On a PCD2.M4560 or PCD3.M5560, why the measured PT100 temperature values are not correct if the PT100 sensors are connected to PCD2.W220Z18 or PCD3.W220Z18 modules?
FAQ #102052
If the PCD2/3.W220Z18 card is plugged in to a ‘Power PCD‘ or a PCD2.C1000 or PCD2.C2000 and if all 8 analog inputs channels of the PCD2/3.W220Z18 module are connected to 8 PT100 sensors then the measured PT100 temperature values of the 8 channels are not correct.
‘Power PCD’s’ are:
- PCD1.M2x20, PCD1.M2160, PCD1.M2220-C15
- PCD2.M5540, PCD2.M5440, PCD2.M4160, PCD2.M4560
- PCD3.Mxx60
To solve the issue, use and connect only up to 7 PT100 sensors to the PCD2/3.W220Z18 or do use a PCD2/3.W350 module, if all 8 PT100 are needed.
On the ‘old’ PCD’s like PCD2.M170 or PCD3.M5540 the PCD internal power supply V+ was at 24V
On the ‘new’ ‘Power-PCD’s’ and the PCD2.C1000 and PCD2.C2000 the V+ is 16,5V
The electrical design of the PCD2/3.W220Z18 was done in that the way, that the internal power V+ of 24V was required to handle all 8 PT100 channels.
Since the ‘Power PCD’s’ and the PCD2.C1000/C2000 have a V+ of 16,5V the driver on the PCD2/3.W220Z18 don’t have enough power to handle all 8 PT100 signals correctly.
To solve the issue, use and connect only up to 7 PT100 sensors to the PCD2/3.W220Z18 or do use a PCD2/3.W350 module, if all 8 PT100 are needed.
PCD2 / Mxxx
PCD3 / Mxxx
PCD3 / Wxxx
PCD1 / M2xx0
PCD2 / M5xxx
PCD2 / M1xx
PCD2 / M48x
PCD2 / M4x60
PCD3 / W6x5
Last update: 03.03.2022 08:13
First release: 04.10.2021 15:50
Views: 2