How to install the software "Serialtest Async"?

FAQ #101612

As the hardware probes do work as USB dongles for the software Serialtest Async (version and later), the according USB drivers need to be installed before starting the installation of the software.


Procedure for installing Serialtest Async

  • Make sure your hardware probe (USB probe for RS232 or RS485 networks) is up to date
  • Get the right USB device drivers for Windows
    in case you'll install Serialtest Async you can use the driver files attached to this FAQ
  • Plug the USB probe to your PC
  • When Windows asks you for the driver files, browse to the (unzipped) driver files (e.g. the ones from this FAQ)
  • Once the USB device is successfully installed, launch the installer for Serialtest Async from Frontline Test Equipment, Inc.

Related Files:


PG5 2.0 / Serial-S-Bus

PG5 2.0 / Modbus

Last update: 30.05.2015 03:09

First release: 10.05.2011 06:57

Views: 23272

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
