Why the configuration of the DALI devices over PCD2.F2610 or PCD3.F261 and the F-Box ‘Dali Cfg Manger’ does not work correctly?
FAQ #101900
Under certain conditions it’s possible that the configuration of the DALI devices with the F-Box ‘Dali Cfg Manger’ doesn’t work correctly.
Definition or changing of the DALI address of the DALI device, setting up the DALI parameters in the DALI device doesn’t work properly, then new values are not stored on the DALI device.
Description of the error:
Under certain conditions it’s possible that the configuration of the DALI devices with the F-Box ‘Dali Cfg Manger’ doesn’t work correctly.
Definition or changing of the DALI address of the DALI device, setting up the DALI parameters in the DALI device doesn’t work properly, then new values are not stored on the DALI device.
This behavior happens, if the transmission of the configuration telegrams from the PCD to the DALI devices takes to long time.
This situation could occur if the cycle time of the application program on the PCD is to long or if the PCD does use need some cycle time for other tasks (like BACnet communication)
To tests if the configuration is written correctly in to the DALI device, just read out the DALI parameters from the device after the writing of the parameters and compare this value with the previously written value.
We have fixed the problem in that way, that we do now handle the configuration telegrams directly in the PCD2.F2610 or PCD3.F261 DALI communication module.
The FW of the F2610/F261 module have to be at least the version 1.03.23.
The DALI configuration F-Box was also adapted to support the new firmware of the F2610/F261 module.
Use at least the ‘Dali-F26x’ Library version $2.7.358 or higher.
Technical reason:
The DALI specification does define for the configuration telegrams which have to be send to the DALI devices, that this configuration telegram have to be send two times to the DALI device.
The time delay between the first and the second configuration telegram has not to be longer then 100ms.
If the delay is > 100ms then the DALI devices does not accept the new configuration and does use the old parameters.
PCD2 / Fxxx
PCD3 / Fxxx
Communication / Dali
Last update: 20.05.2015 02:39
First release: 12.05.2014 13:49
Views: 242