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For the PCD7.LRxx-P5, what are the differences between the firmwares FW 1.10.00 and FW 1.10.07?
FAQ #102024
In August 2018:
the FW 1.10.07 was introduced into production for the PCD7.LRxx-P5
Firmware 1.10.07 (August 2018)
New features
- Add LED output on LRL2 (flag 4040)
Main corrections
- PCD7.LRxx-P5 configured as Modbus slave answer to all Modbus requests, indipendent if the Modbus request was for another device/UID
- Diagnostic register for E-line S-Bus communication does not give the same values as a PCD
- PCD7.LRxx-P5 as S-BUS master support now broadcast messages (e.g. clock)
- E-Line S-Bus multimedia telegram error
- JPI and JPD instructions does not work
- Wrong Halt message on factory new devices
PCD7 / Rxx-P5
Last update: 17.08.2018 12:46
First release: 17.08.2018 12:32
Views: 3