What is new in the EnOcean library 2.6.147?

FAQ #101765

With PG5 2.0.220 the EnOcean FBox library version 2.6.147 is delivered.

This FAQ lists the main modifications to this FBox library.


EnOcean library 2.6.147 (March 2012)

  • New FBox "EOR 7x0 EVC":
    An FBox for the EnOcean gateway from Sensortec has been added
  • FBox "Receive Any":
    The data outputs D0..D3 were labelled incorrectly (Data0 instead of Data3 etc.)

EnOcean library 2.6.130 (May 2011)

  • New FBox:
    An FBox for the Thermokon SRC-Ethernet gateway has been added



Communication / EnOcean

PG5 2.0 / FBox Libraries

Last update: 27.05.2015 09:13

First release: 15.06.2012 05:56

Views: 23976

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
