Why on a Windows 8 PC, the PGU port is not anymore visible on the PG5 1.4 online settings?

FAQ #101919

If you install PG5 1.4 on a Windows 8 PC, then the PGU Port is not anymore visible in the online settings of PG5.


This is a problem in relation with the access rights of Windows8.

PG5 1.4 has to be launched as administrator.
To start PG5 1.4 as administrator:
- Create a new short cut to the application 'PG5 1.4 project manager 'and 'run it as administrator'
- Browse to the installation folder of PG5 1.4 and there choose the file 'Spm.exe' and 'run it as administrator'

After this the PGU port is visible again in the online settings.



PG5 1.x

Last update: 30.05.2015 14:23

First release: 20.08.2014 14:38

Views: 152

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
