What are the differences between the PCD7.F1xx and the PCD7.F1xxS

FAQ #101755

This FAQ explains the differences between the old PCD7.F1xx and the new PCD7.F1xxS communication modules.


The main reason for redesigning the PCD7.F1xx modules was to make it smaller, that it fits on a PCD1.M2xxx. Additionally there where some new functions implemented like:

  • LEDs for visualization of communication

  • ID to be recognized by the PCD

  • Housing for easier handling and labeling

  • Compatibility with all PCD systems 

<font face="Arial">
Comparison of PCD7.F1xx and PCD7.F1xxS

</font><font face="Arial">At the moment the hardware version is “A” and it is not yet packed in a housing, in near future the same HW version will be available inside a housing.

PCD7.F1xxS with and without housing

To complete the redesign and accomplish all requirements a hardware version “B” will be created which will be compatible to all systems, please refer to the related FAQ linked below for compatibility.






PCD7 / Fxxx

Last update: 28.02.2017 14:02

First release: 16.05.2012 10:01

Views: 12644

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
