white sticker with 255 on the right side
    -> RIO contains new E-Line and top print firmware
  • Date of manufacture 2246 or older and no white sticker with 255 on the right side
    -> RIO does not contain new E-Line and top print firmware


Example of the printing of the date of manufacture on the E-Lien RIO (year 2019, week 09)


White sticker with 255 mark:


PCD1 / E-Line

Last update: 09.01.2023 15:32

First release: 19.12.2022 10:37

Views: 3

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
