How to do SNTP time synchronization of a PCD within a LAN without internet access

FAQ #101884


A Windows PC (or Windows Server) can be configured as an NTP server.

The PCD's can read the time via SNTP from this NTP server.


The clock of PCD's, located in a LAN without internet access should be synchronized over SNTP.

If there is a PC on the same network, then this PC could be used as SNTP Server for the PCD's.
The PCD's could read the time via SNTP from this NTP server.
In the Device Configurator, the IP address of the NTP Server (Windows PC or Windows Server) must be defined as SNTP server.

Configuring a PC (or Server) as NTP Server:
Instructions for:
Windows 2000; Win
dows XP; Windows Server 2003; Windows Server 2008 (32-bit)

1Open the registry editor with "Start -> Run... -> regedit".
2Search for the code
3Edit the "LocalNTP" value and set it to 1.
- If the "LocalNTP" value does not exist in your system, create a new DWORD value.
0 means deactivated, 1 means activated.
4Restart the computer to make the changes effective.

Instructions for: Windows 7 (32-bit & 64-bit); Windows 2008 Server R2 (64-bit)

1Stop the "Windows Time" service under START > Control Panel > System and Security > Administrative Tools > Services.
2Open the registry editor with "Start -> Run... -> regedit".
3Search for the code
4Set the "Enabled" value to 1
5Search for the code
6Set the "AnnounceFlags" value to 5
7Start the "Windows Time" again and set the start type to "Automatic" if not already done.


Changes in the Registry can lead to unexpected problems requiring you to reinstall your system.
We cannot guarantee that problems arising from changes in the registry can be solved.
Changes in the Registry are entirely at the user's own risk.
Take also care that the UDP Port 123 is not blocked otherwise the NTP synchronization doesn't work.



PG5 2.0 / PPP/SNTP

Last update: 28.05.2015 04:27

First release: 17.02.2014 10:20

Views: 317

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
